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[Police Overhaul] By Sheriff Wilkinson


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Brief summary of suggestion: 

Basically this suggestion is a large amount of changes mainly to the CP structure as a whole. Things like minimum hour barriers to prevent new players from hopping on SWAT and MRDMing or MRDAing as well as more power to SWAT Chief and PD Commander. Changes to the current fines and changing the unfun command. Just a small lore addition, nothing serious, just to put us somewhere on the map. Fixing a couple things involving gangs. Before you read the details, I am stating right now that this is not an attempt to make the server SeriousRP by any means, but currently there are no standards for CP and I'm sure y'all have more than noticed that. CPs ain't exactly the pillars of law and order lately and that's all I'm trying to fix here. Yes some of this seems like SeriousRP stuff, but it is just to make things a little better and less of a shit show when it comes to CP.

How/why does this benefit the server: Most of the time when you get on the server and you watch the CPs, you will see that they have a tendency to go beyond police brutality and they will stun gun randomly, arrest/cuff falsely or randomly, or sometimes they will just outright gun people down for shits and giggles. Sometimes it's new players that just hop on to get some kicks by mass RDMing or mass RDAing. Sometimes it's veterans who just clearly do not understand that CPs actually have rules to follow or intentionally make CPs look bad. Now before you go and say "this is just your opinion from what you have seen", I did not make this suggestion alone. When I initially came back to this server about four or five months ago from a three year hiatus, I talked to people about the state of things and a lot of things I heard were complaints about CP. I ain't getting into the other stuff I heard complaints about because this is a Police Overhaul suggestion. When I started typing up a list of things to suggest in this post I consulted a few other people who are fairly devoted to CP and they hold the same views as I do. The police department right now is an absolute shit show of mingery, corruption, and 'do whatever the fuck you want'. They are not the police, they are just another gang that holds a little more power than the others. Literally as I was typing this suggestion up I alt tabbed back into game and there was a few CPs that were Mass NLR Breaking and RDMing. This suggestion and all it involves should greatly improve the police department.

Details: Now for the details y'all have been waiting to hear.

CP: Civil Protection, Detective, Security Specialist, Undercover Cop

Specialty: Police K9, DEA Agent, Secret Service, SWAT, SWAT Enforcer, SWAT Medic, SWAT Commando, SWAT Sniper

VIP: Judge Gabe, Fantasma, Smoke, Juggernaut

Lead: SWAT Chief, PD Commander

1. First and foremost, create an application process/barrier for Specialty jobs. This can be done in two ways. Either by changing the mayoral campaign NPC in the PD lobby to a Police Academy NPC and creating a series of questions about the CP rules and etiquette. There would need to be a new tag created on the server and Specialty jobs would need you to have that tag in order to become them. Now the reason I say change the NPC inside the lobby is because running for mayor is something anybody can do so there is no reason for you to need to go inside the PD for it, especially when there is already an NPC for it outside the PD. There would also need to be another application for Lead jobs as there is some development I'm suggesting later on with them that would need much higher standards. Probably more rule related stuff and etiquette but also testing what you can or can't break into someone's base for or what you can fire CPs for and so on and so forth.

2. I think this one is pretty easy to agree with. Add a minimum playtime threshold for Specialty jobs and a higher threshold for Lead jobs. This will prevent new players from getting on the server and switching to a police job to mass RDM or mass RDA. It will also ensure that people who do become police are actually going to follow the rules and etiquette associated with police. I was thinking maybe five hours for Specialty jobs and fifteen for Lead jobs. By then, there will have been no excuse to not have read the rules.

3. This is is important. Currently the Mayor is the only one who can fire any police. How about we make it so that PD Commander can fire CPs and SWAT Chief can fire Specialty police. That way if there's some police that clearly are unfit to be police, the ones who actually want to play properly don't need to sit around and wait for a mayor while the unfit one(s) are going around RDAing or stunning at random or whatever they're doing.

4. Pretty simple, raise the maximum fines back up to 20k. 5k is nothing to anyone now. I fine someone 10k and they laugh it off because almost everyone on the server has at least 500k. Most people have at least 2 million. 20k is a reasonable maximum fine now that people can make money easier and do make large amounts of money quickly. With this I would say also raise the max bounty to 40k but ehhh that's up to y'all. Bounties can only be set up to the maximum fine so making the max bounty 40k would mean that they would gradually build up to it even if you set their bounty to maximum which would be 20k.

EDIT: In order to account for new players with possible max fine crime breaking destroying their starting money of 30k, I also suggest that the starting money for new players be doubled to 60k.

