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[Official] Saturday Meetings Agenda


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Blac, I was talking to Rubik about a guy who had a building sign, now I know it's a Bannable offence, though, how big is it of an offence?


Like, could it be a 1 day? a 6 hour? 3 hour? etc...


Cheers, IK Cicada.

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Blac, I was talking to Rubik about a guy who had a building sign, now I know it's a Bannable offence, though, how big is it of an offence?


Like, could it be a 1 day? a 6 hour? 3 hour? etc...


Cheers, IK Cicada.


Not really sure what you mean. Building signs aren't against the rules.

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Blac, I was talking to Rubik about a guy who had a building sign, now I know it's a Bannable offence, though, how big is it of an offence?


Like, could it be a 1 day? a 6 hour? 3 hour? etc...


Cheers, IK Cicada.


Not really sure what you mean. Building signs aren't against the rules.


He means a building sign with Ents you dip.

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Blac, I was talking to Rubik about a guy who had a building sign, now I know it's a Bannable offence, though, how big is it of an offence?


Like, could it be a 1 day? a 6 hour? 3 hour? etc...


Cheers, IK Cicada.

just tell him to choose between the entities or building, if he keeps it up and still has entities after a verbal ban for 1hr-24hr

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Here's some of the things I thought about;


1) Old staff coming back with their old ranks seems .. odd.. they need to be retrained is what I Think.

Because rules can have minor changes that can confuse things..


2) Staff RP'ing rather than Staffing is becoming slightly more of an issue.. 

Like I'm not the best staff, but I get 100% Rp'ing is fun, but sometimes it lasts for tooooooo long.. to  a point where it's just RP.


3) CC Colors don't get applied somehow. Even after you re-kill. Reconnect, and Click Review..

It can be a pain in the ass to stay with the Yellow Color in the Chat. not in like the Tab Menu.


4) Map.. Map.. Map.. Dima pointed a hint on the Poll in the MOTD Changing to Memes.. Any new hints Suger Titties?

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I can't get on unfortunately due to seeing fam over the weekend, however, I'd like to suggest you guys discuss Fixing Bitminers. 


1. Make it so we can see who blew it up or who owned the bitcoin


2. Also discuss mugging, and if its possible where it can Auto-Mug like 1k or $500 instead of $0 leading to Rdm

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