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CP arrest rules


Should this be added?  

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  1. 1. Should this be added?

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Hi, ive noticed while playing on this server that the CP are far to op when it comes to arresting. Regardless of the fact that you might be filling him with bullets like a porn star with jizz, he manages to make the arrest just because he got within 5 feet of you. I personally find this annoying as all shit because it's not realistic. And yes before someone comments "It's a video game not real life" I know this. I suggest that a rule be added preventing cops from "Baton Rushing." All it needs to say is that if you're a cop and you are being shot at, you cant rush someone for an arrest. This doesn't mean if you're like .2 seconds away from arresting someone and they shoot you once that you should stop and kill that person, but that you cant just run at someone across an open room, all the while eating more lead than some of the people in Alabama, and put some cuffs on the guy. This would make the already OP cops (EX: The stun gun, which i love and hate at the same time.) just a bit more fair for the casual people who don't sit on here 24/7 grinding money and perfecting their combat. I would love to see this added not only to slightly nerf the cops but to add a tiny bit of realism to arresting. After all, this is Darkrp, role-playing life as whatever you want. 


I would love see any and all feedback from player who either like or hate this idea.

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Lowering the hit rate of the arrest baton i think is the solution to this since it will make it more punishing for a cop if they happen to miss their arrest whether it be that they were too far away or misses. This won't make the actual mechanic of arresting any worse or better but I personally think its in a good spot, just making it a bit less forgiving to miss might be the solution.

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I already see it a little difficult to cuff people without insta cuff perk

Without insta cuff its more balanced but I spend more time basing like a gremlin so I dont have much more opinion on this subject

Also it makes more sense to rush for an arrest than shoot them because its easier, also most people have a mastersword to run away as well

I also see more cops shooting back than cuff rushing

People only cuff rush if they have a bunch of CP perks (TheDD)

Overall I think CP are balanced

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Hi, ive noticed while playing on this server that the CP are far to op when it comes to arresting. Regardless of the fact that you might be filling him with bullets like a porn star with jizz, he manages to make the arrest just because he got within 5 feet of you. I personally find this annoying as all shit because it's not realistic. And yes before someone comments "It's a video game not real life" I know this. I suggest that a rule be added preventing cops from "Baton Rushing." All it needs to say is that if you're a cop and you are being shot at, you cant rush someone for an arrest. This doesn't mean if you're like .2 seconds away from arresting someone and they shoot you once that you should stop and kill that person, but that you cant just run at someone across an open room, all the while eating more lead than some of the people in Alabama, and put some cuffs on the guy. This would make the already OP cops (EX: The stun gun, which i love and hate at the same time.) just a bit more fair for the casual people who don't sit on here 24/7 grinding money and perfecting their combat. I would love to see this added not only to slightly nerf the cops but to add a tiny bit of realism to arresting. After all, this is Darkrp, role-playing life as whatever you want. 


I would love see any and all feedback from player who either like or hate this idea.


Most guns can kill a fully armored person in under 2 seconds. I can kill people in less than a quarter of a second using an AWP quickscope. Baton rushing is my least used technique because of how unreliable it is against people who actually want to finish the raid they started. If they're anywhere but a small enclosed hallway, it's not gonna work. Maybe the steps to the second floor of the PD or the hallway on the first floor leading to the courtroom. Anywhere with more room than that, and especially anywhere on the streets, it won't work on anyone who doesn't actually want to take a baton up the butt.


Pay attention during raids and use your gun. There are times where I succeed because instead of shooting me people actually stop and complain I'm running with my baton out like a teacher scolding me for running with scissors. 


How would we implement a rule like this? Someone's running at someone with a baton but the guy notices while they're still across the room and starts shooting so the cop has to stop and take it? Would it be cuff rushing if he switched to his cuffs? What if he's across fountain and it's a firefight? I've never been successfully baton rushed in any of my PD raids so I'm not exactly sure what the big deal is, and it's not for a lack of effort in people trying to get me. In most instances I see the cop just dies because they're running at the guy instead of shooting back and in the 1/10 instances it does succeed the arrestee will usually complain in chat how it's OP.



I agree with Piklas. I rarely see a baton rush happen, much less succeed, but lowering the baton rate of fire might be an interesting balance against this, and would definitely make it more skill-based especially in the tight-corridor situations.

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Here we go again. Another complaint about the CPs allegedly being "too op". First it was the Juggernaut nerf, then Insta-cuffs, now you're going after arrest batons?! Let's be honest here, this is just an attempt to further nerf the cps so that raiders and other criminals can run around with impunity. You said adding realism to arresting? How about adding realism to raiding? The way a lot of people "raid" isn't realistic either. But I digress. The rate of fire for the arrest baton? Seriously? You're grasping at straws at this point.

