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�� It's Ya Boi Green ��


�� It's Ya Boi Green �� last won the day on March 25 2023

�� It's Ya Boi Green �� had the most liked content!


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  1. Drugs already give probably the most money if you have a lot of plots. There is 0 reason we should make one of the best ways to make money easier for people. Also literally planting 1 mega seed is not hard to do at all
  2. remove the hoverboard it makes the model wonky and its a bad rip-off of festive penguin pet. It will be 100% be better without the hoverboard like tene said.
  3. My opinion on it is basically just it should be warnable if continuosly used against a person, like harrassment and shit like that. But just saying it shouldn't be warnable, you aren't really targetting anyone with it so nobody should get mad honestly.
  4. https://www.free-iqtest.net/score/3A24/ smarter than rubik. not suprised
  5. It's Ya Boi Green Mayne#3508 Chocolate sucks so like gummies or something.
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