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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I have a class suggestion for vip or member.


Class name Verdugo


Class model http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=272148309&searchtext=


Class Weapons The Deadric sword (i believe that is it, it is already on the server? its the short one that you can gain from un-boxing), The screw driver swep ( http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=112354597&searchtext=melee ), and the brick (already on the server)


Class Rules 1. Can advert " I am Verdugo, I desire a sacrifice." Every 10 minutes.( Can kill one person, ANYONE can kill him/her after they advert this.) 2. CANNOT call Raid but can assist in one, CANNOT Heist, CAN revolt. 3. Can kidnap but does not have to advert. 4. Lives on the street. (Can build like a hobo and what not, but he cannot live in a house.) 5. CAN ONLY USE MELEE WEAPONS ( Swords, bricks, or any other melee weapon only. ) 6. I ran out of rules.


Well I hope you like my idea, if so please let me know or if not let me know also :)

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He're might be a good idea:


Class: Dictator


Model: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=466482307&searchtext=playermodel


Weapons: This gold AK is pretty cool for a dictator (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=204099164&searchtext=AK+47) and maybe some other default weapons like dual pistols.


Description: As a dictator, you can take up a large area of the map for a country and base there with your own laws separate from mayor's laws. If you feel it, you can raid PD and try to kill the mayor. If successful, you take over PD and become mayor. You can also go to war with a king and try to take over his land claim.



1. You can take a large map area for your own country and make laws separate from default mayor laws

2. You can make certain classes/people KOS in your lands if they really have to be

3. If you are feeling up to it, you can call PD Raid and take over where you can then become mayor if you want.

4. You can also Raid a king for his land claim.

5. You cannot mug, raid, or heist except for in your territory and the rules above.


File Sizes:

Playermodel - 0.589 MB

Weapon - 1.046 MB

Total - 1.635 MB

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Can we get FA:S 2.0 & it's weapon packs? Not sure how taxing it would be on the server, but I think the current weapons are pretty annoying to use.


Custom models = server space. Plus there is a HUGE issue with Custom Weapons and FA:S. They bind to the hand-bone on the valve-biped and its super hard to get all playermodels (especially when people have custom models) to have that bone which spam errors all day long 24/7. It's lazy practice. While these guns are not the best, the definitely work. It allows us to get more of a variety of content into the game at a later point.

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Gag all players(including the moderator) in a sit.



There are many reasons why the use of mics in a sit is a bad idea. Firstly, everyone talks over each other. It's almost impossible to understand what all people in a sit are screaming at once, because everyone is scrambling to defend themselves or prosecute someone else. Secondly, the general voice quality of Garry's Mod as compared to other games(such as CS:GO) is, quite frankly, shit. Even on the off chance that none of the users are screaming over each other, it's still hard to understand some people.Also, even if the Garry's Mod voice quality was "acceptable", many people just have low-quality microphones. In short, bad quality, whether from GMod or personal equipment causes confusing sits with sad results. Secondly, the use of typing is an unbiased form of communication(referencing different quality mics), with easy to read responses. This makes strawmanning someone's argument in a sit much harder, because there is no way to intentionally misinterpret double-meanings of similarly SOUNDING words. Also, no user can lie about what they said or what a moderator or anyone else said, because 1. Screenshots use much less space and take up much less time then starting recording software and recording, and 2. If this was a recent interaction, you can scroll up in the chat menu or look in console.


In summary, keyboard use as opposed to microphones is better because of the equalization of communication(quality wise), not allowing players(or even moderators) to lie about interactions in a sit, and easily giving proof to all reports on the forums.



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Gag all players(including the moderator) in a sit.



There are many reasons why the use of mics in a sit is a bad idea. Firstly, everyone talks over each other. It's almost impossible to understand what all people in a sit are screaming at once, because everyone is scrambling to defend themselves or prosecute someone else. Secondly, the general voice quality of Garry's Mod as compared to other games(such as CS:GO) is, quite frankly, shit. Even on the off chance that none of the users are screaming over each other, it's still hard to understand some people.Also, even if the Garry's Mod voice quality was "acceptable", many people just have low-quality microphones. In short, bad quality, whether from GMod or personal equipment causes confusing sits with sad results. Secondly, the use of typing is an unbiased form of communication(referencing different quality mics), with easy to read responses. This makes strawmanning someone's argument in a sit much harder, because there is no way to intentionally misinterpret double-meanings of similarly SOUNDING words. Also, no user can lie about what they said or what a moderator or anyone else said, because 1. Screenshots use much less space and take up much less time then starting recording software and recording, and 2. If this was a recent interaction, you can scroll up in the chat menu or look in console.