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Here we go again. Another complaint about the CPs allegedly being "too op". First it was the Juggernaut nerf, then Insta-cuffs, now you're going after arrest batons?! Let's be honest here, this is just an attempt to further nerf the cps so that raiders and other criminals can run around with impunity. You said adding realism to arresting? How about adding realism to raiding? The way a lot of people "raid" isn't realistic either. But I digress. The rate of fire for the arrest baton? Seriously? You're grasping at straws at this point.


You are free to explain why you think it shouldn't be changed rather than just rant that you dont like the idea.


My suggestion is simply because I do see and have seen people do what the op explains and think that it really doesn't have any requiremennnt in terms of skill if you think lowering rate of fire of the arrest baton is a bad idea that would lead me to belive you're the type of person who would just spam arrest baton while running towards them, which imo isn't rewarding gameplay. Instead if the fire rate is slightly lowered it will be more punishing to players that just run around spamming it. It is not a nerf to most cops and adds a little more skill based gameplay to the job. Like Wilmer said in a corridor or in a corner this would be most noticable since for example if you surprise the raider but miss you are punished for it but you are still rewarded for hitting it. Unskilled gameplay is something I do not like and I think you should be punished for making mistakes, with an exception being that you spend a dumb amount of money on one life to get to be unskilled.

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Here we go again. Another complaint about the CPs allegedly being "too op". First it was the Juggernaut nerf, then Insta-cuffs, now you're going after arrest batons?! Let's be honest here, this is just an attempt to further nerf the cps so that raiders and other criminals can run around with impunity. You said adding realism to arresting? How about adding realism to raiding? The way a lot of people "raid" isn't realistic either. But I digress. The rate of fire for the arrest baton? Seriously? You're grasping at straws at this point.


You are free to explain why you think it shouldn't be changed rather than just rant that you dont like the idea.


My suggestion is simply because I do see and have seen people do what the op explains and think that it really doesn't have any requiremennnt in terms of skill if you think lowering rate of fire of the arrest baton is a bad idea that would lead me to belive you're the type of person who would just spam arrest baton while running towards them, which imo isn't rewarding gameplay. Instead if the fire rate is slightly lowered it will be more punishing to players that just run around spamming it. It is not a nerf to most cops and adds a little more skill based gameplay to the job. Like Wilmer said in a corridor or in a corner this would be most noticable since for example if you surprise the raider but miss you are punished for it but you are still rewarded for hitting it. Unskilled gameplay is something I do not like and I think you should be punished for making mistakes, with an exception being that you spend a dumb amount of money on one life to get to be unskilled.


Tbh, I forgot that the op was about baton rushing. Making a rule about it is pointless imo since TitsRP is a server where you have to be wanted for the arrest baton to even work. I see new players try to only use the arrest baton and they learn VERY quickly it doesn't work. The wanted stick timer already keeps baton rushing in check since you have to aim at the right person. As for cuff rushing, insta cuffs are more widespread and even with the nerfs to the distance, are some times more effective than getting in a firefight you know you'll lose.


Also, adding a rule like that could potentially make the cps more trigger-happy than they already can be. Most cps I see on the server try to arrest first (for the money), and I can see a rule like this shifting the behavior to a "shoot first, ask questions later" mentality.

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Hi, ive noticed while playing on this server that the CP are far to op when it comes to arresting. Regardless of the fact that you might be filling him with bullets like a porn star with jizz, he manages to make the arrest just because he got within 5 feet of you. I personally find this annoying as all shit because it's not realistic. And yes before someone comments "It's a video game not real life" I know this. I suggest that a rule be added preventing cops from "Baton Rushing." All it needs to say is that if you're a cop and you are being shot at, you cant rush someone for an arrest. This doesn't mean if you're like .2 seconds away from arresting someone and they shoot you once that you should stop and kill that person, but that you cant just run at someone across an open room, all the while eating more lead than some of the people in Alabama, and put some cuffs on the guy. This would make the already OP cops (EX: The stun gun, which i love and hate at the same time.) just a bit more fair for the casual people who don't sit on here 24/7 grinding money and perfecting their combat. I would love to see this added not only to slightly nerf the cops but to add a tiny bit of realism to arresting. After all, this is Darkrp, role-playing life as whatever you want. 


I would love see any and all feedback from player who either like or hate this idea.

Nah they are pretty nerfed as is if anything they need a major buff, since there could be  one cp and a mayor. The 98 players  could raid the pd at once to kill the mayor.

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