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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Instead of fighting i got a solution :


Only the king should be allowed to make the entrance for the mega base.


Remove crouch only bases.(You can have places where you crouch but it needs to be somewhat not often)


Not allowing people to base in theater


Keep 1 way's 


Make it so we can keep printers after a dc



Make c4 like it used to be (Unfreeze the props that exploded).If not make it that it ghost's for atleast 20-30 seconds


I'm sorry, but no.


  1. Saying only the king can make the gate has some logic to it, but it's honestly not even a good rule. There is no gain from only the king being able to make the gate, zero benefits.
  2. Are you serious? TitsRP has always been extremely lenient towards building, just because a poll to remove one-ways fails, doesn't mean you should just go after other aspects of our basing code, please stop.
  3. Bruh. That is ridiculous, you can't just ban a base. The only way I would accept this rule is if we got a cinema plugin, which is useless in my opinion.
  4. Eh, sure I'll say we can keep one-ways, I'd rather completely get rid of them. But it's no big deal if we keep them. I like them if I'm being honest.
  5. I want this feature ridiculously bad, Sugar please.
  6. No, god no, old C4 was cancer.



The fact that the only reponse you can give me is "Its always been like this lets not change it" is boggling my mind 



1 why i want king to only be the one making the entrance its to make it less op.10 people mega basing with 150+ props is unraidable add a crouch only base and you got cancer.


2.Does not mean something has been the same way for ever thats its good.Crouch bases are extremely cheap and op.


The fact that we can build a base in a theater is retarded.We shouild add a job that is using the theater.Not base in it.


I agree and disagree with reviving the old C4,Id say instead of reviving it make it so it ghost's the props for a longer period of time

I thought crouch bases are allowed,  just ones that exploit the head glitch are not is what i thought were not allowed.

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Instead of fighting i got a solution :


Only the king should be allowed to make the entrance for the mega base.


Remove crouch only bases.(You can have places where you crouch but it needs to be somewhat not often)


Not allowing people to base in theater


Keep 1 way's 


Make it so we can keep printers after a dc



Make c4 like it used to be (Unfreeze the props that exploded).If not make it that it ghost's for atleast 20-30 seconds


I'm sorry, but no.


  1. Saying only the king can make the gate has some logic to it, but it's honestly not even a good rule. There is no gain from only the king being able to make the gate, zero benefits.
  2. Are you serious? TitsRP has always been extremely lenient towards building, just because a poll to remove one-ways fails, doesn't mean you should just go after other aspects of our basing code, please stop.
  3. Bruh. That is ridiculous, you can't just ban a base. The only way I would accept this rule is if we got a cinema plugin, which is useless in my opinion.
  4. Eh, sure I'll say we can keep one-ways, I'd rather completely get rid of them. But it's no big deal if we keep them. I like them if I'm being honest.
  5. I want this feature ridiculously bad, Sugar please.
  6. No, god no, old C4 was cancer.



The fact that the only reponse you can give me is "Its always been like this lets not change it" is boggling my mind 



1 why i want king to only be the one making the entrance its to make it less op.10 people mega basing with 150+ props is unraidable add a crouch only base and you got cancer.


2.Does not mean something has been the same way for ever thats its good.Crouch bases are extremely cheap and op.


The fact that we can build a base in a theater is retarded.We shouild add a job that is using the theater.Not base in it.


I agree and disagree with reviving the old C4,Id say instead of reviving it make it so it ghost's the props for a longer period of time

I thought crouch bases are allowed,  just ones that exploit the head glitch are not is what i thought were not allowed.

 right but they shouldn't be because they're fucking stupid

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Add a counter on the event menu to see how many tokens we have.


When the revision of the event system comes, I will make that happen. As of right now the event system is in a weird state and I don't want to touch it



On the topic with basing and what not, one way props are still in the game. You just can't have one way fences.

C4 ghosts props because new players don't have adv dupe. We had a lot of angry feedback that it's not fair that someone can just blow up their hour of building and they don't have adv dupe + it would sometimes cause lag if the base was too crazy

Some entities tied to steamids should be in for the next reset

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if you don't wanna revert the c4 to what it used to be do you mind making it so the ghost last for a little bit longer ?


And the Glow does not work at all on anything from what i've seen.

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Make the front doors of large buildings, like the hotel or apartment building, unownable. That way the lobby is a public area and people can only base in rooms.

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I think it'd be cool if we could have personal tv's for our bases. I've seen it on a few servers in the past and the players seemed to absolutely adore it. Minor suggestion since the boomboxes are such a big hit.

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I think it'd be cool if we could have personal tv's for our bases. I've seen it on a few servers in the past and the players seemed to absolutely adore it. Minor suggestion since the boomboxes are such a big hit.

Yea there a big hit for the wrong reason though, lol id say a majority of the people that use boomboxes use it to play ear slap on it. Yea too have suggested that though.

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