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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Every single tmod that has bought it so far got demoted. I understand we got some good people out of it but, the recent tmods are bad, get rid of dat thing.


Both of our head admins are paid mods. Most of our admins in total are paid mods.


I don't like the option of buying trial mod and I don't like custom classes. It's the fact that if you don't have them, VIP prices would have to shoot up to being monthly or like $25. This server costs a lot to keep up monthly and VIP is not even close to being worth $25.


If the recent mods are bad...report them or something. I can't look into a glass ball and say "He is not good, he must be demoted". The community is the only thing that can provoke me to look into an issue. I don't play on the server and I don't monitor my staff. The few times I do log into the server people yell at me saying "OMG THIS ISSUE HAS BEEN HERE FOR 4 WEEKS, WHY IS IT NOT FIXED" and then I tell them I had no knowledge that an issue even existed.


Report shit so I can help.


Make it so everybody can see raid calls?


It's annoying being too far away to realize someone called raid, but staff can see it.


If you do !raid in group chat, or say_team !raid nobody will get your message unless they have the same job, so if people abuse that it's theoretically impossible for them to know, until you start blowin shit up.


!raidmenu shows you ever player's cooldown and if they can or cannot raid


The whole purpose of !raid and !heist is to make it so people don't have to announce it. The only reason you had to do that in the past was because of logging purposes.



(My post from lastnight)


Just asking for the More Materials workshop addons. All bases on the server use the same material for everything and the more materials can lead to different base designs. I say this because I do have certain designs built around materials. This seems a bit barebones for a recommendation, but it's rather straightforward.


Are people going to use the black on bases even with this? Maybe


Are players going to use the addon? Definitely, through multiple ways as well.


Does this bring about any issues? Not that I know of as of right now.


Is there a specific addon I have in mind? Not in particular, but Mr. Vane or Dr. Spicket are the more used ones.


Added both material addons. Enjoy the 200 more materials.

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More purchasable ranks in the store. ex.) VIP+ will add more classes, tool gun abilities, i was thinking about having the material part of the VIP+ but you already added it, and rp cash.


I'll pm you about this.

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The bringing back removal of warns is needed though.

I also want to suggest !false. This is for people who call raid, and then think otherwise within 15 seconds. - Blacnova



Please add !false.


I have !raid bound and I have sometimes accidentally hit it, and it's the most annoying thing, because I have to wait.


I would recommend adding a set amount of time to it though, you don't want someone calling false after the raid so the cooldown goes away.


Give it like a 15 second window like Blacnova said.

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I suggest we remove the "50 warns is a permaban" thing. I feel as a warn should be just that, a warn. For people like me who play for long times could get warns over time. Granted I haven't had a warn in a while now (Scratch that thanks albino). But what I'm trying to say is that we all make mistakes and warns build up, good people could be permabanned for just, being human. This wasn't meant to be turned into a paragraph but it did, so read it XD. Its just my suggestion though.

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I suggest we remove the "50 warns is a permaban" thing. I feel as a warn should be just that, a warn. For people like me who play for long times could get warns over time. Granted I haven't had a warn in a while now (Scratch that thanks albino). But what I'm trying to say is that we all make mistakes and warns build up, good people could be permabanned for just, being human. This wasn't meant to be turned into a paragraph but it did, so read it XD. Its just my suggestion though.


50 warns isn't an instant permaban. If you have 50 warns and continue to cause trouble, you will be permabanned. It's just a way to ban players who continually cause trouble.

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I suggest we remove the "50 warns is a permaban" thing. I feel as a warn should be just that, a warn. For people like me who play for long times could get warns over time. Granted I haven't had a warn in a while now (Scratch that thanks albino). But what I'm trying to say is that we all make mistakes and warns build up, good people could be permabanned for just, being human. This wasn't meant to be turned into a paragraph but it did, so read it XD. Its just my suggestion though.


You shouldn't need to have 50 warns if you followed rules properly. Warnings also serve as a reminder that rules are still in play and you shouldn't be breaking every single rule over time nor repeating an offense. If you consistently have infractions you're not learning and you deserve the punishment. No way in heck have I ever seen a player get even two warning without either stopping their actions or they continue without regard. 50 is such a significant number that you almost have to TRY to get that far due to how many rules we don't have anymore.

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^ agreed, i think warns should ware off at some point, Ex.) Preschool, you get 1 warning 3 being the max, if you get 3 warns you get put in timeout (aka a ban on the server but more warns) the warns you get in preschool go away the next day. example over...    So im not saying if you get warned it should go away the next day but i think warns should slowly go away, another Ex.) Ospevon Has warned Sugar for RDM


                                                  A month or so later the warn goes away or becomes inactive (meaning it won't affect the player its ust there so the staff knows what he has done in the past)




So I think this would help a lot, because new players join the server they dont know they rules entirely and want to play, they break 1 or 2 and get warned, it was an accident, then a few months later the warns are either gone or inactive like i said above, (sorry if i sound retarded I was up all night with musical because he was helping me with something)

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