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Make quick farm talis work for chem spouts


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So basically as of now quick farm talis will only work for metal and wood however making it work for chem spouts is how it should work already, but it doesnt. If it's truly quick farm it should cover all bases by eating one.



Edit 1: next suggestion make tax evasion talismen live up to their name and either completely evade taxes upon consumption or stack up to two for a total of 100% or make it a levelling perk as of now it's really dumb and since the chips dealer was capped to begin with there is like no more way to bank your money to prevent it from taxes. So I suggest what I said above please add this sugar tits



Edit 2: Okay so basically how about instead of all I said above make it live up to its name in general meaning that all harvested materials when using the tali will go straight in your inventory if you're the one who harvested it same with how it works for stones woods etc maybe not chems necessarily but do you get me drift now? good potato nose okay carry on

Edited by Fuel
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@Carelosthat wasn't what I was asking silly goose. I was asking for them to go straight in your inventory. your -1 is invalid or you read it correct but you think that it being faster is a suggestion or on equal par to quick farm 

Edited by Fuel
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Edit 2: Okay so basically how about instead of all I said above make it live up to its name in general meaning that all harvested materials when using the tali will go straight in your inventory if you're the one who harvested it same with how it works for stones woods etc maybe not chems necessarily but do you get me drift now? good potato nose okay carry on

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I'm fairly sure the reason Sugar allows quick farming of wood and metal only is because is requires you to actually be doing something to farm them (ie. hitting rocks & trees). By adding quickfarm to chem nodes you would be able to jetpack around the map farming every single node until there is none left for anyone else.


If you want quickfarm for chem nodes, how about it only works if you don't go out of range of the node? 


Mike Myers Evil Laugh GIF

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The tax talisman change is a must imo, at a certain point we just aren't able to keep up with the tax anymore.
Either make them work 100% of the time or make their effect stack, even if it's only an additional 5% per talisman eaten, i'd still gladly consume 11 no tax talismans every time I die to avoid getting taxed for 800k every ten minutes.

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