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[Police Overhaul] By Sheriff Wilkinson

Almighty Weasel

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On 7/29/2020 at 12:23 AM, HIDDEN said:

Holy shit this is the most indepth, constructive suggestion I have seen on these forums in atleast 2 years. Massive +1 to everything you have written here!


(p.s some new perks/talents for police should also be added)

Thank you kindly. As for new perks/talents for police, I ain't saying we have enough already because sure we could always use a couple more and so could all classes but it ain't exactly a walk in the park to create them. From my limited knowledge of software engineering you gotta first work out what you need it to do, you need to know what jobs/class tags it needs to affect, what jobs/class tags it should target if the perk gives an effect to a target (e.g the stun gun stunning a target for longer and slowing them more), then you have to verify the jobs that fall under the class tags to ensure there ain't anything falling through the cracks, then you also need to start actually coding it, while you're coding it you need to make sure you're using the right variables and the right lines and actions, you gotta make sure you ain't missing any important line ending symbols (most programs use ; as the line end) and then a few dozen other things you gotta check. After all that when you think it's good to go, you gotta check through it again to make sure you didn't screw anything up. Then you can either load it on a test server or on the actual server. Then when the server you loaded it onto bugs out and all the jobs revert to default darkrp jobs and you can't change your name or do anything and then the server crashes from an overload of script errors, you gotta restart the server on a backup file from two months ago because you weren't expecting it to happen then you gotta go back to see what the heck went wrong. Turns out you missed a semi colon on line 392 and you put it there and try loading it again. Same thing happens but this time you had a backup before you loaded it so everything is fine. You check again and one of the variables was misspelled. Out of frustration you spend the next twenty minutes slowly combing through the whole thing to make sure there are no more screw ups. You then gotta spend ten minutes trying to hype yourself up to loading it onto the server and you tell yourself over and over again "it'll work this time, you did everything right". You load it onto the server and finally everything works. Except it doesn't because the thing you created doesn't do anything. You get frustrated and give up. Two months later someone complains that it doesn't do anything and you let out a big long sigh in resignation and go back into the file. You struggle to remember everything you did so you comb through it for awhile. You then find what went wrong and think to yourself "How the heck did I miss this? It's so simple" you fix it, save it, restart the server, and finally the thing you started making almost three months ago finally works. But it ain't as good as you thought it would be and you start to drink yourself into a depression because you believe nothing you make will ever be as good as you want it to be. Some time goes by and you end up giving up on developing because nobody appreciates any of the work you do anymore because they always want better. You find yourself constantly drinking and before too long everyone you love slowly drifts away from you because you've become impossible to have an intelligent conversation with and you're an absolute misery to hang around. There's always one person that stuck with you though but out of frustration and self loathing you push them away 'before they leave you' even though they never would have.


Well you get my point...perks and talents ain't exactly a high priority and it can get annoying and difficult to create.

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I would like to say that increasing the max fine would be unnecessarily tedious (Nobody will really care about 20,000 as opposed to 5k) it's moreso harmful to newer players and will not make more people less likely to pay the fines. I'ld be in the game for balancing the fines to be more balanced based upon their severity ranging from 50/5000 dollars. I'm just gonna put a list of your suggestions and what not and i'll tell you what I think of each one.

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

1. First and foremost, create an application process/barrier for Specialty jobs. This can be done in two ways. Either by changing the mayoral campaign NPC in the PD lobby to a Police Academy NPC and creating a series of questions about the CP rules and etiquette. There would need to be a new tag created on the server and Specialty jobs would need you to have that tag in order to become them. Now the reason I say change the NPC inside the lobby is because running for mayor is something anybody can do so there is no reason for you to need to go inside the PD for it, especially when there is already an NPC for it outside the PD. There would also need to be another application for Lead jobs as there is some development I'm suggesting later on with them that would need much higher standards. Probably more rule related stuff and etiquette but also testing what you can or can't break into someone's base for or what you can fire CPs for and so on and so forth.

This whole categorization thing as a whole is what the first few suggestions are based upon. Keep in mind this is in no way police RP and dividing each cop job into different categories would just clog up the F4 menu. Unless you're willing to add a cringe leveling system like garnet this probably wouldn't work out. We already DO have a script I believe that disallows users from playing jobs other than CP for their first 24 hours. I could be wrong though. -1 ish

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

I think this one is pretty easy to agree with. Add a minimum playtime threshold for Specialty jobs and a higher threshold for Lead jobs. This will prevent new players from getting on the server and switching to a police job to mass RDM or mass RDA. It will also ensure that people who do become police are actually going to follow the rules and etiquette associated with police. I was thinking maybe five hours for Specialty jobs and fifteen for Lead jobs. By then, there will have been no excuse to not have read the rules.

Again, seems unnecessary. There's a reason we have staff. Disallowing people from using certain jobs so THEIR RP experience will be lesser (What if they want to play as a cop correctly?) for something that will not even work (people will always find ways to Mass RDM, nothing you can do to stop it) bounty hunter would still exist according to how you are portraying this change to only effect cop jobs, guns on there will still be used to RDM, no point in being a cringe server that has time limits to using corresponding jobs with exception to VIP jobs of course. Big -1 

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

3. This is is important. Currently the Mayor is the only one who can fire any police. How about we make it so that PD Commander can fire CPs and SWAT Chief can fire Specialty police. That way if there's some police that clearly are unfit to be police, the ones who actually want to play properly don't need to sit around and wait for a mayor while the unfit one(s) are going around RDAing or stunning at random or whatever they're doing.

