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Would it be possible to make printers stay after someone logs off? Currently I find raiding to be kinda pointless unless you purely want to piss someone off. If printers stayed after someone logged off it would make raiding and stealing the actual printers actually a thing worth doing.

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Would it be possible to make printers stay after someone logs off? Currently I find raiding to be kinda pointless unless you purely want to piss someone off. If printers stayed after someone logged off it would make raiding and stealing the actual printers actually a thing worth doing.



Possibly have a button on the printer that says "Claim" and when it is pressed the entity is owned by you.

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Would it be possible to make printers stay after someone logs off? Currently I find raiding to be kinda pointless unless you purely want to piss someone off. If printers stayed after someone logged off it would make raiding and stealing the actual printers actually a thing worth doing.



Possibly have a button on the printer that says "Claim" and when it is pressed the entity is owned by you.


I've seen something like this on other servers, and I think it's a great idea. It's so annoying to steal someones printers, only to have them relog.

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Would it be possible to make printers stay after someone logs off? Currently I find raiding to be kinda pointless unless you purely want to piss someone off. If printers stayed after someone logged off it would make raiding and stealing the actual printers actually a thing worth doing.



Possibly have a button on the printer that says "Claim" and when it is pressed the entity is owned by you.


The problem with that system is that it can be easily exploited. Like what's stopping people from just connecting, spawning a printer, let a dude claim it and hop off? Safeguards to prevent people from doing that will be quite tough to create, and I don't thinks Sugar can allocate that much resources to that currently since he's working on a major update. However, with enough thinking and safeguard, your idea could work.


This is just my opinion on the matter

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  1. Bring back physgun color.
  2. Rework the lawyer  job so it can bail players out of jail for a certain amount of cash. Like say you get arrested, a lawyer can use some sort of SWEP that creates a menu where they can view jailed players, then they choose who they want to bail out. Once you are chosen you can pay the lawyer to get bailed from a pop-up menu and get released, or you can just deny it and stay in jail. I was thinking the lawyer could set their bail price.
  3. Create a chain of command for warrant acceptance for when the mayor isn't on. Say the there is no mayor, then if you want a warrant, the SWAT Chief accepts it, if there is no SWAT Chief, the CP Chief accepts it, and so on and so forth.
  4. Fix in-game stats, they tend to be off by a couple hundred hours.

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The problem with that system is that it can be easily exploited. Like what's stopping people from just connecting, spawning a printer, let a dude claim it and hop off? Safeguards to prevent people from doing that will be quite tough to create, and I don't thinks Sugar can allocate that much resources to that currently since he's working on a major update. However, with enough thinking and safeguard, your idea could work.


This is just my opinion on the matter


Perhaps they could be tied to the original owners limit but be claimed by someone else? I.e. make the title something like "Pigerast's Printer: Reclaimed"


Or at least make printers not immediately disappear when someone leaves.. 20 minutes maybe?

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I don't know if this has been asked for already but i'm too lazy to look through all the pages. Can there be a rule that kidnappers are not allowed to kidnap people using NPC's with their backs vulnerable and they have no way to defend themself? It's super annoying getting kidnapped while im trying to edit my cc.

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I don't know if this has been asked for already but i'm too lazy to look through all the pages. Can there be a rule that kidnappers are not allowed to kidnap people using NPC's with their backs vulnerable and they have no way to defend themself? It's super annoying getting kidnapped while im trying to edit my cc.


+1 maybe the NPCs can have dedicated areas or be in spawn. I actually think it would be better if the spawn was changed to the fountain or another open area on the new map when it's ready that way it can't be blocked so easily and there can be more usable buildings, only problem with that might be a lot of problems with respawning minges

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  1. Bring back physgun color.
  2. Rework the lawyer  job so it can bail players out of jail for a certain amount of cash. Like say you get arrested, a lawyer can use some sort of SWEP that creates a menu where they can view jailed players, then they choose who they want to bail out. Once you are chosen you can pay the lawyer to get bailed from a pop-up menu and get released, or you can just deny it and stay in jail. I was thinking the lawyer could set their bail price.
  3. Create a chain of command for warrant acceptance for when the mayor isn't on. Say the there is no mayor, then if you want a warrant, the SWAT Chief accepts it, if there is no SWAT Chief, the CP Chief accepts it, and so on and so forth.
  4. Fix in-game stats, they tend to be off by a couple hundred hours.


One of the reasons why we have decent good FPS is because colorable materials are really intensive. You would think that when you set a color on your physgun it just does it once and it won't set anything else on it until it changes. That is wrong. Instead it runs over and over and over very quickly which is expensive in layman terms


The lawyer will be reworked at some point


That is possible


I don't know why they are off. In theory it should be like 1 hour off since it saved in 10 minute intervals but I also did make it a long time ago


No, then when people come back online their printers may still be taken. If they go away when they come back online, they'd just relog to get their printers back. Too much abuse potential.


A long time ago, this issue was addressed in a way that was 50% liked and 50% hated. Basically the printers would never go away if you left and it was tied to your steamid which prevented people from exploiting. So if you left and rejoined you would still have 2 printers. This allowed people to raid for loot and it prevented people from leaving and rejoining to spawn in more. Of course if one blew up, the count on your steamid would go down.


I forget if I just commented out that section of the code but I can always rewrite it. Reason why people didn't like it is because it was too punishing on beginners. If you joined and had 30k and you put down 2 printers and you had them stolen you had no way of making money. Although this may be fixed since there are a lot of other things you can do to make money in the server.


I don't know if this has been asked for already but i'm too lazy to look through all the pages. Can there be a rule that kidnappers are not allowed to kidnap people using NPC's with their backs vulnerable and they have no way to defend themself? It's super annoying getting kidnapped while im trying to edit my cc.


I can do that

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