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New Job: Engineer

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  1. build turrets that can be upgraded that can shoot through chain fences 
  2. The turret has upgrade options of elements you can upgrade that has different types of debuffs when they shoot a player
  3. build an emp tower that will disable c4 in a limited range if its near it and has a cooldown, that can also be upgraded.
  4. Job that can only be used by a player to solo base since most people that base. Base in large groups and isn't worth basing solo.

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So would this job be able to raid, use printers, raid players, etc or? I am still kind of iffy on adding this to the server but am possibly open to it. Would just definitely need a lot more specific information regarding turrets such as how powerful it is, ways of disabling or destroying it, how many can be used, where they can be used, etc.

Also, I feel like if turrets were added it may make more sense for it to not be limited to a single job.

Edited by toosii
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