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auction gay


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Bro this auction house looks so aesthetically displeasing.  shit lookin so cramped and gay. also can we have "legendary, epic" rarities in weapons section, or just everywhere as people will upgrade shit like their megavapes. also please revert the inventory system, or give an option to, shit looks disgusting 

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4 minutes ago, Cobaselic said:

Shouldn't concern you right now, seeing as how you're banned 

ok? still looks disgusting in inventory, at the very least give an options in the !help menu to revert, auction house could look better i just dislike it. legendary + epic rarity categories would help out players going on there specifically for that.

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Only problem I have with new inv is not being to color my items. Also, RPM on guns is a good idea, but its dumb on the server. I would understand if it was accurate, but most people can tell that it's not, so seconds between bullets although weirder in terms of doing math, is much more useful on the  gmod server.

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