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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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  • Add a loyalty system that rewards you for playing an x amount of time, such as getting respected  if you have 1k+ hours and no warns or free vip.
  • Add a insurance system that players can buy that will cover entities such as printers or processors of they are destroyed in a raid and be able to caim them at full upgrade and xp, but wont produce anything for lile 30 min so it cant be exploited.
  • Add a gambling system that you earn a different type of currency that you use to buy currecny exclusive item or perks with.
  • Bring back king of the hill event.
  •  Make darth vader a gang leader.
  • Add a work system in the jail that will reduce a players jail time and make the pd money.

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Make Batman faster / have a stun gun, and be able to restrain kidnappers and killing (but only if the killer didn't take any damage before the kill occurred (e.g. not self-defense)


Batman is a vigilante not a cop. He just wants people he doesn't need a stun gun.


He's also Batman lol he has a utility belt with a lot of stuff, and what kind of people would be /faster/ than Batman?

batman is really mingey but balanced right now, I think he should stay the same.

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Adding a new job that counters batman either making it bane or the joker. They can openly attack batman whenever they see him and they can also uncuff anyone batman stops from doing illegal activities and if it's bane have a swep called back breaker. And just have a sound file played whenever it's used and it can render batman either unconscious or stunned like the effects of being kidnapped

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Adding a new job that counters batman either making it bane or the joker. They can openly attack batman whenever they see him and they can also uncuff anyone batman stops from doing illegal activities and if it's bane have a swep called back breaker. And just have a sound file played whenever it's used and it can render batman either unconscious or stunned like the effects of being kidnapped


isn't this basically just chucky and jigsaw?

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Adding a new job that counters batman either making it bane or the joker. They can openly attack batman whenever they see him and they can also uncuff anyone batman stops from doing illegal activities and if it's bane have a swep called back breaker. And just have a sound file played whenever it's used and it can render batman either unconscious or stunned like the effects of being kidnapped


isn't this basically just chucky and jigsaw?

I mean it kind of is, but insted of a feud between two people who just randomly kill and stuff, it would render effects on the law in the city, making more feuds between jobs of diffrent aspects.Like Chucky & Jigsaw feud to essentially stop each other from accomplishing their goal of killing whatever specific target each one is after, so their you have jobs based on killing feuding to stop each other from doing that for the others personal gain.With Bane & Batman(Or Joker) you would have a feud in the aspect of law in the city.Therefore cops would also be effected by this because they would now no only have to worry about players stopping them from arresting/cuffing people, but also the Joker or Bane, who could free them and let them escape, essentially creating more obstacles for the PD to have to watch out for.So you have Chucky & Jigsaw, both are threats to the players AKA the citizens, and then The Joker or Bane being a threat to the Police Department, therefore spreading more obstacles out among more then just the public, but also the Police.

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Adding a new job that counters batman either making it bane or the joker. They can openly attack batman whenever they see him and they can also uncuff anyone batman stops from doing illegal activities and if it's bane have a swep called back breaker. And just have a sound file played whenever it's used and it can render batman either unconscious or stunned like the effects of being kidnapped



I think this would make playing batman more fun but would require him to be more skillful


I think it should be a Bane job and Bane would have the same speed as SOH with a little more hp but with no grapple hook. I think this would counter Batman's grapple if Batman isn't careful enough. 

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-Bounty Hunters should be able to get their bounty from the Bounty Board; them being dependent on stealing from CP is kinda dumb when there's a giant bounty board in the PD. Also gives Bounty Hunters the ability to hunt even if there are no current CPs.


-Mayor's Assassin CD: Lengthen. As of the moment, any one person can proceed to hunt the Mayor consecutively after every 2 minutes I believe? That is without accounting for the presence of other people. I've personally experienced getting hunted by 6 or 7 assassins consecutively because different people immediately take up the mantle of the previous assassin after they die by me. 


-Kidnappers: Disable adrenaline for Kidnapper jobs and CCs, it's kinda stupid how people can just jump down on you (especially the CCs with Master Swords and shit) / run along, LMB + R, then run off in the span of a milliseconds. I believe that kidnappers we're kos'd to prevent blatant kidnapping in broad daylight, to make people sneakily kidnap. Well being on adrenaline circumvents all that because you run so fast people can't even shoot you (with the exception of those blessed with low ping and good aim but I digress).


-Hitman: Either make it VIP or nerf it and make the original one a VIP job. Not really an important suggestion, it's just that so many RDMers use this class to mass RDM and it pisses me off.


-RDM Arena: Give prizes to winners (could be a one-life legendary weapon or Tier 1/2 Lootcrates or even Tier 3 idk). The winners should meet the following criteria:

1. Gotten >X amount of kills (could be a function of how many players were in the game)

2. Participated with >Y amount of players

Prizes could be adjusted for different levels of difficulty like for example, winning with 5 players total gets you a Tier 1, with 10 players a Tier 2, and 15 players a Tier 3. Based on previous leaderboard experiences, we've never even reached 10 people (because no one got the leaderboard for that), so the chances of a big inflow of Tier 2s and 3s are miniscule. 


-Revolt: Make the people who died in the revolt be able to enter the RDM Arena AND get guns so they can play in it.


