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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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Since we have removed our suggestion addon in the server (caused crashes and lag) here is an official thread where you can make suggestions to.


Offer anything, such as fixing broken stuff, adding new stuff, removing stuff, new jobs, ect. Also post a link to the addon if you want something added.


PD In-Game Plugins

Whats the suggestion?

So basically what im suggesting is so, the PD or anything affiliated with PD will have a working radio instead of having to type or team chat, Also including radio static sound when pressing the radio button. Also to see if a coder or some sort of plug in manager to create a "Code book" so lets say if a suspect is an assault with a deadly weapon lets say it would be "6:3" and maybe adding a compass of some sort if a suspect is escaping from arrest to use the PD radio to call in "6:3 Assault with a deadly weapon running (Direction) bound.


Why would it help/ be more efficient?

I believe PD radio/ with compass would increase the realism of PD players and experience while using real radio and direction hud with codes to go by. I also think it would help it being more efficient for players to call a run away player resisting arrest and make it overall more fun for PD players. In stead of using "u" for team chat and having to stop and type where hes going it would be faster and way easier to call in using the radio.


I appreciate you looking over this and taking this suggestion into consideration, and will hopefully bring more realism to PD/Police force.



                                                                                                             Thank you, and have a great day.


This isn't a seriousrp server.

New boombox with youtube urls. Current one breaks constantly and for some reason its soundcloud only now which breaks it even harder.

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Since we have removed our suggestion addon in the server (caused crashes and lag) here is an official thread where you can make suggestions to.


Offer anything, such as fixing broken stuff, adding new stuff, removing stuff, new jobs, ect. Also post a link to the addon if you want something added.


PD In-Game Plugins

Whats the suggestion?

So basically what im suggesting is so, the PD or anything affiliated with PD will have a working radio instead of having to type or team chat, Also including radio static sound when pressing the radio button. Also to see if a coder or some sort of plug in manager to create a "Code book" so lets say if a suspect is an assault with a deadly weapon lets say it would be "6:3" and maybe adding a compass of some sort if a suspect is escaping from arrest to use the PD radio to call in "6:3 Assault with a deadly weapon running (Direction) bound.


Why would it help/ be more efficient?

I believe PD radio/ with compass would increase the realism of PD players and experience while using real radio and direction hud with codes to go by. I also think it would help it being more efficient for players to call a run away player resisting arrest and make it overall more fun for PD players. In stead of using "u" for team chat and having to stop and type where hes going it would be faster and way easier to call in using the radio.


I appreciate you looking over this and taking this suggestion into consideration, and will hopefully bring more realism to PD/Police force.



                                                                                                             Thank you, and have a great day.



I like the radio part but disagrees with the code one. This server is mostly casual, and most of the time PD isn't played that much. Adding another layer of complicacy/learning curve would just make it harder and probably will be entirely ignored. Also like Gnome say, again Titsrp is not serious rp.

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Since we have removed our suggestion addon in the server (caused crashes and lag) here is an official thread where you can make suggestions to.


Offer anything, such as fixing broken stuff, adding new stuff, removing stuff, new jobs, ect. Also post a link to the addon if you want something added.


PD In-Game Plugins

Whats the suggestion?

So basically what im suggesting is so, the PD or anything affiliated with PD will have a working radio instead of having to type or team chat, Also including radio static sound when pressing the radio button. Also to see if a coder or some sort of plug in manager to create a "Code book" so lets say if a suspect is an assault with a deadly weapon lets say it would be "6:3" and maybe adding a compass of some sort if a suspect is escaping from arrest to use the PD radio to call in "6:3 Assault with a deadly weapon running (Direction) bound.


Why would it help/ be more efficient?

I believe PD radio/ with compass would increase the realism of PD players and experience while using real radio and direction hud with codes to go by. I also think it would help it being more efficient for players to call a run away player resisting arrest and make it overall more fun for PD players. In stead of using "u" for team chat and having to stop and type where hes going it would be faster and way easier to call in using the radio.


I appreciate you looking over this and taking this suggestion into consideration, and will hopefully bring more realism to PD/Police force.



                                                                                                             Thank you, and have a great day.



I like the radio part but disagrees with the code one. This server is mostly casual, and most of the time PD isn't played that much. Adding another layer of complicacy/learning curve would just make it harder and probably will be entirely ignored. Also like Gnome say, again Titsrp is not serious rp.

PD is played almost all the time, almost all slots are taken for it too

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Gang wars currently last until one of the leaders die.

Add an option to make it timed or number of deaths instead, it might not be necessarily RP but straight-up gang wars are fun as heck.


I agree, it's hardly a "war" if the leader walks out into the streets alone, does something stupid, and loses the "war" for the whole team.


 Sacrifice an element of RP for something unique to a Dark RP server.



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Gang wars currently last until one of the leaders die.

Add an option to make it timed or number of deaths instead, it might not be necessarily RP but straight-up gang wars are fun as heck.

I agree. Gang wars are usually either too short(leader do something stupid and die) or too long(leader basically hides). Adding this would be great for quality of life.

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