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Gun Balance


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Rich gotta be rewarded somehow. It doesn’t have to be stupidly OP and can easily be made available to everyone.

The rich are already rewarded in a stupid amount of ways, they don't need more



I definitely agree that some tweaking is long due, but I want to throw in my two cents and say that Sugar should find weapons that GD can spawn but CC's can't buy from the editor (or create a line of new guns that only the GD/supplier can spawn) and make those weapons strong. It will incentivize CC users to seek out a gun store where they can get an objectively better weapon for cheap. Not to mention these weapons will hold some market value.


I +1 this idea, giving a new line of weapons to the Gun Dealer facilitates more interaction on the server (not a lot of people set up gun shops) and allows for a good way to make money for new players




Removing weapons isnt a good idea. It honestly shouldn't be too hard to balance everything. Maybe we should display stats when buying weapons? From GD or wherever else.


Considering there's a lot of weapons, it's harder than you think. I think removing a few of them and balancing most would be the best approach


I think doing something like this would be some convince people to base more often (not a lot of people do it) and go to the gun dealer more often.

Encouraging people to go to the Gun Dealer more often is a good idea, basing more, not so much. There's already enough encouragement to base and this would just lead to less interaction within the server.



There's currently way to many guns with the power level of each being skewed quite a bit. The idea of being able to compare stats in the shipment menu is a good idea that could prevent people from buying the guns that are terrible.

Perhaps with this you would be able to preview weapons as any class but not be able to buy anything?

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all weapons being base weapons allows a fair environment for all plAyers, new and old. Making it so rich people have stronger guns is just retarded.

Correct we should just have one gun tbh so its the most fair. To be even more fair remove all damaging sweps on the server and replace it with rock papper scizzors swep that lets you challenge people you want to kill to rps. If you win you kill them, if they win they kill you. This would help prevent mass rdming.

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all weapons being base weapons allows a fair environment for all plAyers, new and old. Making it so rich people have stronger guns is just retarded.

Correct we should just have one gun tbh so its the most fair. To be even more fair remove all damaging sweps on the server and replace it with rock papper scizzors swep that lets you challenge people you want to kill to rps. If you win you kill them, if they win they kill you. This would help prevent mass rdming.


I like the Rock Paper Scissors ideanand think it should be implemented.

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Its at the point where the only guns I use are shotguns or legendary guns normal ars etc arent good at all


+1 rather have use of some broken default guns that everyone has rather then some broken legendary gun that limited have ability to get use of

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Do you guys really think that making gun dealer guns better is going to make people set up more gun shops? No... People are going to self supply like 400 of them and every time they need it, they will equip from inventory. The reason we don't see gun stores anymore is because self supply is allowed.

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Do you guys really think that making gun dealer guns better is going to make people set up more gun shops? No... People are going to self supply like 400 of them and every time they need it, they will equip from inventory. The reason we don't see gun stores anymore is because self supply is allowed.


I would say remove The Supplier job and make Self Supply against the rules, but that would just make people angry.

I feel like the server is good the way it is in the sense that no matter who you are you can get a gun quite easily.

Buffing gun damage would be nice, as of now I don't really see a Meta for guns besides legendaries and talismans.

Making a Meta and changing it up every few months would be cool. Would make everyone have to learn how to use the new Meta and if new players see everyone using a certain gun they will use it.

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