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savage hypocrisy


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for sure marioben, the thing is if your going to take responsibility for not exposing edgy 13 year olds to porn in chat, you have to carry that over to your server rules and regulations entirely. heres a few good examples

(this is an example this is not reality) you block people from posting pictures of pornographic images of women, but not men, or blocking actual pictures of people, but not blocking animated porn.

racism is also a good actual example of this, on this server you absolutely not allowed to use a particular derogatory term for african americans, but you are allowed to say things like "Black people are out of line, they go and get shot and then cry about it unlike white people" in all chat

heres a screenshot of that actually, this person said it in OOC, and I had to consult 2 different admins to have anything done about this




as well as anti-Semitic comments and imagery such as swastikas are okay, rape/sexual assault jokes are okay

and while i am not a sensitive person, you cannot ban someone for suggesting people to look something up that may be nsfw when 80% of the server is borderline rule-violating racism and pornography. at what point do you draw the line of responsibility of what "children" can and cannot see is my case and point here.

you are absolutely right though sir, the argument of "what about the children" is one of the most empty and dry things you could use as an excuse to remove someone from the server. i simply cant stand hypocrisy. thanks for actually giving good input mario have a wonderful day sir


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2 hours ago, NutterButterz said:

for sure marioben, the thing is if your going to take responsibility for not exposing edgy 13 year olds to porn in chat, you have to carry that over to your server rules and regulations entirely. heres a few good examples

(this is an example this is not reality) you block people from posting pictures of pornographic images of women, but not men, or blocking actual pictures of people, but not blocking animated porn.

racism is also a good actual example of this, on this server you absolutely not allowed to use a particular derogatory term for african americans, but you are allowed to say things like "Black people are out of line, they go and get shot and then cry about it unlike white people" in all chat

heres a screenshot of that actually, this person said it in OOC, and I had to consult 2 different admins to have anything done about this




as well as anti-Semitic comments and imagery such as swastikas are okay, rape/sexual assault jokes are okay

and while i am not a sensitive person, you cannot ban someone for suggesting people to look something up that may be nsfw when 80% of the server is borderline rule-violating racism and pornography. at what point do you draw the line of responsibility of what "children" can and cannot see is my case and point here.

you are absolutely right though sir, the argument of "what about the children" is one of the most empty and dry things you could use as an excuse to remove someone from the server. i simply cant stand hypocrisy. thanks for actually giving good input mario have a wonderful day sir


we do not care

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