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Can We Get a New Rank?

Golden Pup

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There won't be a new rank most likely ever. I don't think there is a need to show that you're a long time player because if you have been playing for long enough and you're not an idiot with power or an idiot overall then you can get the respected rank which is a rare enough rank as it is.


A new rank that has new tools or little buffs like a VIP++ is not going to happen


In the next major update, you will be able to buy player perks that don't effect gameplay with either in game cash and or $$ which is probably what you're looking for. + the gang system has 50 perks you can earn so I think there will be enough variety there.

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Here's an idea: how about we create a new Rank called 'Faggot' for those who have been demoted from Staff indefinitely/blacklisted.


Inherits from: 'noaccess'

Cryptozz for Super Super Owner. 




Cryptozz for Super  Faggot, has the powers to only talk in ooc, disabled movement and disabled voice chat.


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