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cool guy


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by cool guy

  1. Idk if this is the right thread to suggest stuff but maybe you Caan add a SWEP to deposit or withdraw money on the go
  2. Yea, the plugin is in DarkRP by default. Just we have it at 0 seconds. Reason being that if a prop spammer comes and spams, our staff have the instinct to kick / ban them first rather to clear their entities (which they may not even be able to do that) BUT when you do that, it doesn't solve the issue of the server lagging. When the timer is on 0 for when a player leaves, then it does solve the issue. maybe to fix mods not being able to, add a command that Clears the props and stuff then it bans. for example it could be !cban (Clears & Bans) I don't know if mods will actually remember to use it or not, but it could be a nice feature
  3. Title says it all. Can't play during the week b/c of school, don't wanna play on weekend until update hits. Just letting you all know if anyone was wondering
  4. Because private messaging isnt a thing on these forums
  5. You need CS:S, HL2:E1 and HL2:E2 i know i have CS:S, i don't know about those other things but i guess can you tell me where i can get them? http://kajar9.wix.com/cscheater2/ You can download textures from that site, not the games
  6. Maybe we could get a custom loading screen that showcases different parts of the map. I saw it on a server once and it was cool
  7. ew ps4 xbox all the way feller
  8. This is the cringiest thing i've seen ever.
  9. Add an unwant thing for the new Quickwant baton the cops have. It'll be real useful if a cop accidently wants the wrong guy in the heat of the moment. Typing out /unwanted could result in the actual culprit getting away.
  10. Aren't ads based on your searches??? Do you have something lacking in the downstairs region?
  11. Infiltrators should be able to raid from inside bases. Point of the claservers is to be sneaky and I you can sneak into bases following their owners inside you should be able to raid from inside
  12. Your Steam Name: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Your ingame name: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Your Steam Profile: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) What segment would you like to be a part of?: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Why do you want to join the team?: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Anything else you would like to add? (leave blank if you have nothing to add) Well actually, yes I would! I would like to tell my journey story of wanting to join the press. It would make my day if I were accepted. I'm going to let you in on a little story. Once apon a time, there was a little boy who went by the name Max. This young boy was ever so amazed about the cool jobs that the press got to do. He was a nosy little runt, and enjoyed knowing about everyone's business, which is exactly what the press got to do. One day he was busy avoiding homework by playing on the popular sandbox-based game called Garry's Mod, that he didn't notice his dad got a job at the press office. When he went downstairs to have some dinner with his family, for his family ate together every single day, he noticed that his family was buzzing with conversation. "What's all of this about?" asked the young Max. "Well your Dad is now employed at the TitsRP News!" replied his mother. Max was awestruck at how someone he knew for all his life had suddenly become so important and cool. His Dads image had changed in his mind ever since that day. A couple days have gone by and he was curious about how the Press made all their newspapers, so he asked his Dad about it. "Well son," said his dad, "you see, we run sort of a research gossip thing. We have reporters who work their butts off getting stories which then our editors compile together and it's all published in a newspaper called 'The TitsRP News'". Max was so awestruck from this explanation that he just had to join the press. "Dad, Dad! How can I join the newspaper team!" " he cried. "Well it's simple, all you have to do is ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" The End ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  13. You were also in one of Zuthar's videos, and in another Lost video a couple months ago was Erston, Ospevon, and asura.
  14. cool guy


    what are u talking about, it's 2014
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