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yall remember when I called this shit?


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5 hours ago, Tene said:

discussion takeover + category takeover: suggestion thread - buff raiding / nerf basing 

but it is directly a skill issue.. the mats to raid are relatively cheap (could be made cheaper), and most bases are raidable with 2 good c4s.. the whole argument is that fresh new players cant raid the top players on the server easily.. they shouldnt be able to.. theyre new and need to learn.. only part i agree on is that it is relatively difficult to learn if ur poor or lazy. i posted a video showing people how to raid my base and it now gets raided more often (they still lose but again thats a skill issue). if u put ur time towards raiding on titsrp, u will be good at raiding. basing is easy its just new players not knowing the raid meta which means their bases suck and get easy raided.. u can base in a mid dupe and just hold left click on a door if u know how to count down from 28. 

buff raiding to make it easier entry/easier to learn (maybe cheapen the mats), nerf bases of 10 and cap it to 4 on doors (and remove defending from inside). raiding is now easier for the new player to raid the top dog.

I was referring to his statement of raiders being toxic to new players by doing the classic "skill issue/ get good". Like Coconut said, YOU have been playing for years and know the mechanics in and out. Kinda unfair to raid a player who doesn't know shit and then pull the "skill issue". That's how we lose new members of the community into never playing again. I don't know about you, but I'd kinda like to see players stick around.

2 hours ago, Coconut Overflow said:

One thing I feel highlights the issue, is your statement here: "(they still lose but again thats a skill issue)". You have been playing for years and years. It would take the average player quite some time to grasp raiding mechanics to a level that you have.

Yep. Pretty much sums what I was trying to say up. The big basers are dicks to new players and I've seen newplayers perma leave when they get upset in chat because they don't understand how this particular server works and the fact that they lose entities for 8 or so hours after th , ct. I'm sure we've lost dozens of new players because big basers like to be cunts to new players and then rub it in their faces by saying shit like "skill issue" or any other amount of m+kery. Blah bl ah I t'S a gMOd S e R v er-- yeah well people still like to have fun, and it's hard to have fun when people who have been playing for several years gatekeep basing by doing these sorts of things.

Not saying anything in particular needs to be changed, it's just the player's/ communities fault for outcasting new players for not knowing how to raid.  Just like how the community likes to shame me for playing the hours I do, but yet we get complaints when player numbers are low? Don't know about you guys, but I enjoy helping out new players with advice, vip tokens and other such items so that we can actually keep a community that's enjoyable to be in (lmfao on that). 

Why can't we just be decent to new players?? Makes no sense to me...

Edited by TheRealHex
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7 minutes ago, TheRealHex said:

I was referring to his statement of raiders being toxic to new players by doing the classic "skill issue/ get good". Like Coconut said, YOU have been playing for years and know the mechanics in and out. Kinda unfair to raid a player who doesn't know shit and then pull the "skill issue". That's how we lose new members of the community into never playing again. I don't know about you, but I'd kinda like to see players stick around.

Yep. Pretty much sums what I was trying to say up. The big basers are dicks to new players and I've been people tell new players to perma leave when they get upset in chat because they don't understand how this particular server works and the fact that they lose entities for 8 or so hours after the fact. I'm sure we've lost dozens of new players because big basers like to be cunts to new players and then rub it in their faces by saying shit like "skill issue" or any other amount of mockery. Blah bl ah I t'S a gMOd S e R v er-- yeah well people still like to have fun, and it's hard to have fun when people who have been playing for several years gatekeep basing by doing these sorts of things.


Not saying anything in particular needs to be changed, it's just the player's/ communities fault for outcasting new players for not knowing how to raid.  Just like how the community likes to shame me for playing the hours I do, but yet we get complaints when player numbers are low? Don't know about you guys, but I enjoy helping out new players with advice, vip tokens and other such items so that we can actually keep a community that's enjoyable to be in (lmfao on that). 


Why can't we just be decent to new players?? Makes no sense to me...


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On 11/15/2023 at 10:06 PM, TheRealHex said:

Like Coconut said, YOU have been playing for years and know the mechanics in and out. Kinda unfair to raid a player who doesn't know shit and then pull the "skill issue". That's how we lose new members of the community into never playing again.

simple solution is to make a way that informs players more of how the raiding system works. 80% of the servers bases are just unusable, because they have 2 or more seperate entrances, and you can't propblock them. This is the main reason new players get raided so easily, because of their basing spot. Anything past not knowing about c4/timebomb/redox radius is just a skill issue when it comes to basing. I don't think any of us say skill issue to day 1 players with a clear lack of understanding on the server.. we say it to people who have been on for weeks and should somewhat know that their base can get exploded so they need to build it further back. It is 100% a skill issue if a player with a decent dupe can't left click a door. And raiding in general is a skill issue, but solely because of how expensive it is to start learning and the lack of guides.

