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Head Respected of TitsRP


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Head Respected of TitsRP

  1. I mean anyone that doesn't have hundred of millions to waste on coinflips so about 80% of the server.
  2. Description: 5% tax on all coinflip winnings Reason: Why not, give some that money to everyone on the server or it all goes into the bank
  3. Good point we should have speakers around the map that read the laws with text to speech on repeat so the new players know the rules and have them so loud they cant not hear it
  4. True they should have it if you kill your target you can instantly use your ability again.
  5. This class should be like Juggernaut class but on steroids. Without having the movement depuffs of the jug class and being slightly faster than the normal cp classes. It also should have double the health and armor of the jug class. An ability with like 30 min cooldown to see printers through walls with that is near them. Can see a player's bounties above their head. Has a op stun gun that will stun someone for 5 seconds completely if they have a bounty over 10k. AOE passive that gives nearby cps damage resistance and buffs their damage. Equipped with jetpack swep It has a normal pistol that isn't a stun gun that just slows a person when they get hit by it. Make it a legacy job since its very powerful class A powerful minigun will do bleed/damage overtime if they get hit by it so many times within a short time.
  6. Damn and i thought you were smarter than markcx
  7. Bro no need to call out markcx like that. :(
  8. Actually true we need to bring it back to 20k |
  9. Damn when will you apply for staff you obviously are the smartest person on the discord
  10. Actual good idea, tbh this would be a buff that cps actual need to compete against broken cc classes #buffcp #makecpgoodagain #unbanmarkcx
  11. The max fine limit should be double to 10k since 5k isn't a lot. Although there are alot of new players that play cp that difference of 5k would mean alot and would encourage players to play cp.
  12. Just allow people to base on the streets like the good old days. When wantednearby wasn't perma banned
  13. True buff that c4 cause its breaking my immersion right now.
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