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Forcedrop QOL

North Bear

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Quality of Life


Description: Forcedropping people that are in the fountain area shouldnt be a thing. Killing at npc's isnt allowed and kidnapping in fountain isnt allowed so why should this be a thing :p

They are at their most vunrable point and muggers always wait at fountain for people to go into the cc editor.


How to reproduce: forcedrop people at fountain while they are checking out some things.


Priority: Medium

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Yeah i think its kinda unfair to get force dropped if you're interacting with an npc like cc maker, stocks, cc editor or general buyer. 


Making spawn non force drop is a given imo but making it the same way in fountain could be problematic with that some people would run in there to avoid someone chasing them to force drop. If possible interacting with an npc making ou immune would be a great solution imo, otherwise make fountain non force drop.

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since when couldn’t you kill at fountain


You aren't allowed to like walk up and mug someone using an NPC I guess is what they meant. You shouldn't be initiating RP on people using NPCs, so I don't see why you can force drop someone while they are editing their CC. 

Even though that's all some people seem to be doing all day...



Killing people at NPCs has no purpose, you don't gain anything and therefore is RDM and a bannable offense


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1+ i had one dragon egg on me i wanted to see what it was worth cause if i asked people would be asking to but  it was force dropped then my game froze and crashed so i could never see who it was i'm not so mad about it but it would help others to fix it.

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