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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Add a minimum age requirement to applying for moderator. these children you keep accepting as mods are abusive, favour their friends, harrass people they have grudges on, and super petty and immature. It's annoying af having to put up with their shit.

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Add a minimum age requirement to applying for moderator. these children you keep accepting as mods are abusive, favour their friends, harrass people they have grudges on, and super petty and immature. It's annoying af having to put up with their shit.


This could work, however it could restrict some great staff to join the staff team(Looking at Moist Chicken, who is 11). But it's a great preventive method. I'm interested in what other opinions are.

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Add a minimum age requirement to applying for moderator. these children you keep accepting as mods are abusive, favour their friends, harrass people they have grudges on, and super petty and immature. It's annoying af having to put up with their shit.


This could work, however it could restrict some great staff to join the staff team(Looking at Moist Chicken, who is 11). But it's a great preventive method. I'm interested in what other opinions are.


maybe some other form of whitelisting then idk?


I noticed it becomes more of a problem when new staff try to help get their friends onto the staff team with them

maybe the minimum hours could be raised significantly so that we can actually get to know these people beforehand

I say this because I've been playing since January and most of the new tmods only really played for a couple days before becoming staff

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Add a minimum age requirement to applying for moderator. these children you keep accepting as mods are abusive, favour their friends, harrass people they have grudges on, and super petty and immature. It's annoying af having to put up with their shit.


This could work, however it could restrict some great staff to join the staff team(Looking at Moist Chicken, who is 11). But it's a great preventive method. I'm interested in what other opinions are.


maybe some other form of whitelisting then idk?


I noticed it becomes more of a problem when new staff try to help get their friends onto the staff team with them

maybe the minimum hours could be raised significantly so that we can actually get to know these people beforehand

I say this because I've been playing since January and most of the new tmods only really played for a couple days before becoming staff


The people we pick as mod aren't hand picked from some kind of golden basket. They are people who sign up and want to moderate. If we introduced restrictions we would get less apps than we do now and end up having significantly less staff on than we do now. Just think, I accepted around 14 trial mods in the past 2 weeks. How many staff members have you seen on at one time? 6? Maybe as high as 8? The actual average staff count on at one time is probably 0 - 4 maybe. It's not that I accept these people knowing that they will do a great job. I think they will do their job mediocre or average at best but is doing a mediocre job - average job better than not having any staff on? Is it better to only accept people who but the utter most effort into their application? If I was going to be real, if I did that I probably would have accepted 1 or 2 apps from the last list.


Of course if they cause issues then they will be demoted and replaced at some point but this cycle of mods has always happened. People who sincerely want to help the server with all of their heart don't sign up to be mod. People who do sits here and there sign up to be mod. It goes to show since in our 3 years of being a server we have had...like 8 admins? One of them being a 12 year old who really showed his dedication and experience to the server. That's why admin+ is such a valued role because the vast majority of 300+ moderators we have ever had 8 have been worthy enough to promote even higher than a basic mod.

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Add a minimum age requirement to applying for moderator. these children you keep accepting as mods are abusive, favour their friends, harrass people they have grudges on, and super petty and immature. It's annoying af having to put up with their shit.


Age means nothing now-a-days and I can rant about this all day.

Turf wars nigga

Add a grove street gang nigga

Add ANTIFA job with this model


They could replace the rebel job

Remove the party system and further thw gang  system to further encourage long term partnerships and reduce hearing screaming from people who can't  take betrayal.

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Change the in game font to the the same font as the TitsRP logo.

Create a storage box that is based off the code of the inventory system.

Gang Update themed recommendations below

Add turf wars, code it like conquest from battlefront or any other capture the zone game mode.

Some king of King Pin or Gang Boss menu like the mayor menu.

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Make a VIP+ rank that costs like $15 and with an excludsive printer and more jobs for the rank. You could be making that $$$$$$.

I'd recommend looking through old forum posts sugar doesn't do this to make a ton of money that's why you can get everything from the real money shop Ingame also. I'd be cool for more jobs but I hate servers with exclusive printers that cost money to get feels kinda pay to win in a way

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