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nerf Juggernaut


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everyone on the server has had numerous occasions with dealing with how ridiculously unbalanced the juggernaut is. 

seeing as how the gangsta mac10 was nerfed i don't see why the juggernaut shouldn't be? 

it makes PD raids home raids etc very unfair being as the juggernaut has 200-300 armor I think his armor should be heavily lowered and maybe even nerf his gun or make it available for everyone. 

That would make things much more fair

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Unless in a pack of 3+, the juggernaut is usually the only CP I fear.


Let's be honest here, most CP are dog shit and only take action when they see you defending yourself from a lethal attack...by killing you.


Also, this is definitely in the wrong section. I'll move it for you so nobody warns you.


when everyone is getting shot I don't blame them for putting down the shooters.


if it's a single incident and they stop shooting or something I could see trying to arrest

I do however see a lot of shit cops and cops who use their gun as their only police tool

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everyone on the server has had numerous occasions with dealing with how ridiculously balanced the juggernaut is. 

seeing as how the gangsta mac10 was buffed i don't see why the juggernaut shouldn't be? 

it makes PD raids home raids etc very fair being as the juggernaut has not enough armor I think his armor should be heavily increased and maybe even buff his gun or make it available for every cp. #BuffJug

I agree with everything you say, we do need to buff the jug.

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Jug is a tank that's Whats hes role is I suggest nerf the minigun or switch it with a different weapon maybe little bit less armor and also want to suggest increase the votes for jugg make it more harder to get.

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