February 12th Major Changelog [February Update]
Added Jackpot
Added a new MOTD
Added Gambling Stats
Added a new settings menu
Added the ability to see the average market price some items have when hovering over them
Added banipsteamid & permaban command for staff
Added a few new settings: Disable OOC, Disable Kill Feed, Disable Chatbox
Added the Marketplace / Auction House to the F4 menu
Added /it command
Changed the hacker's job description, disable gambling notification, Leveling menu XP hovering, Black Market UI help, Goon Meat description
Changed hacking spotting duration for the security specialist from 10 -> 30 seconds
Changed the likely chance to catch the fishing pet and hobo pet by 250%
Changed the Auction House Spawner NPC -> Black Market Spawner NPC (does not require the talent)
Changed Boots of Speed, speed boost from 25% -> 65%
Changed the pickup time disallow effect for the Holy Grenade from 10 -> 30 seconds
Changed Admin Stick -> Fish Stick
Improved F4 visuals, Black Market Visuals, Goon Chunk visuals, Admin stick visuals
Improved sounds for the Goon Egg, Pickaxe and Axe (when attacking someone)
Made it so Goons will update party relations when someone joins the party
Made it so the Serial Killer will make the victim drop any droppable items when killed
Made it so vehicles and entities are merged into one page on the F4 menu
Made it so staff can see the item the victim was holding when attacked and shows their new health
Made it so you can punt basketballs
Made it so pooled XP now persists through crashes for the spirit caller
Made it so the uncuffing enchant now requires the shooting player to be close to the cuffed player
Made it so notifications can parse complex strings to show complex data
Made it so there is player feedback when trying to pick up an item after it has been Holy Grenaded
Made it so Bank doors open when the bank is being raided
Fixed an issue where you could kill Staff on Duty with a Shadow Knife
Fixed an issue with multiple grenades trying to interact with dead players
Fixed an issue where you could not use a jump swep if non lethaled after dying
Fixed an issue where if making a coinflip too fast, it may override someone else's coinflip
Fixed an issue where having no items in your gambling inventory wouldn't give any feedback
Fixed an issue where the Wanted status would persist through death
Fixed an issue where modals may soft lock your game
Fixed an issue where the basketball in the basketball court would be frozen sometimes
Fixed a rare error with the casino wheel
Potentially fixed an issue where avatars on the gambling dashboard would flicker
Potentially fixed not getting CC data properly