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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Im not sure where to put this so im putting it here lol

You should add handcuffs to the Staff On Duty job, make it a lot easier to help with all the recent mass RDAs



Good idea, but the we do have a section dedicated to suggestions for staff stuff



Who cares, it a suggestion to the server...

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Ok So I'm very angry this morning cause everyone has been fucking with me sooo in this post I'm gonna talk about all the things that REALLY bother me on the server right now. So before this post gets neglected because the next page is almost here please consider these things.


1. The Defend the bank event is total BS. All it does it let u rob the bank for no special prize and its just not fun. Please remove it from the event cycle. And you don't even get anything extra its just a regular bank raid that anyone can take part in so its just cancer.

2. The weapon modifier job NEEDS to be removed/changed. All they do is run around leaving people with 1 hp and if someone tries to fight back they are a 1 hit kill. And I think the job is not even needed. Just redo the unboxing system and add the upgraded weapons to that. It makes sense common=blue, uncommon=pink, epic = purple, and legendary = gold.

3 Speaking of unboxing, if u neglected my post yesterday, its total shit right now. Not only is it not worth unboxing cause u will ALWAYS get trash, its take YEARS to open. Please take idea 2 into consideration and please fix the speed cause NOBODY unboxes anymore unless they are THAT bored.

4.Let the General buyer buy ANY AND ALL weapons. I need inventory space but I don't wanna just trash the 3 mil in regular weapons I have. and nobody will buy them either so its like da fuck do I do with them?

5. (this isn't really something I hate but I think it should be this instead.) The bounty hunter job is nothing like it is IRL. I think there should be up to 4 bounty hunters at 1 time and they can kos anyone with a bounty at all times. none of this go up to a cp and get his bounty list shit. ANd irl bounty is just whoever gets this guys head first gets the prize. Makes sense yes?


7. Printers And Bitmers Are Complete Shit. There Is literally no point in buying a cheap or auto printers cause ur only gonna make like 3k after playing 5 hours. Whever I use bitminers I only lose money cause there total shit and overpriced. And the multi printer is ok but still needs a major buff. The Only Reason to make a base these days is to opium farm or proccess weapons.


SO Before this Gets neglected and if u want to help out, don't type +1 for this. Go and Tell Sugar. Only +1 this if the next page starts and I need it to be brought up on that page, cause everyone only looks at the lastest post right? SO Please Take these into consideration and we can make Tits RP Great Again! 


P.S I will Prob Repost this if I gets neglected.

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Ok So I'm very angry this morning cause everyone has been fucking with me sooo in this post I'm gonna talk about all the things that REALLY bother me on the server right now. So before this post gets neglected because the next page is almost here please consider these things.


1. The Defend the bank event is total BS. 

Im pretty sure you get more shipments fom raiding whil the event happens

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i would love to see a fightfighter job it be cool if random fire would spawn and the firefighters had to put them out each fire they put out gave them 500-1k


Fire is actually really expensive. DarkRP has a built in firespread system but it was removed. I think adding this would only cause lag and a lot of screaming that something just blew up in their house and caused everything else to blow up. I can't see the necessity to add it unfortunately.


So Being the money Horder I am I have an idea to make money that's even riskier than stocks. A savings account bank system. Soo it would work like this, You deposite your money and every hour or so, you get a 1% interest on your deposite. Soo for those of you who are like da fuck does that mean, i'll give an example. say u put 100$ in the bank. then you get 1% interest. you now have 101% in the bank. And then 1 hour later you get another 1% so you would now have $102.01 and so on. The catch is this. People can rob the bank for 10% of all the money inside it. And the leftover 90% would just be destroyed by the server. So if there is 2.5mil total in the bank, and someone robs it, they get 250k and the people who invested their money lose all of it. This would be fun for raiders, create a bank security job, and add another way to make money. Plus its done in real life too so its good for rp.



Ps. Sugar Add Salaries back, like why did they go away?


On the topic of banks, there should be a dedicated bank base over the PD. You rob a bank for money, rob PD for weapons. Add a banker job with like 3 slots and make them legally print if they are in bank.


 Design a system where banker buys a box, people made a deposit in the bank with a cap of some sort and they get a bonus of like .3% every salary.


 If you really wanna make it more interesting, make it so there's a chance of gaining a special item through this system to give players a reason on top of money to deposit.