When I first joined the server I built a shitty base in one of the beach houses, and was killed instantly after my door was lockpicked and naded. I was somewhat mad but then i just thought why dont i learn to do that? If players are joining this server for the basing/raiding experience, they will stay. If players are joining for the vrchat experience expecting to be able to base for the whole day without being raided, they will leave. Anyone who wants to raid/base, will like the server, anyone who wants to easily make tens of millions without doing so, will not. Give new players an easier way to start developing their raiding skills and more info on how base building should be made and the problem is mostly fixed.


On 11/15/2023 at 7:39 PM, Coconut Overflow said:

One thing I feel highlights the issue, is your statement here: "(they still lose but again thats a skill issue)". You have been playing for years and years. It would take the average player quite some time to grasp raiding mechanics to a level that you have.

I am mainly referring to after they have full cleared my base. My ''tutorial'' showing how to raid my base started to get used against me quite often, and I now usually get raided and the dupe full blown up 1-2x a day by people just replicating the video (usually no one in the past ever got full in). At this point they run in and lose, that is the skill issue. They can copy paste the video and blow up the whole base, but cant shoot a gun or fight (example user needled got full in using my guide, equipped a leggy dva pistol and only hit 1 shot in his full mag on me)

On 11/15/2023 at 7:39 PM, Coconut Overflow said:

 I don't believe nerfing basing numbers is the play now that I think about it, rather making raiding stronger so that players could raid a base with lots of people inside,

imo basing numbers is the direct reason new players cant raid. sure there is the learning curve etc, but how are players even meant to start learning how to raid when they try and lockpick a door and there is 4 people outside the base sniping across map, and another 9 inside base (not on doors) all spraying forward. Limiting basing numbers just makes raiding easier in general which is exactly what new players need -- general common sense when seeing a door with 4 people on it would imply there's only 4 people in the base, the raider then has to clear the whole base and kill everyone outside before running in, they then have to guess how many people are actually in the base (probably another 6 that arent on doors)

At minimum i think removing defending while inside a base but not on doors would be a major step forward in making raiding easier. ideally i think limiting base numbers to 5 defenders keeps basers still highly advantaged, but not to the point where its impossible to raid (even if you do a 10v10 on a base, raiders will lose)

c4 ! increase c4 radius since it can be broken now ! make trisha blow up a larger radius so it can blow up more props at once ! make raiding mats cheaper ! limit base defender numbers to 5 ! add raid zones/districts suggestion so that raiders can fight the guy cross-mapping them ! remove defending from inside a base !

Edited by Tene
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4 hours ago, Tene said:

imo basing numbers is the direct reason new players cant raid. sure there is the learning curve etc, but how are players even meant to start learning how to raid when they try and lockpick a door and there is 4 people outside the base sniping across map, and another 9 inside base (not on doors) all spraying forward. Limiting basing numbers just makes raiding easier in general which is exactly what new players need -- general common sense when seeing a door with 4 people on it would imply there's only 4 people in the base, the raider then has to clear the whole base and kill everyone outside before running in, they then have to guess how many people are actually in the base (probably another 6 that arent on doors)

I agree. I've never seen player amounts to that extreme (at over a year span) basing at one spot or heck, even basing in general, but I do get your point. I guess my main attitude is, instead of nerfing it, maybe just make the other side strong enough that it could take on that level of play with enough skill knowledge. There was one time where Silver wanted a group I was basing with at the time and I to raid a base. We all failed horribly, maybe getting 1 kill on outsiders but, Silver swept the entire base. It was one of the most badass things I've ever seen. The kill feed just popping up with kills, and soon enough, he won the raid basically by himself. Imagine the potential for things like that to happen were increased through various changes like changing bases to only be defendable if you are on doors and boosting the power of raiding. I don't think either of our answers are necessarily wrong either.

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It's a complete skill issue and I personally am not good at it. The server is run by basically 3 people at the moment, Broken, Spazz, and Emilia they base together and pretty much run around raid everybody every day, and horde every single entity. It makes it very unfun to play especially at night when I get off from working all day and I just want to have fun on some gmod. I can't see it as good for the community but it is just a part of Darkrp at the end of the day. I hope in the future this problem gets better but I can't see myself playing anymore since I was told directly by Broken that my time on the server will be made a living hell by being raided every time I log in and he sees me since I did this and got a 3-day ban for it. Good luck with the endeavor! - Austismo                                                                                                          spacer.png

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