5. Alright this one will be continued at the bottom but it is changing the default fines to be more accurate and to fit maximum fines of 20k.

6. Change the unfun command to an overthrow command and police only. Currently any time an unfun is used, it is never accepted because with 70-100 people on the server, only 20 ever vote on it. Changing it to an overthrow command and making it 75% of the police need to say yes to it give the police the ability to get rid of a corrupt or unfit mayor without the hassle of needing to switch jobs or being corrupt themselves and letting revolters in. 

7. Make Judge Gaben VIP only. He has a minigun and he has the power to accept warrants for christ's sake. Who thought it would be a good idea to just give that power to literally anybody that wants it?

8. Remove the breaching SPAS from all police jobs. I didn't initially suggest this one but I agree with it sooooo much. If you're ever on the police and there's a SWAT Chief or apparently SWAT Commandos now too, you know how terrible it is. For starters, all police get a battering ram that does not allow a breach unless there's a warrant or a want. So why give SWAT the ability to just break into any base they want without a warrant or want? If you go in to the PD when there is SWAT with breaching SPAS, you'll also notice that there are no doors. Ever. If they are not police raiding a base, they are shooting the PD doors down for shits and giggles.

9. Just found out about this today but there's a gang talent that gives your K9 dog bite a 30% chance to stun your target. However it is currently broken and stuns 100% of the time. Coming from a logic standpoint, it should stun more than 30% of the time but not 100% of the time. So the suggestion is to change it to 60% of the time and fix it so it actually works properly.

10. I have no idea how this is not already added but add the ability for the gang leader to change the gang name for say 5 million.

11. Alright now before you say "ew serious rp!", this ain't about Serious RP. This is just to give police somethin to shout. For instance as the Sheriff, I shout "Sheriff's Department!" when I'm about to break into a place. Police would say "____ PD" but they don't have something for the blank. So to give them something, I worked with someone to come up with a little bit of lore and figure out where the heck we were. We ending up putting us in Orange County, California. So suggestion number 11 is, officially set Tits Downtown in Orange County. Lore wise. Nothing actually needs to be added or changed.

12. Okay I know I said nothing needs to be changed and yeah okay this might be a bit serious but I think it would be cool and would fit the Orange County better. This one is completely like eh 50/50 up to y'all but if 11 is accepted then for the sole purpose of lore and rp you could also change Civil Protection to State Trooper and maybe change the model.


Now back up to number 5. I present to you, the new fines.

===== Minor Offenses =====

Disrupting The Peace - $100

Uttering Threats - $200

Defacing Property - $250

Unlawful Construction - $500

Tampering With Property - $750

Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm - $1000

===== Mild Offenses =====

Criminally Insane Individual - $1000

Causing a Disturbance - $1250

Obstruction of Justice - $1500 

Destruction of Property - $2000

Trespassing - $2000

Possession of Illegal Goods/Narcotics - $2500

Theft - $3000

Breaking and Entering - $4500

===== Severe Offenses =====

Mugging - $5000

Assault - $5000

Sexual Assault - $5250 

Destruction of Evidence - $5500

Manufacturing Illegal Goods/Narcotics - $6000

Distribution of Illegal Goods/Narcotics - $6500

Kidnapping - $6750

===== Extreme Offenses =====

Attempted Murder - $8000

Murder - $10000

Lesser Crimes Against Law Enforcement - $12000

Attempted Kidnapping of an Officer - $13500

Attempted Murder of an Officer - $14000

Kidnapping an Officer - $14500 

Murder of an Officer - $15000

Mass Kidnapping - $16500

Mass Assault - $16500 

Mass Murder - $17500

===== Terrorist Offenses =====

Assault of a Government Official - $18000

Attempted Kidnapping of a Government Official - $18500

Kidnapping a Government Official - $19000

Murder of a Government Official - $20000

Conducting Acts of Terrorism - $20000


Yeah it's a lot I know. I spent a good while combing through the default illegal acts and through the default fines to get some better numbers. I also spent a while looking through the US laws and compared them to the default fine names so I could make them more accurate. Obviously second degree murder and manslaughter aren't in here because it's all just different kinds of murder. I didn't include arson because well that's just destruction of property on a bigger level. Lesser crime against law enforcement is just crimes that ain't as bad as slap or attempted murder. Also yes, I did change it to Law Enforcement and Government Officials. Because police are not government officials.


If you got any questions about any of this, feel free to ask. I'll be watching for them. And yes, trying to keep good grammar here killed me. The Gs are optional imo but eh, gotta make this presentable.

