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Staff Sucks


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Staff on TitsRP is literally a joke to be honest. I joined today and there is a head mod on with some other mods literally watching shit turn into chaos. There is skybasing, mass rdm happening and staff are not doing shit. LMFAO

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You are right, the staff need to be taught how to do their jobs or else they will face demotion. We really need mods to do their shit. With Crt gone, who knows what's going to happen. I got Taj and Gazooks to come back for a bit yesterday, so hopefully they will continue to play and save the idiots. I can assure you I will do my best to solve the issues people have while I am on, however that might not be for a while, as relatives are making me go to this server called "real life".


Il be on tonight.

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I'm sorry to hear this but keep in mind to take note of who you see being lazy because mods and other staff that are active are frequently in sits to make up for other staff that do not do anything. Try to get names down so we can demote because I am sick of hearing that staff doesn't do their job and it puts more stress o others to do more sits.

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I don't think the staff are bad at their jobs, I just think that they're inconsistent. On multiple occasions i've been sitting in the same spot, calling for a mod while there are multiple on to no response for over 5 minutes. I understand that they are people like us and want to roleplay on a roleplay server, but if there are more than four moderators on then at least one can stop rping for a couple minutes to deal with a rule  breaker (A mod finally came after he had just joined the server to a friend and I repeatedly asking for help in @ chat)

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Well thank fucking god you know what, they're doing something, I mean shit, they had the time to warn me for disrupting a sit, so they're not completely useless

ps: the Head mod was on with like 5 people Mass RDMing and shit... but it's fine, because he was spectating me for the whole fucking duration of him being on.



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Even when there is like 5 mods on they still don't help, and most of them just go afk like if you are going afk put /job AFK!! I'm sick of going to a mod asking for help when i just get stared at becuase no one is there. I get it that mods like to roleplay but even when they are roleplaying they see crazy shit in front of them and doesn't do anything. Like if you see the same guy calling for help in admin chat and no other staff is going to them and just spend like 10 mins of your time and help the person out rather then just see him upset and not join anymore.

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Like Ospevon says I have been off for the holidays and get some videos or screen shots, or any proof at all, once someone actually gets demoted for

it then some staff members may come to their senses and do things. I am not seclusion my self from these staff members, sometimes I don't go to certain people because the piss me off. Please even if it's me get some proof and report them.

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