-Lastly, something not related to content. I might get a load of disagreements and maybe hate, but idk and idc anymore really. I wish staff would take more initiative, like, I've seen people of all ranks do nothing to blatant rule breakers. I get that 1. Staff are people too and they're busy with other shit / want to rp too, / its not even a job they get paid for, they just volunteered, and 2. Shit like NLR can go unnoticed until pointed out by making a sit. But 1. They applied for this tho? like, I know they have no obligation, but they should uphold the name of the server they're representing by doing their job / forgo their rp (which I've noticed is usually not even serious rp) / not bring false hope by not being on the server if they're busy IRL, and 2. Jesus how obvious is it that a guy is mass rdming when half the time a killfeed updates, it involves them? A quick check of /slogs will prove that and you can tp the dude when he dies. And damn, I've seen a lot of blatant mass RDMers just go unnoticed EVEN with sits being made. And then when people assume staff is afk, and start a voteban, suddenly *magic* staff is actually not afk, stops the vote, and does nothing about the person involved. Some even acknowledge that they know the problem based on what they saw in chat, but all they do is "// make a sit then.". Like, I know sits are recorded and might get count towards some arbitrary mod goodness level bar for getting promoted but are they really that important to wait for someone to make a sit before doing anything about it? Idk, just my two cents.


-P.S. Make something like a sit tracker for staff so when people type !staff, it says "in a sit" if they are, so people shouting that staff aren't doing their job would shut up, because they are.

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-Bounty Hunters should be able to get their bounty from the Bounty Board; them being dependent on stealing from CP is kinda dumb when there's a giant bounty board in the PD. Also gives Bounty Hunters the ability to hunt even if there are no current CPs.


I think this is a good suggestion but bounties need to be changed so bounty hunters aren't constantly killing everyone, you can get a bounty by rping normally, even by not doing anything illegal.


-Mayor's Assassin CD: Lengthen. As of the moment, any one person can proceed to hunt the Mayor consecutively after every 2 minutes I believe? That is without accounting for the presence of other people. I've personally experienced getting hunted by 6 or 7 assassins consecutively because different people immediately take up the mantle of the previous assassin after they die by me. 


If you have a good enough base, assassins shouldn't bother you. I can usually snake out the rats anyway, I don't see this needing to be changed.


-Kidnappers: Disable adrenaline for Kidnapper jobs and CCs, it's kinda stupid how people can just jump down on you (especially the CCs with Master Swords and shit) / run along, LMB + R, then run off in the span of a milliseconds. I believe that kidnappers we're kos'd to prevent blatant kidnapping in broad daylight, to make people sneakily kidnap. Well being on adrenaline circumvents all that because you run so fast people can't even shoot you (with the exception of those blessed with low ping and good aim but I digress).


I'd rather this isn't added because the only other use for adrenaline right now is rushing the VIP event or other tasks like parcels, not really that useful in rp other than kidnapping. It's not even that easy to control and like you said, get good aim.


-Hitman: Either make it VIP or nerf it and make the original one a VIP job. Not really an important suggestion, it's just that so many RDMers use this class to mass RDM and it pisses me off.


RDMers can RDM with a lot of jobs. It won't change anything, the reason Smoke/Demo got changed is because they are heavily abusable.


-RDM Arena: Give prizes to winners (could be a one-life legendary weapon or Tier 1/2 Lootcrates or even Tier 3 idk). The winners should meet the following criteria:

1. Gotten >X amount of kills (could be a function of how many players were in the game)

2. Participated with >Y amount of players

Prizes could be adjusted for different levels of difficulty like for example, winning with 5 players total gets you a Tier 1, with 10 players a Tier 2, and 15 players a Tier 3. Based on previous leaderboard experiences, we've never even reached 10 people (because no one got the leaderboard for that), so the chances of a big inflow of Tier 2s and 3s are miniscule. 


I've suggested this several times, not sure if sugar is interested in adding it.


-Revolt: Make the people who died in the revolt be able to enter the RDM Arena AND get guns so they can play in it.


I believe this was supposed to be added but is buggy. 


-Lastly, something not related to content. I might get a load of disagreements and maybe hate, but idk and idc anymore really. I wish staff would take more initiative, like, I've seen people of all ranks do nothing to blatant rule breakers. I get that 1. Staff are people too and they're busy with other shit / want to rp too, / its not even a job they get paid for, they just volunteered, and 2. Shit like NLR can go unnoticed until pointed out by making a sit. But 1. They applied for this tho? like, I know they have no obligation, but they should uphold the name of the server they're representing by doing their job / forgo their rp (which I've noticed is usually not even serious rp) / not bring false hope by not being on the server if they're busy IRL, and 2. Jesus how obvious is it that a guy is mass rdming when half the time a killfeed updates, it involves them? A quick check of /slogs will prove that and you can tp the dude when he dies. And damn, I've seen a lot of blatant mass RDMers just go unnoticed EVEN with sits being made. And then when people assume staff is afk, and start a voteban, suddenly *magic* staff is actually not afk, stops the vote, and does nothing about the person involved. Some even acknowledge that they know the problem based on what they saw in chat, but all they do is "// make a sit then.". Like, I know sits are recorded and might get count towards some arbitrary mod goodness level bar for getting promoted but are they really that important to wait for someone to make a sit before doing anything about it? Idk, just my two cents.


stop bitching, staff don't need your two cents. your other suggestions were actual suggestions, this is just a hate rant on mods. grow up.


-P.S. Make something like a sit tracker for staff so when people type !staff, it says "in a sit" if they are, so people shouting that staff aren't doing their job would shut up, because they are.


doesn't help when staff actually aren't doing their jobs. just makes ppl more angry.

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