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I'm being harassed and the toxicity has gotta stop


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Hey guys, it's florhn, back at it with another forums post! Today we will be talking about how I am being harassed by literally every single person on the server 24/7.


It all started when I raided the Don Mega Base!  I was raiding them because I am just normally a guy who likes to raid and get tons of money. Little did I know it was a WEDDING! After killing tons of people at the wedding Doc McStubbins (Head of the McStubbins) tp'd me to sitland and told me that I am no longer apart of the McStubbins. After that incident, many people started to come up to me and say "Why aren't you in the McStubbins" or "Imagine getting kicked from the McStubbins" and all that type of stuff. Everyone looks at me now as a Damnation member and just a toxic guy in general (Which is a total lie, I've never been toxic in my life ever) and I am actually a Versace member. I haven't done anything wrong but time and time again people keep coming up to me and talking their trash to me and it hurts my feelings very bad! I would like for all this toxicity to leave the server. I think it would make the server 10x better and more appealing for all! Thank you for your time of reading this.

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Ok but think about this way you claimed it to be a raid when you knew that doc was there. You should have thought about what you were doing LONG before you just started killing everybody. Then you claimed that you thought the mcstubbins and dons were in a war when I vividly remember attending church with you the day doc and macaroni proclaimed that the feud had ended. Don’t play the victim when you ruined that day for carolus and kilobyte

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Homie since when did I EVER pull up to any church or wedding EVER. I never attended anything. It was YoshE who blew it up lmaooooooo. Also I NEVER knew Doc was there I just raided cause Dons are stupid regardless McStubbins or not!

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Flohrn: rdms his boss and his boss’s friends. Gun go baaaang baaang! Fuck a Don. Dons are gay.



Listen, you clearly made a mistake. We’re not going to hold it over your head forever. I haven’t seen one apology, or sorry, or “maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” It makes it really hard to be sympathetic to your cause when you go into discord and brag about attacking the “reception” at a wedding, and rant about how lame dons are. People are giving you shit because you have become the keemstar or titsrp. It’s not anyone’s fault that you are getting asked questions or getting shunned. You did it to yourself, and if you want to be respected you have to own up to your mistakes. I’m just saying, if “many people” (your words not mine) are against you right now, maybe it’s because you messed up. Either embrace who you are becoming and take the shit. Or make amends and apologize. You can’t just demand the admins clean up your mistake. People aren’t harassing you, it’s that you have turned “everyone” against you.

Flohrn: rdms his boss and his boss’s friends. Gun go baaaang baaang! Fuck a Don. Dons are gay.



Listen, you clearly made a mistake. We’re not going to hold it over your head forever. I haven’t seen one apology, or sorry, or “maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” It makes it really hard to be sympathetic to your cause when you go into discord and brag about attacking the “reception” at a wedding, and rant about how lame dons are. People are giving you shit because you have become the keemstar or titsrp. It’s not anyone’s fault that you are getting asked questions or getting shunned. You did it to yourself, and if you want to be respected you have to own up to your mistakes. I’m just saying, if “many people” (your words not mine) are against you right now, maybe it’s because you messed up. Either embrace who you are becoming and take the shit. Or make amends and apologize. You can’t just demand the admins clean up your mistake. People aren’t harassing you, it’s that you have turned “everyone” against you.


old meme ik.


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Flohrn: rdms his boss and his boss’s friends. Gun go baaaang baaang! Fuck a Don. Dons are gay.



Listen, you clearly made a mistake. We’re not going to hold it over your head forever. I haven’t seen one apology, or sorry, or “maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” It makes it really hard to be sympathetic to your cause when you go into discord and brag about attacking the “reception” at a wedding, and rant about how lame dons are. People are giving you shit because you have become the keemstar or titsrp. It’s not anyone’s fault that you are getting asked questions or getting shunned. You did it to yourself, and if you want to be respected you have to own up to your mistakes. I’m just saying, if “many people” (your words not mine) are against you right now, maybe it’s because you messed up. Either embrace who you are becoming and take the shit. Or make amends and apologize. You can’t just demand the admins clean up your mistake. People aren’t harassing you, it’s that you have turned “everyone” against you.




*meme from a few weeks ago*

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