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Shit Ass Appeal

Shit Ass

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Shit Ass

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Why were you banned or warned?

Pedophile Accusations, Chargeback

Why should you be unwarned/unbanned?

Okay so i�m here and yes i�m appealing, this appeal will be split into multiple parts and may be a little lengthy, so apologies in advance...

1. This all started around the time a bunch of staff were being called out for being biased and i joined a lot of new communities in the server and learned a lot of stuff i never knew before. Around this time I also felt like I wasn�t happy in the server and I was just minging at this point. So one day I was hanging out in a VC with some buddies and we decided we wanted to get banned because �haha funny,� well you can tell that happened and i decided it would be funny if i changed my name to pedophile mcstubbins and go around as the pedophile job. This obviously resulted in a ban and I lost a large amount of friends in the community. I would like to apologize to those who I offended and I just want you to understand this was just me being the hyper retard I am and i have nobody else to blame.

2. The alting. Yes I have alted multiple times for various reasons, people asking me to, being bored, wanting to play on the server, etc. this obviously was a stupid idea and got me nowhere but in more trouble. I would like to apologize to all the staff and players that I wasted the time and resources of by doing so, and yes i did alt multiple times and I take full responsibility for anything i did during that time.

3. Chargeback and other things. I did chargeback after getting banned, which has since then been paid back to the admins. The others things i want to include are the people and friends i lost/ gained during this time. I was involved in a lot of drama including staff bias, bans, and some other stuff. Yes I may of caused a lot of controversy in the community and I want to apologize to everybody that was affected by this. It was useless and a waste of time and did not prove anything or benefit me in any way.

While I was banned I made a lot of mistakes and did a lot of stupid things but I�m human, people make mistakes whether they are as bad as mine is debatable, but people can change and that�s why i�m here appealing today, to ask you guys for a chance to prove myself and show that i can change and be a better person on this server.

I would like to thank all the people who have stood by my side during all this and apologize to anyone who was affected. I also want to thank Rubik and the other people who are giving me this opportunity to appeal.

Who warned/banned you?

Rubik/Doge Skeletor

How long were you warned or banned for?

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I shows through your appeal that you’ve taken this time to thoroughly think about why you acted the way you did, I understand not agreeing with staff and being tired of the server but the way you acted was completely unreasonable and uncalled for. With that being said I don’t think your likely to do something similar to this again, next time you wanna go rouge take it to the higher ups or simply take a break from the server, with that being said it’s my opinion that you should be unbanned and given a second/last chance.

+1 for Unban

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