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Remove NLR in raids and add timed spawnpoints


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I want to Preface this by saying a few things.
1. I don't think this suggestion will be accepted

2. this is more to start a discussion about the raiding/basing meta
3. this is to bring into question the rules about NLR.

The Suggestion

Similarly to how there are sleeping bags in rust, there can be spawn points that anyone can craft and place, these would be placed like the cultist's "Satan's Offering" before a raid would begin. they would have Limited Uses (maybe more uses depending on the crafting materials used to make one) and could be destroyed by other players. only one spawnpoint could be placed at a time and there would be a 15 minute timer after yours is destroyed before you could place another.

NLR Rule Changes

You can not place a spawnpoint after a raid begins. 

Going back to a raid without a spawnpoint would still be NLR. but when you have a spawnpoint set before a raid begins, you can continue your raid until your spawnpoint is spent  or destroyed.

"how do I know if someone had a spawnpoint or if they are breaking NLR?" I think a noise and visual notification would be enough. similar to the "hallelujah" from the Precious Life gang talent; a player would see maybe a small flash of light. 


Though it would take players a short while to get used to, I do believe it would ultimately be for the better. as of right now, Raiders and Basers both have to be very cautious with their actions. which can lead to long drawn out fights where both sides get hit and then wait for Bacta nades to recharge and for C4 to count down. I think adding spawnpoints would give both sides more room to act more reckless, it would be a cushion for new players who are still on the harsh learning curve of titsrp's quite unique form of raiding and basing. It would also give experienced players an extra layer of strategy to work with. Such as planning where to place their spawnpoints and how to make the most out of them.


This might just be my hot take, but I think that NLR rules are more of a relic of an older form of titsrp, it does serve a good purpose in adding cooldown timers for raids, but that's the only positive part of the NLR rules. Stopping players from continuing raids after they die just holds back Basing and Raiding from being more interesting than it could be. Raids could be so much more if only this archaic rule was not standing in the way.


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I know basing has been brought up a lot lately, but I do not think it would be a good change, mainly because a lot of people who do actually raid a lot usually have really powerful guns and buffs that make defending already pretty tough as is, and then adding a chance for them to run in with some raiding tools like C4 or whatever just to die and then come back once it blows a bunch of the base up now gives them the advantage of having a clear way to get into the base or know the layouts it gives  more of an advantage to the raiding people, then just looking at this for the side of staffing, how would they be able to tell if someone had a respawn circle down or if they just ran back from spawn to come back to the raid and just said oh I had one of these. Overall I feel like it would just add a lot more people being upset that people can just come back to a raid after they successfully defend their base, and potentially people abusing the system  and be a headache for staff to watch over on top of everything else

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1 hour ago, Tpicoo said:

"NLR Rule Changes

You can not place a spawnpoint after a raid begins. 

Going back to a raid without a spawnpoint would still be NLR."


Jay can you please just read the post instead of the title?

Imagine how many reports would be made each and every time a raid happens. It would be difficult enough to prove what is and isn't NLR or RRDM before even beginning trying to distinguish when a raid starts especially considering raids aren't advertised here unless they're on the kingdom, bank or PD.

Also imagine how annoying it would be if you were being raided by a party of eight-ten people and they were constantly spawning back. This would only be alright if it was like one-three at most. Anything other than would be sorely unfair to people who base. 

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