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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I'd like to recommend we refund after crashes. If its a server side issue thats not our fault and we have no way of preventing it i never gain money because of the amount of guns i lose to these crashes making the game play a lot less fun.Mira thinks im whining for just my self but what he doesnt realize im only trying to help players and have ez gameplay i also would love to add a 5 min restart warning at 9 am schedule restart for new players this will save then from losing there progress in your server Im also assuming no one will read this because no one listens to me and just brushes me off


There is !recover which will refund any of your printers, bitminers and processors from the crash. It will put them all back to what they were at 10 minutes before the crash (money, upgrades, everything). The server crashing issues seems to be from players crashing it as far as I am concerned. Although, it could be a custom playermodel that is rigged poorly which is very difficult to figure out.  I don't add things into the server / change files every single day and for the past few days it has been stable with no crashing.


Every 100th sit you take you get 100k?


Adding a basic income for staff probably wouldn't be too bad. I will probably make it so it's based off sits per time in the server.


Ayy when you sell something to an Npc the money goes straight in your account that would be so nice


That is something I am going to do. I can add in a silly way to get it done while the new inventory and AC updates are underway

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Include a rep system for trading. Basically, after every trade, you can either give +rep or -rep or no rep. This would contribute to a number in total that would display as a rank in the trade menu.


The tiers would be:



-10 and below: Scammer

-9 to -6: Untrustworthy

-5 to -1: Shady

0: Neutral

+1 to +5: Reputable

+6 to +9: Trusted

+10 and above: Verified


There would also be a number of special tags that would only apply in certain situations, here's a couple of examples:


Rep Farmer: Given if someone is convicted of rep farming. This could be seen through trade logs and applied by a moderator.


Previous Scammer: If someone manages to get out of the rep bracket of scammer, their profile will remain forever tarnished with this rank.


Certified Trader: This could be given to people who have had a large rep amount over a large period of time.


I don't know, just a suggestion.

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Include a rep system for trading. Basically, after every trade, you can either give +rep or -rep or no rep. This would contribute to a number in total that would display as a rank in the trade menu.


The tiers would be:



-10 and below: Scammer

-9 to -6: Untrustworthy

-5 to -1: Shady

0: Neutral

+1 to +5: Reputable

+6 to +9: Trusted

+10 and above: Verified


There would also be a number of special tags that would only apply in certain situations, here's a couple of examples:


Rep Farmer: Given if someone is convicted of rep farming. This could be seen through trade logs and applied by a moderator.


Previous Scammer: If someone manages to get out of the rep bracket of scammer, their profile will remain forever tarnished with this rank.


Certified Trader: This could be given to people who have had a large rep amount over a large period of time.


I don't know, just a suggestion.


+1 due to kitties scamming

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