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  1. Today
  2. Those are PS2 ports so tbh I don’t think there is much to compress of these.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Either hazmat needs to spawn with the bible swep, or be able to forcefeed people bleach since there's no way for the job to be able to cure people and get the xp for it
  5. its gonna look the same but rubik will compress it to 256x256, so expect very blurry textures unless you have flat-colored colors thats if he allows the models
  6. April 29th Changelog Added a toggle to the settings menu to disable the darkrp chat sound Fixed C4 line-of-sight breaking for some larger fences and props with weird collision bounds Fixed detective scanner revealing mr bones identity Made it so trying to spawn a dupe that contains colliding props will just skip that prop rather than failing Toggling ADS while in third person and then swapping to another weapon will swap you back to third person Fixed some typos in xp descriptions Fixed an issue that was preventing some Suga Shop purchases from going through Fixed looping of animations Added a notification when disbanding your gang that you will lose extra inventory slots Fixed gangs with more than 20 players being unable to take advantage of any perks or talents Fixed a rare lua error when claiming a gang leaderboard reward Added additional logging for gang leaderboards Reworked the crash menu a bit
  7. I did test it lol but it may not pop up as desired in-game, also I don’t look at workshop rules
  8. Last week
  9. "please test it" that's on you as the importer my guy and what happened to forbidding self-imported models unless they become popular on the workshop?
  10. When I have saved shadow removed props it saves the props but not the shadow remover effect. would be nice qol if it saved that
  11. i think you are missing the point. make a base yourself and use shadow remover tool and tell me there isn't a clear difference. it makes players stand out more.
  12. i feel like anything that falls into QOL is inherently not high priority lmao. that being said. the only situation where this is needed is those hidden skybases in kinngdom. aside from that mainly some public bases might want it but it isnt much more than a cosmetic change
  13. I think this is worded dumb. It should say Having a weapon without a license if the next sentence will say weapon which includes knives and shit. Just holding a weapon makes the most sense and we as staff cant see in logs that someone looked at you with a gun. If someone is holding a gun that clues you in that they could have other shit on them. The example says brandishing a firearm not a weapon. Again this shit needs to be reworded "If you are searched and possess a weapon without a license you can be arrested." The confusion is again because the thing is worded dumb and it should say "Having a weapon without a license" or it should remove the mentions of weapons in it and change it to firearms. I would say it warrants an arrest unless someone here wants to argue that you should fine the person till they reach 0 dollars and get sent to jail for not being able to pay the fine.
  14. im sending pics and links to the addon link to nintendo rn pussy
  15. a possible fix could be incorporating a standalone material that removes the shadows. So basically a material with its shadows removed. if possible. thank you.
  16. I considered this bug a high priority due to the fact, that the shadow remover tool does a lot for bases. It removes the buggy flashing colors when props are stacked together, and also removes inconsistencies with colors due to shadows.
  17. tell him no dont let him swap his model
  18. I’m not on the Discord, can you add me on “kashpainnt”?
  19. Rule: Having a firearm without a license: If you are searched and possess a weapon without a license you can be arrested. Police need a valid RP reason or probable cause to randomly search you for illegal weapons. (ex. You advertise illegal items/services for sale, you brandish a firearm, or you have an active bounty). — You can be arrested for these actions The rules specify that unlicensed possession and brandishing of firearms warrant a weapon check. Is brandishing defined as merely holding a weapon, or does it involve actively aiming or flaunting it? For example, if I'm roleplaying as Chucky and holding a knife, does that count as brandishing that justifies a check? If any illegal weapon is discovered during such a check, regardless of type, does that lead to arrest? I'm trying to determine: Does merely holding a weapon without a license, regardless of type, justify a weapon check and potentially lead to arrest? If so, why do the rules specify only firearms as illegal unless any weapon is discovered upon search? Instances of Arrest for Holding a Knife: Using the handcuff menu, if someone repeatedly warrants a fine, am I allowed to arrest them? For example, if I fine someone for building in the streets and they continue, does that warrant an arrest or should I just fine them again?
  20. I know nintendo has a history of doing this, but im curious to how this is going to play out. because as far as i am aware facepunch isn't the one creating and adding this stuff to the game. Its all player created available on the workshop and server owners have included them on their servers. I truly believe facepunch can beat the case. maybe im wrong im no lawyer. But the fact nintendo coming at facepunch is honestly bullshit. They need to go after steam, or the individual players who create the content. I still remember playing deathrun on Counter Strike Source, and one of my favorite maps to speedrun bhop was the mario map....BIG RIP
  21. you really think it's funny, but it's fucking not. you should not be making light of this situation.
  22. doesnt matter dont care what good has it done nintendo are communist supporters theres more female models than male models
  23. Alot of people are having this issue right now and Rubik is well aware im sure. If you need to access those items i heard somone say the got to them by sorting inv by rarity. That being said i was able to fix the issue by buying more bank slots and causing inventory to shift on purpose
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