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Cosmic Nova

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Bruh this whole hog homie he is the BEST staff member on this fucking server right now. He doesn't take 15 minutes for a 3 minute sit, he does good work, he's not an angry sounding boy in sits, he cares, This boy does everything right, He doesn't have a weird TUDE half the time, He ACTUALLY takes sits and plays at the same time. BRUH this tmod is flexing on some of out SMODS ngl.

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It doesn't matter how long sits take, as long as the problem is solved, no more issues happen, and if a punishment is needed, then it is accurate on what the punishment is. A sit can take hours if it needs to, doesn't matter how fast he does it, as long as its accurate.

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I'm making a suggestion to draw attention to a very valuable and fantastic staff member, and to hopefully get some love bandwagon going instead of some goofy goobers causing a commotion which hasn't happened. Maybe to get other staff to learn something from him or to get him moderator sooner >3> is that so mean of me?

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Thank you for the kind words. I don't know why the other staff are being apprehensive on this post. Nub is a very good staff member as he was previously. This post will be taken into account when promotions are thought of. Once again, thank you, we are all volunteers here and the only thing we ask for is for players to not be obnoxious and disrespectful.

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