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2FPS lock bug

Lil' Pudin' Taters

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https://streamable.com/p7kkkt I really don't know how to explain what happened but whatever happened caused my FPS to lock at 2FPS and never return to a normal 30FPS. I also couldn't respawn and had to rejoin. This is the second time this has happened to me. The first time was nearly the same except I wasn't consuming food or anything, I was just standing there near fountain. Whatever this bug maybe, it's very rare to occur as the first instance happened about 2 weeks ago. Saiko was helping me investigate slogs as I had to rejoin https://i.gyazo.com/16e95465c9902322097ac66e9f6fb8bb.png.

How to reproduce:

I really don't know, watch https://streamable.com/p7kkkt
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When pudin asked me to check his death logs, it said he was killed by two entities. A mini printer and explosion. But in the video there was no mini printer in sight. Even if it was indeed a mini printer that caused his death, it would be weird for it to drop his fps so much without recovering to a normal fps.

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