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Should I report him or give him a chance and let it off  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Should I report him or give him a chance and let it off

    • Report his ass
    • Don't be such a snitch

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I'm not a fan of the fact he called Tass Lazy for trying to train him, and if what was said above is true and he was impatient then he needs a stern talking to at least, and to actually be trained.


Also "sammah sucked ass at training" in general I'm not a fan of his "distaste" you could say.

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Report that fuckboy. He knows what he signed up for, and he most likely knew that it's abuse but he thought no one would of catch him in the act.


You are right he did say "He would have healing me anyway' he used it to prevent fall damage

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Ok so, When i went to sammah then candy took a sit and did a sit really nice. Took it, brought em, asked em about it (I don't remember what the sit was about), he told him some meme shit as in like it was an accident or something, and then returned him. It seemed like he had most of it down already. I get that sammah might have been "ass" at training but when i went to you and watch a sit you took you seemed alright to me. So I said that you honestly seem fine from the sit part. I was also never told what he already "trained" you on. I kind of thought that if you understood already to take a whole sit (Which you already had like 45 or something) that you would understand not to noclip abuse... My bad if it didn't seem like it was really worth both of our times if it seemed he had it down. Oh, and I also said if he needs to ask anything he can ask us in admin chat.

I started training with Stealthy and went over a few things on the sheet and he basically talked over me in a way throughout the whole training. He just kept going "yeah I know how to staff." Then, I got a call from the hospital about my grandma and said "hold on I'll be right back." Sure enough I came back and he was gone taking sits instead of waiting for me, so I didn't exactly get to finish training him. 

I had to go to the hospital for my grandma and asked Tass if he could come train Stealthy. When I brought Tass, Stealthy kept saying stuff like "ugh," "here we go," and so forth.


Seems he holds himself to a high position already. If he's noclipping after not even wanting to be trained because he "knows how to staff" then report him. 


I don't know about training for the other t-mods. I know Dindu doesn't train, and I know Blacnova doesn't and gets someone to train for him when he accepts. However, I've seen most of the t-mods get trained. The training with Stealthy was frustrating coming from a lack of patience from his side. As well, staff noclip abusing shouldn't even come with training, because before applying you are supposed to read the mod guidelines which clearly state not to. 



From what i know or remember, when I went to you guys he was joking around about BEGONE THOT which him and I meme about. He has asked me to help him on multiple sits which I have gone to and helped him out.

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Maybe he is good at sits, but N o c l i p  A b u s e .

I didn't get very far into training at all, and I had to urgently go. I don't know what happened after I left. Before I got you, I told Stealthy, "I'm going to get you trained." He immediately replied, "Ugh, here we go," or something along the lines of that.


My point is, it seems like he thinks of himself as a very good staff already that doesn't even need training (based on my experiences with him only) , and noclip abusing at the same time tells me he needs a demotion to teach him otherwise. 

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Ok, he was not trained or isn't following his training. I am the one that had to tell him to not go into TMods sits... as he went into my sit 3 times in the matter of 5 minutes. I also had to tell him to not TP/Return/Goto other staff without asking permission... (He tped me just to put a lamp on my head then returned me). No hate towards him, I am just saying what I saw.



*He also jailed two staff... He jailed another mod because the mod "Kidnapped him"... and Melon cus he killed him in admin sit land... Melon killed him cus he returned the person in his sit*

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Silver if you have evidence of his noclip abuse and other rule breakings and would like to turn this into a report, just change the formatting of this post and I'm sure someone would be happy to move it to the appropriate thread



Or I can waste more time and make a whole different post! like who has a life these days jeez

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Silver if you have evidence of his noclip abuse and other rule breakings and would like to turn this into a report, just change the formatting of this post and I'm sure someone would be happy to move it to the appropriate thread



Or I can waste more time and make a whole different post! like who has a life these days jeez


If you are on this thread and you have an opinion on whether or not Stealthy should be punished for what the thread is about or so on, direct comments to https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=7553 . It is Silver's report on him.

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