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Base Building 101: How to build better bases


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[align=center]Base Building 101:

How to build bases that aren't shit[/align]

[align=left]I've noticed that a lot of people on this server (mostly new players) build lower effort bases, and/or bases designed for different DarkRP servers with different rules. However, even seasoned players still make the same mistakes, utilizing jail door props, hunter props etc, yet nobody builds bases like that anymore, that's some old school DarkRP shite, so with out further ado,


The Basics

First things first, you are gonna want to purchase VIP. There are many different ways to gain it, but the best way is to buy VIP tokens, as they go for much cheaper than the NPC. VIP tokens range from free to 1 mil. Any higher of a price, and you are getting ripped off. Alternatives to getting VIP would be to wait for Christmas (ain't nobody got time fo' dat.) Until you obtain VIP, I suggest grinding as a CP, or basing with one of your friends, as being VIP grants you access to Advanced Duplicator 2, and 75 props (you can't really build a good base with only 50 props) once you obtain VIP, you can now begin building your base.


Basing Rules

Unlike other DarkRP servers, the rules on here are forgiving. You ARE ALLOWED crouch bases, and one-way props. You are NOT ALLOWED bases that require special tools to enter (It must be raidable with a keypad cracker and lockpick) you are NOT ALLOWED blackout bases, bases that abuse head and/or foot glitches. Your bases must have keypads on both sides of the door, and you are only allowed a max of 3 fading doors (3 single fading doors, 1 double fading door, and 1 triple fading door.) You ARE ALLOWED to prop block certain entrances to your base, however, their must be atleast 1 entrance and exit from your base. You are NOT ALLOWED to prop block all the entrances to your base so nobody can get in. You are NOT ALLOWED to hide your keypads and/or buttons. Your base must have a clear entrance and exit in and out of it, and that includes making keypads easy to see and access. 


Note: Rules on here differ from other servers, so it is highly encouraged to read the MOTD to get the exact specifics, this is just a rough overview.


Base Building 101: Pt. 1

On this server there are 3 main types of bases, others being a modification of them in slightly different ways. There is the Classic DarkRP base, the Classic DarkRP crouch base, and the Bunziix crouch base.


Classic DarkRP Base

The classic DarkRP most commonly uses the Jail door prop. This prop was good for DarkRP before as you could change material basically so you could see out of one side and the other side you could not see from. However, there are much better alternatives now, like one way materials made of fences that you can shoot through, etc. This base is pretty much obsolete, as it will take like one shot from the blow torch to get through it. 


Classic DarkRP Crouch Base

Similar to the Classic DarkRP base, this base often relies on being so damn dark that you can't even see through the base (Not allowed on here anyway) or, it relies on being extremely tedious to walk through making it take more time for the raider to go through giving the base owner time to defend. The downside to this base is that usually (unless built right) it will take about 1 c4 to get through and the raider will get all your loot. Ideally you want the next base on this list.


Bunziix Crouch Base

The Bunziix Crouch Base is named after the user who built these bases who was named Bunziix, and due to the stylization of his base design, it coined a term that refers to basically all bases that use that design. The Bunsiix Crouch Base is pretty much the best of the best, it usually takes multiple C4 to get in and is smooth as butter to defend. The only downside to this base is it takes a lot of props and you won't have enough to put up shelves, etc. The most common props in this base include the combine fences, exterior fences, and hunter props. You can also download his bases, which are not the best, but they are a good basis for god-like bases.



Base Building 101: Pt. 2

When building your base, it is strongly recommended to use one-way props. These are made by selecting a material (like tsprings) for the side you look at, and on the other side make a material (debug white) and color it whatever color you want, but make sure you have world glow selected. Make sure that when building your base, you set every props color to world glow, as this allows you to see through your entire base, and makes it easier to defend. I recommend to also use the CS:S props, as they are big and can allow for some really neat base designs, also they have creative shapes and can be comformed to whatever you wish.



Base Building 101: Pt. 3

Make sure to pick your areas wisely. There are a lot of areas to pick from, and you have a wide variety of choices. The best area to base most of the time is industrial, as you will have a lot of space for your entities, and won't feel cramped. However, small bases can come in handy sometimes too, though. I recommended choosing houses with a backyard as although you can shoot through them, you can not jump in through the backyard, so as long as you have one way props preventing gunfire from entering and destroying your entities, you should be good to go. 


Base Building Life Hacks

You can make building your bases take less props, and save some props for useless shit like a snowman. 


Washing machine

It may seem stupid, but the washing machines in this game actually provide great cover for a small area like a house with backyard.



Instead of using the ones provided in the prop menu, it is a better idea to search up exterior fences, as those are taller and can help to lower your prop count. They also look cool and are great for compounds and revolt bases.



A boulder is great for a small or even large base. They come in handy so many times I couldn't even count. Whether it be prop blocking certain doors or just making it so you have to climb up your base, they are great.


CS:S Props

This server has CS:S, and there are many props on there that make base building easier or take less props. They are also really good for RP/Public bases.





I'm kind of new to writing guides so this may not be the best, but I tried to make a helpful tutorial for all you newbies. Take care, and stay healthy :3


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