The raiders could raid the bank and gain all money from all of the deposits, but anyone in the govt or with a deposit is notified about the raid as soon as he picks a door in the base who can then go and defend their money.


If bank is raided, demote banker for failing to protect the money.



It's funny that you're the first player to ever say anything about salaries and how they actually don't exist. There really isn't too good of an explanation as to why other than a light reduction on server load. It's been removed for up to 4+ months.


With the bank it's a nice idea but where would you put that place where bankers can go? It's not hard to really dedicate an area to some job but I don't know what would be a decent sized area just for that.


Get rid of all the csgo knives.  The reason why is because no one uses them and they are soooo..... annoying when it comes to the cc Editor.  I don't mind if you keep the default of those perticular knifes.


They take up little to no space. Just scroll past them. It's not like you're scrolling through years of csgo knifes


Im not sure where to put this so im putting it here lol

You should add handcuffs to the Staff On Duty job, make it a lot easier to help with all the recent mass RDAs


People that aren't CP cannot use cuffs. You guys do have an admin stick where you can freeze players


Ok So I'm very angry this morning cause everyone has been fucking with me sooo in this post I'm gonna talk about all the things that REALLY bother me on the server right now. So before this post gets neglected because the next page is almost here please consider these things.


1. The Defend the bank event is total BS. All it does it let u rob the bank for no special prize and its just not fun. Please remove it from the event cycle. And you don't even get anything extra its just a regular bank raid that anyone can take part in so its just cancer.

2. The weapon modifier job NEEDS to be removed/changed. All they do is run around leaving people with 1 hp and if someone tries to fight back they are a 1 hit kill. And I think the job is not even needed. Just redo the unboxing system and add the upgraded weapons to that. It makes sense common=blue, uncommon=pink, epic = purple, and legendary = gold.

3 Speaking of unboxing, if u neglected my post yesterday, its total shit right now. Not only is it not worth unboxing cause u will ALWAYS get trash, its take YEARS to open. Please take idea 2 into consideration and please fix the speed cause NOBODY unboxes anymore unless they are THAT bored.

4.Let the General buyer buy ANY AND ALL weapons. I need inventory space but I don't wanna just trash the 3 mil in regular weapons I have. and nobody will buy them either so its like da fuck do I do with them?

5. (this isn't really something I hate but I think it should be this instead.) The bounty hunter job is nothing like it is IRL. I think there should be up to 4 bounty hunters at 1 time and they can kos anyone with a bounty at all times. none of this go up to a cp and get his bounty list shit. ANd irl bounty is just whoever gets this guys head first gets the prize. Makes sense yes?


7. Printers And Bitmers Are Complete Shit. There Is literally no point in buying a cheap or auto printers cause ur only gonna make like 3k after playing 5 hours. Whever I use bitminers I only lose money cause there total shit and overpriced. And the multi printer is ok but still needs a major buff. The Only Reason to make a base these days is to opium farm or proccess weapons.


SO Before this Gets neglected and if u want to help out, don't type +1 for this. Go and Tell Sugar. Only +1 this if the next page starts and I need it to be brought up on that page, cause everyone only looks at the lastest post right? SO Please Take these into consideration and we can make Tits RP Great Again! 


P.S I will Prob Repost this if I gets neglected.


1. Defend the bank is just an enhanced bank raid. You get 10 shipments of 20 + the actual bank raid amount (40k - 60k). I don't really think it should be removed

2. This is changed for the next reset

3. This is also fixed for the next reset

4. I thought about this and I think it would be a bad idea to even have it so it would buy back weapons at a 4th of the price. If you get a shipment of 20 blowtorches and sell all 20 of them to the person, you would make 2.5 million just from that. Maybe I can just put a restriction on what not to accept.

5. The way the bounty system was designed was to be a long lived job. There should always be a person with a bounty if done right + it allows more interaction. Having more than 1 bounty hunter speeds up the process and making it so you don't have to get a list from the CP just makes it a hitman that has more than one target. You don't have to play the job if you don't like it but from what I can tell, it's usually taken.

6. Max fining was dropped from 100k to 20k for this reason. It's too much work to get someone to properly fine people. If you don't want to pay the fine then take the 4 minutes in jail / pay it / demote the CP for over fining. It won't kill you. Also remember you can walk out of jail and you will be unarrested.

7. I might just make it so there is a singular entity that prints money to make it more uniform and simple to do next weekend. It's hard to balance all of the ways to make money.

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