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[Changelog] For the DarkRP Server RULES


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  • 3 weeks later...

January 15th


Changed Misc rule:



  • Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use your keypad or bound key to toggle the door to shoot out of in an instant. You can do this when no one else is around but do not do it when you're getting raided. -->  Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use bound key to toggle the door during any rp situation like kidnapping, being raided, being arrested, etc.

I feel like it should be simple and known but It should be added for newer kidnappers to the game.

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  • 3 weeks later...




  • Master Stalker can break NLR on their assigned target only.
  • If your raid is interrupted by a natural event (such as a train, being teleported by the pickle statue or a sit, any raid cooldown timers are voided. You may restart your raid immediately.
  • Kidnap bases may have 5 total fading doors. 2 leading to the main room, and 3 cells. Kidnap bases are bases that ONLY store kidnapped victims. If you have other other raid-able entities, then you must follow standard basing rules.



  • And if you did die in a raid/heist, its simply over. You CANNOT come back and continue raiding/defending unless you die to a natural event.
  • If you're going to kill someone because they attacked your party/gang member, make sure they know you're together (local chat or voice (not OOC/Advert)). Not doing so will cause confusion and most likely result in a sit which no one wants. (This applies to raiding as well)

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  • 2 weeks later...



Revised the MOTD in favor of a shorter list of rules. This shorter motd will basically make it easier to read.

Also, most job related rules have been removed since they are listed in the F4 menu now & you must read them before you join the job.

I hope this affects everyone equally and in a positive way.

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Feb 23, 2019


Added to Basing Rules:


  • Do not abuse non-destructible entities when building your base. This means using them for anything other than their intended purpose. (ex. building a wall with a RT Camera screen, blocking a doorway with a moneybox, etc.)

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Reverted back to full MOTD after community discussion


Added to Misc Rules: 

  • Do not modify a Custom Class in a way that gives you a roleplay advantage. (ex. Standard custom class named "Civil Projection" and using a model that looks like CP to gain entry into the Mayor's office)

Gang / Party rules:

  • You must to be in a !party with someone to assist in a roleplay scenario. Being in a gang together does not count. 
  • If you're going to kill someone because they attacked your party member, make sure they know you're together (local chat or voice (not OOC/Advert)). Not doing so will cause confusion and most likely result in a sit which no one wants. (This applies to raiding as well)

Gang job rules:

  • Bloods Crips are KOS to each other. Any crossfire may still be treated as RDM.

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  • 1 month later...

Added Misc rule:


  • Report someone within 2 weeks, or we will not take action, even if they Mass RDMed 99999999999 players. Reports will still be accepted for extremely serious offenses, such as things which break the law, on a case by case basis, but if we determine you held this information from the staff team for the purposes of blackmail, threats, or other similar reasons, you will receive a punishment equal to whatever we decide to do with the player you reported.

Basically, the admin team is sick and tired of people holding "blackmail" of players. We will not be banning anyone for MRDM they did 3 months ago, just because they missed their weekly blackmail payment.

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  • 4 weeks later...

May 4th, 2019


Changed in Gang Rules:


Your group must own all of the doors in all of the houses (if anyone else owns any of the bases, you cannot make a mega-base) --> Your group must own at least the front door of every house to megabase in that area


Added Gang rule:


You can not block off any unique NPC (Any NPC where there is only one NPC on the map like Harvest buyer or the Cereal Statue)

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  • 2 weeks later...

May 18th 2019


Added Thief Rule: "You may not call a PD raid for the sole purpose of killing people in the lobby/preventing people from access to the lobby. If you PD raid you are there to either kill the mayor, or raid the vault."


Added Hobo Rule: "You may only micspam as a hobo class"


Removed Misc Rule: "You may micspam as any class but if someone asks you to stop you should respect their wishes"




Killing the cop/mugger who has just fined/mugged you after you paid a fine is FailRP > Thief Rules


Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use bound key to toggle the door during any rp situation like kidnapping, being raided, being arrested, etc. > Basing rules


You cannot build on the sidewalk if you are not a hobo, except as CP (can build on the road/sidewalk for roadblocks or crosswalks) >Hobo rules


Hitmen do not need to advert accepting/competing for failing a hit > Mercenary rules


A public place is a place with open doors such as a restaurant. For your base to be considered a public place, you must place a sign indicating it as a "Public Place." You may not have money-making entities inside/it will be treated as a building sign. If the place does have closed and locked doors and the owners refuse to let you in that room, the place is considered raid-able. > Basing rules


Being revived by a necromancer does not mean you can continue a heist/raid. You lost, no second chances > Weird job rules



You may not call a raid or PD heist while inside the building > Thief rules


Kidnapping people makes you KOS as you're a threat to everyone around you > Kidnapping rules


Do not place item shelves in the middle of the streets/block main areas with them. While we understand that you want a lot of people to see the stuff you are selling it's also frustrating to have it shoved down our throats. If a Staff/Players are asking you to move it then do so. > Citizen rules


If you are playing as a Necromancer and revive a hostile NPC, you are KOS. > Weird job rules


During the Kill the VIP, Defend the Vault, and Golden Printer Events, there is no NLR if you are trying to attack/defend the Event (NLR applies to all other situations during these events). This does NOT mean you can continually raid the same base if the Golden Printer is inside it. > NLR Section


Destroying your entities during a raid on your base to avoid them being stolen is FailRP. > Basing rules


Hitman/Bounty Hunter/Master Stalker/etc are allowed to raid their target only to carry out job functions. They may not interact with entities inside the base. > Mercenary rules


You may build at fountain as non-hobos given the following conditions: Must not block any NPCs, must not take up too much space, cannot be a kidnap cage (unless you're a hobo or a cultist), if you're base is complained about it will be removed if the reasoning is legitimate, and at the end of the day it is completely up to staff discretion to remove your props >Hobo rules


Selling guns in your gun stand for outrageous prices with the sole intent of either scamming noobs or catching people off guard who happen to misclick your gun stand is not allowed. > Citizen rules


Removed some NLR rules from misc section as they are already explained the the "NLR examples section"


I may have missed a change or two, but the rules have been moved to places you would expect them to be in.

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