In summary, keyboard use as opposed to microphones is better because of the equalization of communication(quality wise), not allowing players(or even moderators) to lie about interactions in a sit, and easily giving proof to all reports on the forums.




True on some level. When people are intentionally trying to dick off and talk over people, then yes, mute them. But on normal occasions I haven't really witnessed this happen :/ You are much better off seeing where it goes before taking action, as it much easier to talk rather than typing. Addressing the problem about bad quality, I really don't see it. It is not a problem for me at all, and when it is I just kindly ask the person to type, and mute the other side of the sit as well to keep it fair. Also, what is the purpose of muting the moderator. One does not simply "mute" the referee in a sport, why do it in game. They are there to solve your problems, don't make it harder on them.

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Gag all players(including the moderator) in a sit.



There are many reasons why the use of mics in a sit is a bad idea. Firstly, everyone talks over each other. It's almost impossible to understand what all people in a sit are screaming at once, because everyone is scrambling to defend themselves or prosecute someone else. Secondly, the general voice quality of Garry's Mod as compared to other games(such as CS:GO) is, quite frankly, shit. Even on the off chance that none of the users are screaming over each other, it's still hard to understand some people.Also, even if the Garry's Mod voice quality was "acceptable", many people just have low-quality microphones. In short, bad quality, whether from GMod or personal equipment causes confusing sits with sad results. Secondly, the use of typing is an unbiased form of communication(referencing different quality mics), with easy to read responses. This makes strawmanning someone's argument in a sit much harder, because there is no way to intentionally misinterpret double-meanings of similarly SOUNDING words. Also, no user can lie about what they said or what a moderator or anyone else said, because 1. Screenshots use much less space and take up much less time then starting recording software and recording, and 2. If this was a recent interaction, you can scroll up in the chat menu or look in console.


In summary, keyboard use as opposed to microphones is better because of the equalization of communication(quality wise), not allowing players(or even moderators) to lie about interactions in a sit, and easily giving proof to all reports on the forums.




True on some level. When people are intentionally trying to dick off and talk over people, then yes, mute them. But on normal occasions I haven't really witnessed this happen :/ You are much better off seeing where it goes before taking action, as it much easier to talk rather than typing. Addressing the problem about bad quality, I really don't see it. It is not a problem for me at all, and when it is I just kindly ask the person to type, and mute the other side of the sit as well to keep it fair. Also, what is the purpose of muting the moderator. One does not simply "mute" the referee in a sport, why do it in game. They are there to solve your problems, don't make it harder on them.


Honestly, that referee analogy is rather poor. This is because I would compare a moderator to a "Judge" as opposed to a referee. I also believe that analogy is a bit strong for what I am suggesting. Of course, the moderator would not be muted, and my OP would not be the EXACT rules as to what happens in a sit, just a guideline. Mods do not HAVE to mute themselves if they don't want to, that would make no sense. Also, I just think that having proof of what is said and ALWAYS understanding what is said are such huge advantages that they completely trump the minor "inconvenience" of having to type.


Also, I'm not suggesting that this be mandated for all moderators to do. If some people truly believe that infinite evidence and easy communication is not important, than they don't have to use gag.

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While that sounds good on a piece of paper it doesn't exactly seem too good in practice. I hate doing sits with people that do not have a mic. Some people take forever to type, some people simply cannot explain their situation in words, some people straight up cannot type. As a moderator, you can gag people with the admin stick. There is no set regulation in how you do your sits. As long as you do your shit effectively, I can care less in how you do it.

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While that sounds good on a piece of paper it doesn't exactly seem too good in practice. I hate doing sits with people that do not have a mic. Some people take forever to type, some people simply cannot explain their situation in words, some people straight up cannot type. As a moderator, you can gag people with the admin stick. There is no set regulation in how you do your sits. As long as you do your shit effectively, I can care less in how you do it.


Exactly, it would take too long.

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