Edited by Almighty Weasel
  • cmonBruh 1
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1. There kind of already is a voting system in place for specialty CP. I don't think making an extra vote for CP Commander and Swat Chief is necessary, however making those 2 jobs VIP only would be nice. Indifferent

2. For specialty CP, putting a very low minimum play timer on this is fine. An hour or so. Don't agree with putting the minimum on all CP. +1 kinda


 See final paragraph.

4. heck to the no, raising maximum fines to 20k sounds like an awful idea. Considering a new joining player only starts with 30k and the first law almost any new player breaks is jaywalking. So the new player theoretically just dropped to 10k after one offense and the suddenly can't even afford to start making Meth. -1 

5. -1

6. Terrible idea, yes lets give all the corrupt power to the police. The Mayor serves the people, not his police force. With what you suggest, a good mayor to the police force is a mayor who makes absolutely the most absurd money grabbing laws. -1

7. +1 this needs to happen ASAP. I always joke that Judge Gaben and Demolitionist aren't actually roles; they just exist to make MRDM easier.

8. Indifferent here, I don't like it when PD just barges into everything for no reason, but they are given the breaching spas for the specific reason to make barging into places easier. If you've ever used the battering ram, it's not near as efficient as the breaching spas. I don't think the Spas needs to be removed, I think the warrant system needs a rework.

9. Indifferent, the bite effect is bugged, but so few gangs even actually have the perk and I've never even had it used on me before so changing this, or just fixing this, would honestly not make any difference to me.

10. +1 kinda, I feel a gang should be able to change their name once and only once, when the gang reaches max level. Giving a gang the ability to just change name willy nilly, seems exploitable.

11. I like the idea of a fixed role play location set in real life, but this would honestly work way better when a newer map comes around. That way map locations can be tied to real life locations.

12. Meh

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20 minutes ago, Lil' Pudin' Taters said:

1. There kind of already is a voting system in place for specialty CP. I don't think making an extra vote for CP Commander and Swat Chief is necessary, however making those 2 jobs VIP only would be nice. Indifferent

2. For specialty CP, putting a very low minimum play timer on this is fine. An hour or so. Don't agree with putting the minimum on all CP. +1 kinda

4. heck to the no, raising maximum fines to 20k sounds like an awful idea. Considering a new joining player only starts with 30k and the first law almost any new player breaks is jaywalking. So the new player theoretically just dropped to 10k after one offense and the suddenly can't even afford to start making Meth. -1 

8. Indifferent here, I don't like it when PD just barges into everything for no reason, but they are given the breaching spas for the specific reason to make barging into places easier. If you've ever used the battering ram, it's not near as efficient as the breaching spas. I don't think the Spas needs to be removed, I think the warrant system needs a rework.

1. Not a voting system I'm suggesting, it's an NPC that basically gives you a test to see if you know and understand the rules and etiquette of PD.

2. I made that suggestion for Specialty and Lead, not regular. Originally I was suggested one hour and I was going to put one hour but while most new players would turn away if they knew they had to wait an hour, some might stick around for it just to get a chance to abuse it or they might just go afk until the hour is up. Five hours on the other hand...

4. If you cannot afford a fine, you could always just go to jail instead. But taking new players into consideration, I have edited number 4 to add in a suggestion to double the starting money. If I recall correctly, joining the steam group also awards you a lump sum of I believe 100k but I could be wrong about that, my memory ain't exactly what it used to be.

8. The SPAS doesn't need to be removed, the suggestion I received was that it needs to be a weapon sold by the supplier and not one given to police. Yes it is more efficient than the battering ram but more often than not it is misused as a 'ima go screw around' tool than to assist in police raids.


As for your suggestion of for internal affairs, that's a whole other job just to go around watching CP instead of making the Lead jobs actually...y'know...lead their officers.

Edited by Almighty Weasel
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heck nah

1-12 I’m -1

Police jobs do just fine enforcing laws when there’s enough of them playing. 
I think you should just become a cop in real life to ease the thirst you have to maintain law and order over everything. This is a video game at the end of the day. Things are fine how they are when it comes to cp.

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2 minutes ago, Rugrat said:

heck nah

1-12 I’m -1

Police jobs do just fine enforcing laws when there’s enough of them playing. 
I think you should just become a cop in real life to ease the thirst you have to maintain law and order over everything. This is a video game at the end of the day. Things are fine how they are when it comes to cp.

Can't do that with a criminal record but thanks for your input.

