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Tod: Being a Good Mod


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Note: I will be doing this to admins that I see are doing good in their jobs. I basically support them.


Tod. There are 57 players, so much FailRP, so much RDM, so much Mass RDM, so much Kidnapping without advert. Tod was mainly taking care of stuff on the server on that time.


Video of him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2zQlPJCBhc&feature=youtu.be


There is no noise because I was listening to music.

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gg tod....gg 



Tod does do his job although he can get tempered he is a good mod. He goes to sits when he can and does his best in all them. Me and tod almost get flooded with sits everyday because no one else wants to do them. keep it up tod. (sorry I have not been on much today)

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Can you not do this....

I mean Tod is a great guy...

But you said that you will be stalking other admins/moderators and video taping them...

This is your final warning


Not a witch hunt - Valley is trying to congratulate and give notice/gain attention to staff members doing their job in the best way.


In a way, he's being very positive and complimenting the staff team, I wouldn't give him a, "final warning."


No worries Cullen bb i gotchu fam.

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If the player wants someone warned for RDM and the accused explains it and it could have been an accident or unintended - I usually ask what the victim wants, because he is the one affected.


If he feels like the accused should be forgiven and that it could have been an accident, then I won't punish him.

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One thing I don't like is when mods ask if they want them to be warned. Its at the staffs discretion to warn them or not.


When I can easily tell someone is new to dark rp and breaking rules for example breaking NLR to arrest me. I usually would have a staff member come over and explain to this person the rule and say "Well I can tell this person is new and I didn't really want to get them warned so will a verbal warning be fine?"

Honestly I don't get mad over much and I could've explained to him, but its easier to have a staff member tell people because why would someone be a staff without knowing rules?

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One thing I don't like is when mods ask if they want them to be warned. Its at the staffs discretion to warn them or not.


Eh, not really. Usually the reason a player may not want the user warned is because they were personally dealing with the guy in question, their attitude may be at the discretion of the reporter and the staff may see them in the wrong light.

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I just love Tod because he's the most corrupt Corrupt mayor out there. Sorry again for trying to kill you :0


Sweg I don't honk you know me, but I'm pretty sure I'm the most corrupt mayor of them all. Everyone who is a pawn in my regime does whatever my laws say, and if they don't. X(

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