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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Blob

  1. Blob


    I believe we should turn the the volume for the hobos that dive into dumpsters. Every time I go in those as a hobo I basically get earraped for clicking fast! That is all.
  2. Never knew that was a thing @Spartan but staff should make that video more public knowledge
  3. I have seen a lot of new people not knowing what to do on the CC editor or how to even obtain a CC. I think we should have a video showing new people how it works and what the different functions there is to it.
  4. I forgot your birthday BUT happy late birthday Jack
  5. In-game name: Blob Cuckingson SteamID: STEAM_0:1:541275279 My Halloween plan: For halloween im going to go trick-or-treating with my little sister, then i will steal all here gummy candies. >:)
  6. Blob

    Mr Bones

    I've been wanting to suggest thus for awhile so here it is. I feel as though Mr bones should be able to fish with his job. He is classified as a citizen job so i want to give the job permission to fish
  7. Gerbs stop gambling..... but i do agree.
  8. In-game name: Blob Cucksington SteamID: STEAM_0:1:541275279 Something fun you'll be doing during Summer: Ill be visiting my Family members in Kentucky. Shooting guns and riding Four wheelers!
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