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A moment of silence for proc farming

The Herbalist

If you steal a processor from someone should you be able to keep it?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. If you steal a processor from someone should you be able to keep it?

    • Yes, it's mine now
    • No, it belongs to whoever bought it

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hi, die hard grinder here, most people don know how to respawn it so there was really no problem at all. 


Since the update came out, everyday i’ve farmed for 7 hours with at least 15 procs, didnt notice a single on disappearing.

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Or do skill-based raiding instead of relying on crutches.

yes exactly. I have used maybe 1 c4 ever and rarely need to blowtorch, not to mention I have never lost a blowtorch and got them all for free... from processors...

In all honesty, I think if this change regarding the reclamation of processors was never mentioned, it would only be noticed by 2-3 die hard grinders.

thats a good point I agree

hi, die hard grinder here, most people don know how to respawn it so there was really no problem at all. 


Since the update came out, everyday i’ve farmed for 7 hours with at least 15 procs, didnt notice a single on disappearing.

my point proven

So after experiencing this in game its not really a problem. Buy from people you trust or people who are leaving. I had 15 processors yesterday and none were reclaimed. A simple solution is a reduction in proc price.

my point proven again...


uummm reduce it from 5k? wut

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I personally don't think that people who just don't raid should comment on what is or isn't worth it in terms of raiding and from my experience this doesn't look like it will be a healthy way to raid for processors or printers. 

There are 3 tiers of raiding imo and this change has different effects on all of them.

  1. Noob tier, this is where you only need to shoot the guy after doing a material grenade then lockpicking or blowtorching. This will not see much change since its mostly reliant on aim and angles with little tono investment.
  2. 1 c4 tier, this is where you start needing to invest to raid if not using spooky blowtorch angles etc. This takes the biggest nerf since most of the time these bases have from 1 to usually a maximum of around 7 processors. If you raid a base with only 2 processors where 2 people are basing there is a pretty big risk that if the people can despawn their processors in 2 hours you're betting big that you will get returns assuming that you constantly keep tabs on the processors
  3. big base. This also took a smaller hit since most of the time it's just people who've sold their processors and left, reference the anecdotes from diagonal and griffin and the risks you are taking are generally the same as before just that the owner can most likely despawn their processor if they choose to relog

The main issue is that Tier 2 is usually the majority of basers when the scene isn't dead like it is now, that means that the biggest change where you are genereally taking more risks than the big bases regarding profit that makes it just not worth it. There is no such thing as skill based raiding since the foundation is experience and then comes aim.


I think that this will definetly make it so the regular user will feel more protected against big bad elitists which seems to be the theme in upcoming and recent updates but it's very easy to make the risk too high to even care about raiding the average base since it will not yield enough reliable profit. An important note is also that when I am raiding I am expecting to in general have better returns if succesful rather than buying a processor which has way less risk involved (with the chagne you are guaranteed atleast 4 hours of farming which is something you aren't getting from raiding)


I don't think I articulated my points too well here but I am coming from a point of view where I haven't bought processors for months and only raid for them, I think that this is at least a risky change regarding raiding for processors and unless the market changes as to how distributed processors are it can turn out very bad.

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The change has been reverted.


This is true but clarifying where the concerns come from is important so that Sugar can take into account what exactly he is changing if something similar is being implemented.


Protection for newer and averagre players is important imo but it can probably be implemented better.


I can suggest that for example buffing lower tiers of money making like buffing the base speed of the first level of bitminers and giving the upgrades some diminishing returns would be a good change for newer players or making entities not being able to be picked up by pickup boxes for something like 30 minutes after being spawned to help those newer players and protect from the elitists. Or just increase the despawn timer simply put although finding the perfect timer can be hard.


I raid buddy I just don't spend money on it cause that's pretty dumb. you are entitled to your opinion tho


Bad mindset since there should be rewards for taking risks like investing in harder raids, you shouldn't be punished for it. Risk-reward system and all that.

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The change has been reverted.


This is true but clarifying where the concerns come from is important so that Sugar can take into account what exactly he is changing if something similar is being implemented.


Protection for newer and averagre players is important imo but it can probably be implemented better.


I can suggest that for example buffing lower tiers of money making like buffing the base speed of the first level of bitminers and giving the upgrades some diminishing returns would be a good change for newer players or making entities not being able to be picked up by pickup boxes for something like 30 minutes after being spawned to help those newer players and protect from the elitists. Or just increase the despawn timer simply put although finding the perfect timer can be hard.


I raid buddy I just don't spend money on it cause that's pretty dumb. you are entitled to your opinion tho


Bad mindset since there should be rewards for taking risks like investing in harder raids, you shouldn't be punished for it. Risk-reward system and all that.


where I come from its called gambling since you have an inherent chance of losing. you cannot argue the literal definition of gambling. I'm sorry to say, but if you are dumb enough to spend that much money you have no right to complain about losing it.

But I do now understand the concern about the 4 hour timer to some degree, as I originally thought it meant 4 hours starting when you take it, not 4 hours after it is spawned.

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I mean in a general case you would ask the person "Hey, you're not going to re spawn this in 4 hours right?" and if they say no and they end up doing it, just don't trade with them anymore.


Most people probably don't base because only the rich can really profit (heavily) off farming. Just think, if a new player joins and sees someone adverting "Buying printers + processors for 100k+" they are probably going to be like "Wow my processor cost 5k, thats a 95k profit!". Why base when you can make 100k a day just from spawning a 5k item? Its a secure way of not losing money + you don't have the threat of people raiding you. People base to get money to buy items to do activities. When you just give people money, they do just other activities. For the average joe, 100k is more than enough money to do what they want to do.


I think that stocking up on everyone else's items and then asking "why doesn't anyone base??" is kinda a big slap in the face. If people can't spawn items, they can't base. If people get paid to not base, they wont base and if you're making less money than you're being paid in a session its silly to base overall. If you can only play for 1 hour and in that hour you make 45k, its better to just give the processor away when you join so you have 1 hour to do what ever else.


While I think that stocking up on people's items is an effective way to earn money (because 10 printers is obviously going to produce more money than 4 printers) but it should also come with those risks / time management. If you have more processors, there should be some management to it. As it stands, processors have no management to them besides pressing E on them which is going to change. Either batteries will be introduced and or processors will have a chance to explode like printers (or anything else that's unique that I can think of, maybe like they need a new material to work like Enchantment Tables).


When the new time system is introduced, it does sound like a good idea to allow players with less than 24 hours played to do things that normal / veteran players cannot, more like a safety net to make sure that if they take the risk they aren't punished fully because it will most likely just push them away.

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