Again, dividing different cop classes is unnecessary and clogs up the F4 menu. Only the mayor should be permitted to fire CP's however I would be on board with the PD commander to be able to accept warrants as judge gabe can already, would only make sense a commander of the PD would be able to handle that. This isn't that big of an issue and seems unnecessary. -1

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

4. Pretty simple, raise the maximum fines back up to 20k. 5k is nothing to anyone now. I fine someone 10k and they laugh it off because almost everyone on the server has at least 500k. Most people have at least 2 million. 20k is a reasonable maximum fine now that people can make money easier and do make large amounts of money quickly. With this I would say also raise the max bounty to 40k but ehhh that's up to y'all. Bounties can only be set up to the maximum fine so making the max bounty 40k would mean that they would gradually build up to it even if you set their bounty to maximum which would be 20k.

Like I stated in my main summary increasing the max fine would do more harm then it's worth. Nobody will care about 20k except newer players who will be confused when they pay their fine for "jwalk" and then suddenly have no money. People will STILL pay the fines it just seems unnecessarily tedious. If you want to arrest someone don't count on them refusing their fine just autowant them. I'ld be on board for allowing arresting for different amount of times besides only 90 seconds ( yes I know it depends on bounty worth/not paying fine ) but it could be a pretty good system as opposed to just inflating the prices. -1

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

5. Alright this one will be continued at the bottom but it is changing the default fines to be more accurate and to fit maximum fines of 20k.

Like I said above I agree the fines should be more accurate and less dumb and increase in price depending on severity. However I disagree with the fines being 20k so I will go +1 but -1 for max fine 20k.

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

. Change the unfun command to an overthrow command and police only. Currently any time an unfun is used, it is never accepted because with 70-100 people on the server, only 20 ever vote on it. Changing it to an overthrow command and making it 75% of the police need to say yes to it give the police the ability to get rid of a corrupt or unfit mayor without the hassle of needing to switch jobs or being corrupt themselves and letting revolters in. 

I'ld say a better system would be a yes to no ratio as opposed to a percentage of all users on the server. Kind of like how votebans/kicks work. I would be on board with this being the system to all vote based things like /demote, that would be sweet. But since this suggestion is not what I was thinking of, rather me elaborating, i'll go neutral Also allow CP to vote in unfun votes, no reason for them not to. 

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

7. Make Judge Gaben VIP only. He has a minigun and he has the power to accept warrants for christ's sake. Who thought it would be a good idea to just give that power to literally anybody that wants it?

I totally agree with this one Judge Gabe has a 1000 round minigun with 21 damage and the same base firerate as a jugg mini it doesn't make any sense that a juggernaut is VIP with a worse gun but judge gabe has a much higher mag capacity and is overall a bigger part of the police force. I am +1 for it to require a vote or be VIP exclusive.

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

8. Remove the breaching SPAS from all police jobs. I didn't initially suggest this one but I agree with it sooooo much. If you're ever on the police and there's a SWAT Chief or apparently SWAT Commandos now too, you know how terrible it is. For starters, all police get a battering ram that does not allow a breach unless there's a warrant or a want. So why give SWAT the ability to just break into any base they want without a warrant or want? If you go in to the PD when there is SWAT with breaching SPAS, you'll also notice that there are no doors. Ever. If they are not police raiding a base, they are shooting the PD doors down for shits and giggles.

I disagree with this but not in a way of me hating the suggestion just think that it's unnecessarily harsh. It only makes sense a SWAT team will have a breaching spas to break down doors, what about requiring a warrant to break down doors (Make the CP breaching spas a seperate breaching spas that works like an arrest baton meaning you will need a warrant to raid with it) this would be a much greater system and is how it should work already. Kind of how you can't breaching spas PD during a revolt I would say that warrants for Breaching should work the same way. +1 ish

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

9. Just found out about this today but there's a gang talent that gives your K9 dog bite a 30% chance to stun your target. However it is currently broken and stuns 100% of the time. Coming from a logic standpoint, it should stun more than 30% of the time but not 100% of the time. So the suggestion is to change it to 60% of the time and fix it so it actually works properly.

Considering this is a bug and would be pretty easy to fix i'ld imagine i'ld say that this doesn't really fall under a suggestion really but moreso a bug fix. On board with fixing this as if it says 30%, it should be 30%  +1

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

10. I have no idea how this is not already added but add the ability for the gang leader to change the gang name for say 5 million.

Eh, why not. Wouldn't exactly hurt in any way, it isn't like it's free. +1

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

11. Alright now before you say "ew serious rp!", this ain't about Serious RP. This is just to give police somethin to shout. For instance as the Sheriff, I shout "Sheriff's Department!" when I'm about to break into a place. Police would say "____ PD" but they don't have something for the blank. So to give them something, I worked with someone to come up with a little bit of lore and figure out where the heck we were. We ending up putting us in Orange County, California. So suggestion number 11 is, officially set Tits Downtown in Orange County. Lore wise. Nothing actually needs to be added or changed.

Eh, this wouldn't really change much. Seems like an RP element not something necessarily that is worth changing anything at all considering you make your own RP elements on this server there is no end goal you could be an orange county sheriff there aint nothin stopping you. Just reskin the PD and talk in a southern accent or some bullshit. -1

On 7/28/2020 at 3:57 PM, Almighty Weasel said:

12. Okay I know I said nothing needs to be changed and yeah okay this might be a bit serious but I think it would be cool and would fit the Orange County better. This one is completely like eh 50/50 up to y'all but if 11 is accepted then for the sole purpose of lore and rp you could also change Civil Protection to State Trooper and maybe change the model.

Whole point is that this is a downtown map. This isn't set in the boonies, or in the city, this is set in the downtown. Where you have police officers roaming arround pursuing arrests, the whole point is it's basically what's intended in DarkRP. Reskinning the models as troopers ETC should be an option but should not override anything. Add it to the model pool or something. -1

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