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Knifu Waifu

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The first issue is bases. Most to all kidnappers use are either bases where its completely one color and you can't tell where your going or its a slightly different shade from the outside.

considered a blackout base if you can't tell where you are going., not allowed. you should know this as you're a moderator.


Another issue that is also connected to the all one color is that somewhere in the entire entrance of the base, there is one no collided wall thats not only where you can shoot through it, but its practically impossible to find within a reasonable amount of time while first entering the base. ( Most Kidnapping bases that have this trait require you to either crouch or jump crouch into a specific area all while they have a hidden area where they can see you and shoot but you can't see them )

Also not allowed, you're supposed to have a path of some sort to follow, you should know this as you're a moderator 


And another Issue is that there is no Role-play involved in kidnapping, you're just hitting someone in the back of the head with a stick or sandwich and carrying said victim off to a pitch black area where they have to either wait 5 minutes to kill themselves or for the captor to get bored with them and kill them.

That is why its KoS to everyone around them. If you are going to complain this when you have one of the biggest handicaps being given to you, idk why you play on this server. Kidnapping isn't an easy task near the fountain where theres like 10-20 players at a time.


CC's with the bludgeon is also a issue, most CC's have a plethora of weapons at their disposal as well as healing items and some that give armor. This makes it damn near impossible to stop them when they use their jumping swep go into the sky just to come down and hit your noggin and carry your body off into their little cave.

cc's can only carry you with the bludgeon out.


Kidnapping should be implemented in with Role-play, not only should said kidnapper HAVE to place the box, but there should be a new system to kidnapping so its not just a one hit to the back.

I think its fine as it is.



As you are one of the kidnappers on the server, your view on the subject is extremely biased on it. And the your point as "Your a moderator you should know this" Any time I would or did confront someone who was fail bassing Id be blasted and told to go fuck off, No other staff seem to see it as a problem which is everyones excuse to it.


you're one of the people who always complains about being kidnapped although it isn't in any way broken lol


thats your fault for not being able to do your job confidently

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it seems like a trend for minges being the main if not only ones defending kidnapping. maybe there is a connection?



you'd have a lot to say if i brought up combat cuffing, cp minge


This post isn't about combat cuffing, its about how Kidnapping needs to be fixed and how CC's shouldn't be able to do it. Kidnap minge.

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Kidnapping is fun. Basing gets boring and eventually farming does as well. Yes it does suck getting kidnapped but there are tons of ways for countering it. Play in third person and watch behind you. Or stay in a corner.

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Kidnapping is fun. Basing gets boring and eventually farming does as well. Yes it does suck getting kidnapped but there are tons of ways for countering it. Play in third person and watch behind you. Or stay in a corner.


both have a low success rate

CCs literally don’t change kidnapping, they use the same bludgeon and have the same mechanics, if you really want it nerfed, you could add a weapon swap delay.

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If you are complaining about kidnapping now, you should have seen what it was like back then. Now compared to then has been a huge improvement. To give you insight how kidnapping has changed:


  • You can now wake up mid kidnap by a job
  • You can possibly pay to get your items back after being kidnapped
  • You have a longer cooldown to not get kidnapped
  • Kidnappers are KoS which means they get shot if carrying a body
  • You can now wake up mid kidnap if your kdinapper dies
  • You can now wake up mid kidnap if your kidnapper is arrested or cuffed
  • You have to be carried for a least 10 seconds to be considered kidnapped
  • If you wake up you get your items back
  • if you die you're no longer considered kidnapped
  • Cops can picklock out of a kidnapping
  • Batman exists & can come to do w/e with you

Before that, you would get slammed and be forced to wait and not many people complained about it. In the server, there has to be a risk / reward factor. Without it, nothing is challenging and its not considered a game anymore. Its all part of balance. You can't have fun all of the time because you would get bored very quickly. 


This isn't to say things will not change for kidnapping as there are ways to make it more engaging for both parties but I think that there has to be things in the server that make you upset. Its the whole deal with how processors got nerfed and how farming got slightly nerfed. I didn't add those changes because I thought people would find them fun and engaging but because there has to be a challenge. Your challenge is to keep your EYE PEELED when running around. If you never lose then you never really win

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[*]You can now wake up mid kidnap if your kidnapper is arrested or cuffed




this doesn't work yet


This isn't to say things will not change for kidnapping as there are ways to make it more engaging for both parties but I think that there has to be things in the server that make you upset. Its the whole deal with how processors got nerfed and how farming got slightly nerfed. I didn't add those changes because I thought people would find them fun and engaging but because there has to be a challenge. Your challenge is to keep your EYE PEELED when running around. If you never lose then you never really win



this is all fine and dandy but I shouldn't have to be on alert 150% of my time on the server.

