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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I saw this on another server and I thought it was a great idea, Suggestion:


PD gets a radio...

A radio will allow all the PD officers/Government Officials communicate with voice chat...


Not saying it's bad, but: "Omg Draygon killed me. All personnel please arrest him even though you didn't witness it whatsoever, and I made no callouts about him attacking me before."


That's the only problem.


I'd say it's a pretty good idea though. Been used on other great servers.

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This would hurt the server a lot. No one wants to download a map with only minor fixes. Downtown from what I remember is a mess in absolutely everything. The brush count is very very high which doesn't allow for expansion. The optimization isn't too great, the PD sucks and the map is limited in a lot of what it could be.


When people have to download a map, they leave. Believe me, I have done this 10+ times. If we do change maps, it would be later in the summer and if the server keeps expanding. If it doesn't expand and we chill at this playercount then there would be no need for a map change.


Like KillerBob said, add better rewards to the !unbox, maybe a mix of knives and weapons?


There already are more weapons / money / health items. I just made it very hard to get them. The point of unboxing is to get you to waste your money, not to gain out of it. I may replace unboxing in the future with a physical unboxing since this one is pretty bad in a lot of ways.


I saw this on another server and I thought it was a great idea, Suggestion:


PD gets a radio...

A radio will allow all the PD officers/Government Officials communicate with voice chat...


Voice communication is one of the biggest server hindrances. You can't do too much about it besides check to see if a player is holding a certain weapon and if he is then all of the other PD can hear his voice, bypassing the distance restriction. I will probably check this out once I am done with adding different content to the server.

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I think that it would be cool if you guys added in a Bank/ATM system that Pays interest every hour or so, Not only could this quite possibly grow the player base for the server but also "add" many more active players.


My personal opinion is that having money in the bank and gaining money out of it is silly unless you drop money on death. This just means that everyone will place 100% of their money in their bank and pull out money when they need it.


Everyone would just be rich even off like a .05% return investment because

#1 they would idle on the server

#2 they couldn't lose any money

#3 groups would pool money together to get even more money


In all 3 cases, it's a win win for the player and a loss for the economy. We tried dropping money on death but that was the #1 reason why we went from being a 50 / 50 server -> 3 / 50 server on the EvoCity update.

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Another suggestion would be a Pocket to carry printers/drugs in, just because moving printers and drugs across the map is a pain in the ***. of course with the pocket if you were to be killed all your pocketed items would drop, such as printers, drugs, weapon shipments, ETC.

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Another suggestion would be a Pocket to carry printers/drugs in, just because moving printers and drugs across the map is a pain in the ***. of course with the pocket if you were to be killed all your pocketed items would drop, such as printers, drugs, weapon shipments, ETC.


Exploit: place purchased printers in pocket, server doesn't see them anymore, but more printers, place old printers. Repeat. Infinite printers.

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-Snippy Snippy-


Exploit: place purchased printers in pocket, server doesn't see them anymore, but more printers, place old printers. Repeat. Infinite printers.


I'm a total idiot when it comes to server managing and the code for it, but aren't there checks in place to prevent this? For example, spawn a printer and the server logs it. Wouldn't putting it in the pocket just re-direct the printer's data from the world to the player's pocket data? It could almost be like the inventory we have now, but for entities.


Again, this statement could be false, mostly false, or true.

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Pocketing entities "removes" them and then places a copy of it inside of your "pocket" which is just a table of entities.


Doing this would call the hook for printers that says "Hey, this printer was removed from the server lets get the owner's SteamID and decrease their printer count by one".


Could I put in a check for that? I guess. Is it needed? I don't think so. I think it's risk vs reward that makes it interesting.

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Add Clarification Rules


(Some of these statements are gonna sound dumb af to staff because it's like "Duh, you do this.")


1) What dictates a building being owned. (Time of ownership / Who owns the front door / Who owns a majority of doors / Who has a majority of props / ect)


2) What can and can not be covered by a hobo potentially (If it's an NPC or anything of the sort it can not be / It's whatever / if hobos can have multiple huts all around)


3) What dictates a "Minge" (I consider a minge a person who willfully causes problems such as someone who "baits" an RDM or something of the sort)


4) If a group is being distruptive, do staff punish the entire group? (e.g. users "NLR, RDM, Propblock, and FDA" all join the server together and conspire to walk around mass rdming for their youtube channel and then FDA self supplies weapons for himself and the group. The group goes on to count down ingame then attempt to kill everyone in spawn except for Propblock who went go get some pizza rolls)


5) Purposely baiting players to break rules or something of the same caliber. 


6) Running into spawn to avoid death (e.g. Someone has a hit on them, the hitman does damage to them but then target runs into spawn to have damage immunity) That or a timer before spawn immunity kicks in.


7) How close to Keypads have to be to their respective fading doors?


8) I know Homeland Security update is coming, but what calls for someone to need to call !raid? Is it: something blocking their way / lockpicking or keypads / any form of deterrant such as players / ect.


9) Does CP hearing printers make more sense to warrant now that upgrading printers to be more quiet?


10) If raiders are allowed to be rude and raid people soley for the purpose of getting a kill when it is KNOWN they have literally nothing


11) Are CP the only class not allowed to print or does this apply to hobos as well?


12) Are CP allowed bitminers as they are legal?


13) Clarity on bounties such as how they work as the system is never taken use of




On to other stuff that I suggest:


Permaprops to the top of the tunnels by fountain so a sit can not be interrupted and random users can not just wander their way into a sit. (Large Oneway 8x8 PHX props)


A reminder that the clothing merchant is still in spawn


A very strong reminder that sits for staff aren't "optional" as they signed up to take sits, so being distracted due to screwing around is not a valid reason to ignore sits.


An in inventory trade system so you can trade materials with party members or even other players without dropping anything on the ground. Also to trade items from a distance if needed (e.g. If someone is in a raiding mood, but his friend can not make it to the raid so he trades him lockpicks from his base and after a delay, he receives his lockpicks)

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