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Sugar Appreciation Thread.


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Over the years I have played on hundreds of gmod servers and very few owners/developers fixed things as fast as our boy Sugar. I think it's sad that he doesn't get a lot of appreciation for quickly fixing bugs and problems, and actively updating the server with new pickle rp models.  I think it's special that he values everyone's opinion - and is willing to change and implement new things based off of suggestions from the community, even if we are little memers at heart.  I appreciate ya dawg. 


This thread stands for anyone to thank Sugar for any small, or large acts of work that he does for the community. 


Someday our Lord of Fire will arise again.

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This sometimes go over our heads but there aren't many devs that work as hard as sugar. Most bugs that are found in the server are fixed the next day or within a week, we always get optimization changes to make the game run more smooth and during all of this sugar still finds time to work on new features like the gang update and our suggestions.

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I've only been here a week, but Sugar has been by far the best server dev/owner I've ever met. He's quick, understanding, and super involved with the community no matter how toxic they are. I feel like he is in touch with the community on much more personal level then 99% of server owners.


Oh and don't get me started on how optimized everything is. Every other darkrp server is dogshit performance wise when compared to TitsRP. Finally somewhere my picky ass 144+ fps needing ass can play darkrp.

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