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"Racism.. uhhh that's basically if you say the n-word in chat, the n-word with a hard r, and if you do that we will kick you, and if you come back and do it again we'll ban you"


"prop block, it just means you can't open the door"


aside from the depressing monotone through the first portion, and a few... interesting... quotes such as the above. This is is pretty good I guess.

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"Racism.. uhhh that's basically if you say the n-word in chat, the n-word with a hard r, and if you do that we will kick you, and if you come back and do it again we'll ban you"


"prop block, it just means you can't open the door"


aside from the depressing monotone through the first portion, and a few... interesting... quotes such as the above. This is is pretty good I guess.


I have bad ADD so I sometimes get off track. Thanks for listening though!

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I think if you or someone else is planning to do another version of this in the future you should incorporate the proper punishment guidelines and also give varied examples for more broad rules like nlr which you essentially skip over imo.

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I think if you or someone else is planning to do another version of this in the future you should incorporate the proper punishment guidelines and also give varied examples for more broad rules like nlr which you essentially skip over imo.

True true. I’ll work on it!

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