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new rule change

Wilhelm Panderino

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Doing any illegal activity may result in consequences such as being arrested or fined, or even death if you are threatening somebody's life/resisting arrest >

Doing any illegal activity may result in consequences such as being arrested or fined. You may even be killed if you are presenting an active threat like assaulting or killing people.

This new rule that was edited in the motd makes it allowed for CP to essentially gun down any player shooting at another player. It feels like the wrong type of cop player is gonna take this an an excuse to immediately KOS any player shooting at another player, essentially turning thus into a deathmatch server

What do you guys think about this change?

Edited by Wilhelm Panderino
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None of those rules were changed, just clarified. You've been able to kill people who are killing other people since before I joined the server and it's pretty common on other servers as well. Thinking about it, pretty much every DarkRP and PoliceRP server I've tried lets you kill violent raiders.


I don't see how the new phrasing of the rule would encourage death match over the previous version, it was worse before because it implied you could kill people for walking away or for verbal threats (which isn't really true, thus the edit). All this actually did was seemingly further restrict when you could kill people.


Sorry for the confusion regarding the rule, but this post doesn't make a lot of sense to me in terms of both rules balancing or RP. If someone's shooting up the PD or shooting at me or trying to kill other CP/the mayor I'd want to be able to take them down in whatever way is easiest for that situation whether that means arresting or shooting.

Edited by Walter the Assaulter
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20 minutes ago, Wilhelm Panderino said:

nah you're wrong mate you've never been able to do that and the recent iteration of the motd didnt say that either, you completely changed the meaning of the rule that was there prior.

No idea what you're talking about. Both versions have always been a rule IIRC being a direct threat to the populus is KOS why wouldn't it be? 


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1 hour ago, Wilhelm Panderino said:

nah you're wrong mate you've never been able to do that and the recent iteration of the motd didnt say that either, you completely changed the meaning of the rule that was there prior.

Yeah, you're the one that's incorrect. If someone is doing a pd raid or is an active threat to the community, then you would want to take them down as fast as possible, right? This doesn't seem bad at all. 

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There's no argument to counter. It's how the rule worked and works, unless someone's gone back in time and overridden the server owner or an SA now wants to change it. If you don't like it, create a suggestion thread with actual feedback for improvement rather than "they could do x even though it breaks a couple of different other rules" or "I can do this thing other people do now. I could before, but I can do it now too" which is poor quality posting.  


If there's a better way that we can make this work I'm down, but requiring an attempted arrest isn't an idea I think can work without a lot of feedback and issues resolved otherwise I'd be all for it because I'd love me some serious CP RP on Tits. How do we define "attempt to arrest"? If it involves trying to cuff someone, how do I check that in our logs? In terms of RP, why can't I just shoot the guy who's actively killing the head of government? Why can't I just shoot someone raiding my base or killing cops in the PD? 


Even on PoliceRP servers, or at least the one I was trained on and the other I played for a while, in every single raid/heist situation you are authorized to use lethal force on any criminal who has discharged a firearm seemingly with intent to harm or kill anyone (specific exceptions apply like hostage negotiation). In all other situations and including raids, you actually aren't allowed to arrest or attempt to arrest people who are shooting at you or any others and you must utilize your lethal firearm or flee. You can attempt an arrest if they stop shooting, put the gun away (whether by their own power or by your orders), and don't bring it back out while you approach and apprehend. If we want to suggest RP more serious than where I had to undergo training and get staff approval/promotion (though we got a super chill admin, luckily) to become a CP job that was authorized only to carry handguns, I'm not sure if you have a big picture in mind or not or if it's something else. I mean, I'm cool with it, but this was never meant to be a serious RP server according to our overlords. I'm surprised and somewhat pleased at the sudden movement towards wanting to change that, I just think there are better battles to fight if we want "more RP" and less "death match" given the CP side of our RP is more geared towards wanting you to arrest instead of kill than serious police RP servers. That's all not even mentioning the benefits you get for cuff/fine which the servers I played didn't have, though I believe some others have traffic tickets.


Or if it'll make y'all happy I'll just revert the change. Nothing changes from a practical standpoint but the MOTD will say you can shoot people for resisting arrest again and we'll have more players tell me how the guy was crawling away after getting stunned so he had to take him out back and put him down. And more staff asking what the rule means and for me to change it to something like...what it says now 🤕

Edited by Walter the Assaulter
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