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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. Yes there should be a legacy job like "void rp respected" that can kos any job.
  2. Never ask for money sugar will nerf it in the long term if there is a surplus of cash.
  3. Nah just add more respected especially people with zero warns and over 500 hours on the server if there are any.
  4. I mean you wouldnt know the difference since you are one of those perma banned users.
  5. Soon they will be the graves of the perma banned users of the server like wantednearby and kevin tran.
  6. Idk with all of zesh's alts on the server that easy 100 mil for him
  7. Nah thats just zek's skill at scamming he makes you think you outsmarted him when it was him that outsmarted you. Might want to check your ssn number he probly has been using it for months .
  8. Good but you will never outsmart zek he will scam you 100%
  9. Please we already know you are head admin material.
  10. Server wide discord meeting, And have sugar make a lootbox with some rare stuff for that day.
  11. Yes like a fisherman job that gets higher chance of rare fish when fishing and gets crab meat if he kill a player on crab job that he can use to make special dishes that give different perks like talisman. Add indentured servant system that allows a user to pick different mission for a player to do that is like a quest like "chop 50 trees" or "make 10 of x item" that gives the owner the product automatically after the indentured servant completes the mission and gives the servant, servant tokens to buy items from the servant shop.
  12. Your dad is a lesbian and you should get smite by the Lord K Dawg himself. I can confirm since i am his lover.
  13. With lootboxes and treasure hunter giving you other people sweps, tokens, ect. I think there needs be more inventory or bank size . At least a way to buy more space like inventory tokens. Also a button to auto combine duplicate items you have in your inventory. Lastly a way to sort items like value or alphabatical order.
  14. Nah it needs to be a bigger range its objectively underpowered as is.
  15. Booper is sugar tbh, thats why they both sound like morgan freeman
  16. Good point thats is why we shouls buff the jug.
  17. Correct tbh we should have all classes that spawn with gun be vip or vip+
  18. why not both? I don't play videogames to be afk 50% of my time playing them. why don't you come up with something useful to say instead of saying stupid and predictable shit that has already been said and disputed several times in the thread? Maybe remove kidnapping so these whiny adults could play their video games!!!!!!!!! Kidnapping doesn't need to be changed since it's been nerfed into the ground. It's your fault for being kidnapped all the time, I only get kidnapped by mass kidnappers when I'm tabbed out or just fucking about in OOC. If you get kidnapped in RP you're a master at not being aware of your surroundings. PS: I forgot to add that my opinion does matter mingy peanut. Im not sure if you saw what Mentor said, but players don't log onto Tits just to sit in a box half the time nor go afk. Read. so you are complaining about your rp being distrupted by others RPing? lmao open ur eyes and maybe you can get the kidnapper before he gets ya. Someone pissed in ur cheerios this morning be honest, most people do not RP as kidnappers they do it just to do it, or to get XP, or to annoy people. kidnapping for xp or to annoy people is still rp False. Kidapping to annoy people is classified as minging. As an ex-staff I would expect you to know that. Some people's rp is other people annoyance, i personally like being kidnap if the kidnaper acyully rps and dosent just kidnap you and is inactive with his victims.
  19. Easy solution is to have a zesh job that will pick someone at random that has no entites on the server when there are too many entities. that will make them invincible and gives them a gun that can make props noclip and destroys entities . They lose the job after x amount of time or after x amount of entities are destroyed.
  20. Yea sugar should remove the coldown for kidnaping.
  21. Add more cameras that the mayor can view inside his office of more areas around the map and have it so it will auto want someone if they are lockpicking or such while the mayor is viewing them. Add a cemetery where you can veiw all the perma banned players.
  22. Add a loyalty system that rewards you for playing an x amount of time, such as getting respected if you have 1k+ hours and no warns or free vip. Add a insurance system that players can buy that will cover entities such as printers or processors of they are destroyed in a raid and be able to caim them at full upgrade and xp, but wont produce anything for lile 30 min so it cant be exploited. Add a gambling system that you earn a different type of currency that you use to buy currecny exclusive item or perks with. Bring back king of the hill event. Make darth vader a gang leader. Add a work system in the jail that will reduce a players jail time and make the pd money.
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