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Auction House, Tier 3s and a couple other suggestions

Emperor Taint Rat Legend X

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Put an Auction House in the vacant spawn building 
(The one with the RDM Portal out front)
I use the auction house from time to time and I am sick of getting rdmed/rdaed while at the NPC, this happens WAY more often than I actually expected, I know someone is going to say "Make a sit" so I am gonna say in advance, I DO.
Regardless, only a small fraction of sits actually get taken atleast in my experience which is perfectly reasonable considering the sheer amount of RDMer's ingame at any given moment. 

Here is the problem: About 70% of the time that I choose to use the NPC I get sprayed down by a cop, blown up by a demolitionist, cuffed and dragged away from the npc, blown up by a thomas, sniped by a gun dealer, blown up by a c4/timebomb, completely drained of all my blood by a weapon mod, bludgeoned by a cultist, blasted by an SBC cannon or clown horned/force dropped.

Here is my solution: Put an NPC in spawn and/or make a !ah command to open the GUI from anywhere.

Tier 3's

Here's the problem:
The tier three market is very flooded to the point where VIP/Gang Tokens and SBC Cannons have significantly lost their value (and will continue to each week if nothing changes, in essence too many VIP/Gang tokens and SBC Cannons and they become so common that it is impossible for 90% of the player base to sell these items, too much supply, little to no demand)

Here is my solution:
The loot table needs to be further expanded in order to prevent a toxic influx of VIP/Gang Tokens and SBC Cannons, I suggest adding more tokens to the T3 crates since the only way to get tokens as of now is through quests.
Tree, Metal and Mini Tokens = Common
Gang, VIP and Chem Tokens = Rare
Processor Tokens = Very Rare
I also suggest throwing Jetpacks and Breaching Spas's into the loot table and maybe a generous amount of Cereal (15-30).

A Few additional Ideas:
Level Token - Raises player level by 1 up to a max of 35 (Like a Gang Token but for player levels)

New Leaderboard Idea: Drugs Processed (Sort of like farmer leaderboard but classier)

Within Suga shop give us the option to purchase additional AH slots (so we can post more auctions at once)

I also suggest a rework of Kidnapping at some point.
It isn't something I really do often so I don't care much about it but I know that people can 'kill' in console when they get napped to just end the napping and I've heard from a lot of people that kidnapping just isn't in a good place rn, idk how i'd fix that but I wanted to bring it to light regardless.


I'd love to see community input on this post if anyone has any additional thoughts or ideas.

Thanks for reading,
- Love Minge Man

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1 hour ago, HIDDEN said:

auction house: sugar added another npc near black market dealer which is way less populated, I would perfer if it remains a npc tbh

This is actually the NPC that I tend to get RDMed at the most. 
Plenty of Civs and Gundealers that just want me dead.
I would just prefer to have one in spawn.


1 hour ago, HIDDEN said:

opening t3 should imo considering how hard they (USED) to be to find should feel like opening the holy grail of a chest.

That's why I made this post, because as someone who has opened about 40 T3's in the past week or so I can say that it is the same loot in EVERY SINGLE BOX.
There is absolutely no variety and it loses it's zest once you've opened the fifth box, and it's also why the T3 economy is in such a bad place.
It's just VIP, Gang and SBCs with a light sprinkle of legendaries here and there.


1 hour ago, HIDDEN said:

I would feel kind of disappointed if I got a tree/mini/metal token

It is likely that you would recieve more than one in a slot and additionally the loot box drops 7 more items.
Also don't forget the lootcrate reroll talent.

Edited by Emperor Taint Rat Legend X
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3 hours ago, Emperor Taint Rat Legend X said:

Put an Auction House in the vacant spawn building 
(The one with the RDM Portal out front)

ouiiiii yes, +1, but also add a lot of other npc's cause it's really empty + spawn so no cuff or rdm : )


3 hours ago, Emperor Taint Rat Legend X said:

Here is my solution: Put an NPC in spawn and/or make a !ah command to open the GUI from anywhere.

eeee gonna be a -1 from me unless you also add commands for other NPCs, don't give the ah special attention just because it's new

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50 minutes ago, Nobody (3) said:

ouiiiii yes, +1, but also add a lot of other npc's cause it's really empty + spawn so no cuff or rdm : )

According to Sugar's Trello, a new gambling system is coming out soon, I see that large empty building in spawn as potential for a new casino, an auction house npc and maybe a CC editor all within the saftey and RDM-free protection of spawn.

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Another suggestion regarding auction house: Only take the deposit fee when the item gets sold based on which currency it's purchased with. That way I'm not paying 10 suga just to have the person purchase it with darkrp.

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11 minutes ago, Slick said:

Another suggestion regarding auction house: Only take the deposit fee when the item gets sold based on which currency it's purchased with. That way I'm not paying 10 suga just to have the person purchase it with darkrp.

Or paying 600k-1m to post items that are worth 15-20m

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