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New Admins Poll

Neko Sam | Loli Lover

Do you think the server needs more admins?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think the server needs more admins?

    • Yes I think we need more admins
    • No I think new admins is useless

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If we are allowed to vote on who we want to see promoted, I would vote griffin, peanut or booper (if he keeps being super active).


Griffin is one of the most active, sit taking mods i have seen and has a shit ton of experience.

Peanut has a shit ton of experience and a lot of patience and clear thought. E.G. him and I spent like 15mins grilling this one mass rdmer who was sly af and had a good coverup but peanut finally tripped him up.

Booper, we all love booper, hes grand daddy booper. Must I say more?




Sure, you may think breh, u been here like 3 months tf u know about these people. Yeah well little did u know, I suck staff dik over the weekends. Just ask gent.




Griffin only has a lot of sits because all he does is sit in admin land spamming “claim ticket”


Sits = experience, whats wrong with taking sits. Would u rather have staff that just rps like the rest of us. Not gonna lie, maybe if other staff did more, griffin would be able to rp more. And u can actually see him tp or use commands to bring people. Not just hit claim sit and do nothing.

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Diagonal you act like you did ANYTHING for the staff team. I don't sit in admin land spamming claim, I'm just quick on the trigger.



And what have you done for the staff team? None of us do/did anything for it other than take sits and ban idiots


Also, https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=8416&pid=57345#pid57345


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I've done a heck of a lot more than you. You no longer play on the server and abused your position so your opinion is irrelevant and I'll just throw this argument in the trash



What would that "heck of a lot more than you" be? Taking more sits than me? Not hard, I was staff for 6 months and was inactive for most of that. And besides, I do still play the server, so that points irrelevant as well.

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Hours: 400+ i think


Vote: No.


Reason: So I think having a few admins on every once in a while is good, yeah sure some admins don't get on but I think most people on here are saying yes so they might have a shot at getting admin. To be honest, having a bunch of admins around may cause issues. We don't need an admin everyday to watch over the server, that's why we have moderators. A lot of power comes with being an admin and really I don't think we need to have any more, maybe once we get a bunch of new moderators we may need more but right now I think we're at a happy medium, unless the admins of stop getting on, I don't think we need anymore. We just need a few admins to come on a few days a week to promote, perm, check on how things are doing, etc. But I do agree that some moderators do deserve the rank, just right now isn't the right time. Once you get admin, that's a pretty big deal. It's almost as if your growing up, when your t-mod and even mod you'll get demoted and sure it's not that big a deal but if your demoted as admin, that's giant. Normally by then your all setup and trained and are very familiar with the server, the rules, and the people on it. If you are going to have people apply, make sure you keep it strict. A lot of moderators can be immature at times, and in my opinion, when your admin that shit won't pass. When your admin you need to keep stuff professional and not let your emotions get in the way, if your quick to your judgement because you had a bad day and perm banned someone, which nobody will suspect much and will just take your word for it since your admin, that is a massive issue. I know for a fact that Dindu and Tunnel Snake are both very mature people and and fantastic staff. They are a great example to what an admin should be.


Also replying to Nibster's post, admins don't need to be on every few hours. That's why moderators are here(like you)...


EDIT: Example for moderators being immature from Sticks' post:


I've done a heck of a lot more than you. You no longer play on the server and abused your position so your opinion is irrelevant and I'll just throw this argument in the trash



What would that "heck of a lot more than you" be? Taking more sits than me? Not hard, I was staff for 6 months and was inactive for most of that. And besides, I do still play the server, so that points irrelevant as well.

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