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1. I fully support this idea, and it doesn't even have to be something extreme or a test or anything, it can even be just a simple outline of the CP rules and stuff which would maybe clear up some of the, "I didn't know I wasn't allowed to do that." Which I hear a lot from new players when they play CP +1

2. I like this idea because it would make it harder for mass RDM'rs to just instantly change to a class with max armor and a good gun and kill a bunch of people, and would give newer players a chance to fully, or at least more thoroughly, understand the rules of the server and of the CP. +1 

3.  This idea, at it's core, isn't a terrible idea, however it is a little dangerous to give people the power to fire CP like that. I would maybe like to see that implemented if there wasn't a mayor online, then the PD Commander or Swat Chief could fire other CP, the same way Gaben can accept warrants. 

4. I think 20k might be too high, maybe 10k. My fear is that either new players are gonna get fucked by that, or, minges will go around false fining people for 20k to make some money. I also fear that the mayor may make a law that "J-Walking is now a 20k fine" or something similar and absolutely fuck a bunch of people. I'm aware that the player can always deny the fine, and you've addressed that. I'll +1 for 10k max fine.

5. Going with my previous answer, maybe just halving the price of the fine.

6. I believe there is already a rework of some kind aimed at fixing this exact problem, and I don't really like this as a solution anyway since the mayor is supposed to represent the people, and the last thing we want is more JEWWORLDs who play mayor and make super extreme laws to the delight of his CP. -1

7. Yes oml most Gaben's are just minges that like the minigun and use it to murder a bunch of people. +1

8. -1While I have seen Swat Chiefs just go around shooting in doors I also enjoy him having a breaching spas because he is supposed to lead raids, and a lot of the times the first action taken in a raid is to blow down someone's door. And most of the time when a Swat Chief does minge with the shotgun he is demoted for it.

9. Neutral. I have never seen anyone with that perk lmao

10.  +1

11. This really couldn't hurt to put in and I don't think it is "Serious RP" or whatever. Having a name for the city you are in isn't super serious and can have no negative impact on the server. +1

12.  -1

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+1 For suggestion 1,2,5,7 and 10

I would like there to be more fines for doing certain stuff that usually isn't fine able, but I don't really agree with the price of it all. 

-1 for the rest of them
I don't believe fines should exceed 5k as said earlier you do only start with 30k and 1/6 of your money is basically gone since you didn't instantly read the laws the mayor made.

The reason people elect the mayor or cops is to make sure that there is law and order in the city. 

Only way for 6 to be turned into a +1 is if the standard for it doesn't change and if the police vote  nothing happens, and if the police vote yes it does count as a vote.

Also the gang talent atleast gives the k9 somthing to do instead of litearlly just being a dog that attacks or eats bullets.

Edited by Saiah
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On 7/29/2020 at 7:46 AM, Saiah said:

-1 for the rest of them
A) I don't believe fines should exceed 5k as said earlier you do only start with 30k and 1/6 of your money is basically gone since you didn't instantly read the laws the mayor made.

B) The reason people elect the mayor or cops is to make sure that there is law and order in the city. 

C) Only way for 6 to be turned into a +1 is if the standard for it doesn't change and if the police vote  nothing happens, and if the police vote yes it does count as a vote.

D) Also the gang talent atleast gives the k9 somthing to do instead of litearlly just being a dog that attacks or eats bullets.

A) If you read again, I added an edit line to law 4 suggesting that the starting money be increased from 30k to 60k. On top of that, if you join the steam group (which there is a pop up when you first join the server) you get 100k. [I haven't verified that myself yet but I asked a staff member and they said it is still a thing.] 160k is enough to get fined max fine eight times if the max fine is 20k. It's also way more than enough to set up a base for meth, weed, procs, miners, printers which in turn gets you lots more money.

B) Which number is this concerning? 6? People elect the mayor but they can't accurately predict what will happen when they become mayor.

C) Can you rephrase or elaborate on this? Ain't really sure what you're talking about here.

D) Not sure what you're trying to say here. My suggestion for the K9 stun bite perk was to up it from 30% chance to 60% chance and to fix the perk so it actually works how it's supposed to because right now it shows as 30% but actually works 100% of the time. I completely agree that the talent is good for K9s and gives them a good thing to use.


Afterthought: [Saiah: "I would like there to be more fines for doing certain stuff that usually isn't fine able, but I don't really agree with the price of it all."]

Even if the fine numbers aren't accepted, hopefully we can still change the names of the fines. As for adding more fines, could easily do that with all the default illegal things and things that should be default illegal that could be added. I have a list.

Edited by Almighty Weasel
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