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Sonic Class


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Football player

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A bad idea. Speed sweps were nerfed for a reason just no. 

-1 for this suggestion


The sonic swep is different it's not the same as the previous swep i've used both. there's not really any way to abuse this it would just be a fun class to be on I can make a video of me using the swep if you'd like

We literally don’t allow speed sweps in rp. In what right mind would you think that a speed swep for a cop would be ok tho?



Idk why you're taking a hostile approach I didn't say HEY GUYS ADD THIS TO THE GAME NOW WE NEED IT, I was trying to introduce a fun and new idea all it is right now is an idea to possibly make the server better which is what the suggestions thread is for, i've been nice to all of you idk why you guys are still insulting me :\

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Football player

Team player 


What’s next? 

A bad idea. Speed sweps were nerfed for a reason just no. 

-1 for this suggestion


The sonic swep is different it's not the same as the previous swep i've used both. there's not really any way to abuse this it would just be a fun class to be on I can make a video of me using the swep if you'd like

We literally don’t allow speed sweps in rp. In what right mind would you think that a speed swep for a cop would be ok tho?



Idk why you're taking a hostile approach I didn't say HEY GUYS ADD THIS TO THE GAME NOW WE NEED IT, I was trying to introduce a fun and new idea all it is right now is an idea to possibly make the server better which is what the suggestions thread is for, i've been nice to all of you idk why you guys are still insulting me :\



Mate to be fair you did literally treat people like shit and left a very sour Taste in alot of people's mouths, did you honestly expect them to instantly not call you out constantly, I mean seriously think about what you did and then think to yourself if the shoe was on the opposite foot would I do the same. And next the job literally has no purpose there's a swep called zoom not sure if it was removed that make you run like a crack head. Just not understanding the whole point of the job.

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This idea could work as a weird/stupid job. We already have silly memes like teletubbies so Sanic could be cool. Overall its not very needed but a neat idea.


Regarding the hostility it should be expected that most people won't be happy to see you since the events of last time. My advice is to slowly re-integrate into the community. Don't go OTT with posts or suggestions making you seem like a tryhard, and I'd also reccomend keeping stuff like "I'm a coder and administrate servers" to a minimum. It's nice to see you have skills  but most if not all people are just gonna trash you for emphasising your abilities.


Overall welcome back, but take things slow.

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