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[Official] Suggestions for the Server


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I don't know how many times I have to say this sugar but until you understand I might as well keep saying it.


Instead of adding more slots lower the slots to at least 50, and get another server, add vehicles back (I really liked my raid idea with the vehicles.) Plus why garages with no vehicles. Also like said I am not a really good map builder so it's not gonna take me a few days to build a map if we do that, and I charge nothing! I truly enjoy my time on this server. It'll take me a little while to build a map and then I test with friends to make sure it's good, I think I may just make it an addon to Downtown anyways.

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I don't know how many times I have to say this sugar but until you understand I might as well keep saying it.


Instead of adding more slots lower the slots to at least 50, and get another server, add vehicles back (I really liked my raid idea with the vehicles.) Plus why garages with no vehicles. Also like said I am not a really good map builder so it's not gonna take me a few days to build a map if we do that, and I charge nothing! I truly enjoy my time on this server. It'll take me a little while to build a map and then I test with friends to make sure it's good, I think I may just make it an addon to Downtown anyways.


No offense but I think this is a terrible idea. Why have 2 servers with smaller slots? We already have issues with not enough (willing) staff to take sits. It would probably cost alot more as well, and while we have a nice playerbase, I doubt we are popular enough to fill both servers. Vehicles in general are a bit iffy. Lots of VDM.

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Very true but if people actually enjoy Titsrp, then they wouldn't mind going for either server. Also the vehicles part the only reason there was so much VDM is because people liked to stand right in the middle of the road on purpose... reporting it left and right. Also about the staff part, that needs to be worked on for sure. But I'll make a thread in staff section of ideas for that. Also expanding to two servers will make us more popular, having more room for people and when people are looking for a new darkrp server to play on they see two titsrp servers. The only tricky part is sugar will have to figure out how to connect the wallets, inventory and banks to both servers. I also have more ideas for ranks but that's for another day as sugar has a lot on his plate right now.

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Very true but if people actually enjoy Titsrp, then they wouldn't mind going for either server. Also the vehicles part the only reason there was so much VDM is because people liked to stand right in the middle of the road on purpose... reporting it left and right. Also about the staff part, that needs to be worked on for sure. But I'll make a thread in staff section of ideas for that. Also expanding to two servers will make us more popular, having more room for people and when people are looking for a new darkrp server to play on they see two titsrp servers. The only tricky part is sugar will have to figure out how to connect the wallets, inventory and banks to both servers. I also have more ideas for ranks but that's for another day as sugar has a lot on his plate right now.


Won't happen. I am not paying for a second server + that's not how it works. It would require a lot of effort to transfer all addons to MySQL since it would be stupid to have one server have one set of data and the other have it's own set. It's not hard but it's an all in thing. You don't just press a button and do it. Vehicles have no purpose on downtown in my opinion. They just get in the way, cause lag and have trouble having more than one car in a lane on the map.


Expanding to 2 servers would do the exact opposite because again, that's not how it works. When you go to join a server you check the amount of payers. If we have a 65 / 65 slot server, no one is going to say "Oh hey, there is a TitsRP #2 server with 0 people in it. Since this server is filled, I should get in the one with 0 players on it!". Of course that is the "logical" thing to do but no one does that because they want to play with the 65 people and not by themselves. I sure as heck would not join that server. I would just wait until it's open.


We have done this before (like a year ago) and it failed...miserably. I was paying for 3 servers since our server was always filled at like 40/40 and no one joined the second or third server. I had a server teleporter in the map and no one used it. Everyone will play on the server with more players in it. Expanding to another server in general will never happen unless it's on a different game. (not gamemode but game)

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My suggestion is more of a staff-use addon. It will help to catch hackers who are using lua scripts to bypass the VAC system. (cuz you cant get VAC banned if your using lua)


Its called ULX Screengrab. When you add it to the server, it will make a new tab in ULX. and Just like managing permits with groups, you can put this to either all groups, or just admin, or anything you like.


What it does is, it will take a screen shot of a certain players screen, so if they are using any kind of ESP or such, you can see it. I used this on my old server and it worked pretty well. 


LINK: http://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php?topic=7463.0


p.s. Its a addon of the offical ulx website so it aint no screw job or shit like that.


EDIT: just realized that link is a link to a post. my bad. I cant find the real link. 




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People on our server cannot run clientside scripts. By default, that is shut off. To prevent these scripts from being forcefully ran, we have CAKE. Cake is the most popular anti-cheat for gmod at the moment and it does its job well. It catches 99% of people, the other people who bypass is are just paying money to get a script to do so. I am not too worried if there is 1 - 3 scripters every few months that aimbot or do what they have to do. They will get banned.


I tried looking into how the script was made but I was unable to find the download link. I would definitely have to see how it runs before it's implemented and even so I don't trust my staff on that kind of level to give them the power to snoop and check people's screens. I already tell them to not spectate people if they have no reason to and this just takes it to a whole other level.


Unfortunately, I don't really see myself implementing some kind of command like this. The anti-cheat prevents almost all cheaters and the remaining few are banned easily by hand.

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Make it so everybody can see raid calls?


It's annoying being too far away to realize someone called raid, but staff can see it.


If you do !raid in group chat, or say_team !raid nobody will get your message unless they have the same job, so if people abuse that it's theoretically impossible for them to know, until you start blowin shit up.

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(My post from lastnight)


Just asking for the More Materials workshop addons. All bases on the server use the same material for everything and the more materials can lead to different base designs. I say this because I do have certain designs built around materials. This seems a bit barebones for a recommendation, but it's rather straightforward.


 Are people going to use the black on bases even with this? Maybe


Are players going to use the addon? Definitely, through multiple ways as well.


Does this bring about any issues? Not that I know of as of right now.


Is there a specific addon I have in mind? Not in particular, but Mr. Vane or Dr. Spicket are the more used ones.

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