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If you are complaining about kidnapping now, you should have seen what it was like back then. Now compared to then has been a huge improvement. To give you insight how kidnapping has changed:


  • You can now wake up mid kidnap by a job
  • You can possibly pay to get your items back after being kidnapped
  • You have a longer cooldown to not get kidnapped
  • Kidnappers are KoS which means they get shot if carrying a body
  • You can now wake up mid kidnap if your kdinapper dies
  • You can now wake up mid kidnap if your kidnapper is arrested or cuffed
  • You have to be carried for a least 10 seconds to be considered kidnapped
  • If you wake up you get your items back
  • if you die you're no longer considered kidnapped
  • Cops can picklock out of a kidnapping
  • Batman exists & can come to do w/e with you

Before that, you would get slammed and be forced to wait and not many people complained about it. In the server, there has to be a risk / reward factor. Without it, nothing is challenging and its not considered a game anymore. Its all part of balance. You can't have fun all of the time because you would get bored very quickly. 


This isn't to say things will not change for kidnapping as there are ways to make it more engaging for both parties but I think that there has to be things in the server that make you upset. Its the whole deal with how processors got nerfed and how farming got slightly nerfed. I didn't add those changes because I thought people would find them fun and engaging but because there has to be a challenge. Your challenge is to keep your EYE PEELED when running around. If you never lose then you never really win


I feel as if the 30k is a little to much for the highest amount you have to pay, CP's got nerfed where they could fine for a max of 20k and that was brought down all the way to 5k. 


I see Kidnapping as the same light in the buying the box aspect.


Also Kidnappers should be have to place the box down since people will kidnap you and just keep you in a cell for 5 minutes with no option of escape.

Kidnapping is fun. Basing gets boring and eventually farming does as well. Yes it does suck getting kidnapped but there are tons of ways for countering it. Play in third person and watch behind you. Or stay in a corner.


both have a low success rate

CCs literally don’t change kidnapping, they use the same bludgeon and have the same mechanics, if you really want it nerfed, you could add a weapon swap delay.


CC's do provide an advantage over the normal Cultist and other Kidnapping classes. Theres a exploit that you would need a jump swep for ( Fountain Area ) Where you can time a swing while dropping on someones head and it'll kidnap them. Also you come zooming in at the speed of sound due to bunny hopping and hit them in a split second where no one could react.

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5 minutes with no option of escape.



Untrue, there are multiple ways you can get out of kidnap such as using /cr, yelling for help and im pretty sure now that metagaming is removed you can advert or tell your friends where you are. Just because you choose to be lazy doesn't mean thats the only option.


I played for about an hour today and got kidnapped once when tabbing out, I was making sure I was doing normal stuff and around fountain area. When some people actually did try to kidnap me it was either a. very obvious since they are running in a half circle behind you or b. I saw them with ther bludgeon and when they attempted to kidnap i just killed them. The one time i did get kidnapped they kidnapper was killed within 10 seconds of me being kidnapped. This is all anecdotal but from what I have seen here I should have been getting attempted kidnapped constantly and get kidnapped on a regular basis most likely within the hour. It was very easy to counter a kidnap and when I did get kidnapped someone else countered and stopped it, seems to me that if you are in more high traffic areas its extremely hard to get kidnapped making me believe that the kidnapper needs to do that in a more secluded area which is the intended interaction as far as i know.


Overall I think this is just blown out of proportion and kidnapping is annoying but fine, its adequitely hard to kidnap someone who isn't payng attention but there is risk to not waiting for a good moment to kidnap. I do still support an increase of the perk cooldown to something higher since it might add a bit more risk to kidnapping but then failing, making you have to wait longer to choose your next target.


Also heres a little meme for the people who seem to really really hate kidnapping, peanut since he was the first one to my knowledge to bring this up recently


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5 minutes with no option of escape.



Untrue, there are multiple ways you can get out of kidnap such as using /cr, yelling for help and im pretty sure now that metagaming is removed you can advert or tell your friends where you are. Just because you choose to be lazy doesn't mean thats the only option.


I played for about an hour today and got kidnapped once when tabbing out, I was making sure I was doing normal stuff and around fountain area. When some people actually did try to kidnap me it was either a. very obvious since they are running in a half circle behind you or b. I saw them with ther bludgeon and when they attempted to kidnap i just killed them. The one time i did get kidnapped they kidnapper was killed within 10 seconds of me being kidnapped. This is all anecdotal but from what I have seen here I should have been getting attempted kidnapped constantly and get kidnapped on a regular basis most likely within the hour. It was very easy to counter a kidnap and when I did get kidnapped someone else countered and stopped it, seems to me that if you are in more high traffic areas its extremely hard to get kidnapped making me believe that the kidnapper needs to do that in a more secluded area which is the intended interaction as far as i know.


Overall I think this is just blown out of proportion and kidnapping is annoying but fine, its adequitely hard to kidnap someone who isn't payng attention but there is risk to not waiting for a good moment to kidnap. I do still support an increase of the perk cooldown to something higher since it might add a bit more risk to kidnapping but then failing, making you have to wait longer to choose your next target.


Also heres a little meme for the people who seem to really really hate kidnapping, peanut since he was the first one to my knowledge to bring this up recently



"High traffic areas"

A player shouldn't be force to stay in these specific parts on the map to enjoy the server without the threat of being kidnaped successfully.


And with the perk. 

People shouldn't be forced to either join a gang that has the perk active nor should they have to change it.

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