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addition of money making entity's

Sea Bear

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Well yes we are given the option to have a regular printer, mini printer, bitcoin miner, and if you are lucky gold printer. I feel that these are limited in a way and after playing on this server for some time I felt very limited on possible ways to collect money through the given entity's. If you have played on other servers or watched a video you may have seen they have many many options when looking for printers. I would recommend adding some of the following to add to raid bounty and economy. 


-silver printer - https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/970975183277100729/7A31ED5364B773E6B3950A9D3DBADD887C7DFF07/?imw=1024&imh=640&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true

-gold printer (average size) 

-diamond printer 

-Ruby printer 

-Platinum printer 

-Emerald printer 

-Bitcoin miner server(this model is already in the servers data base why not use it)   -https://i.ytimg.com/vi/keFrx5wXHNI/maxresdefault.jpg 


This system of printing I feel makes the game more enjoyable. I have seen this used in other popular dark RP servers as well.

P.S- I know this is a big step and a big change but I do really believe that it would be a good change.

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I'm not totally against the idea, but to me it kinda seems that the only change more entities would bring is turning a successful raid from a one to a two pickup-box affair. 


Just more entities to lug around. :x


The way it's set up now, all of the different money makers you can spawn are foundationally different, and that seems like a pretty solid design choice to me.

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I'm not totally against the idea, but to me it kinda seems that the only change more entities would bring is turning a successful raid from a one to a two pickup-box affair. 


Just more entities to lug around. :x


The way it's set up now, all of the different money makers you can spawn are foundationally different, and that seems like a pretty solid design choice to me.


I see what you are saying but I feel that it would give players a pick and choose attitude during a raid. Take whats best and leave or destroy the rest. With the limit of entity's I have gotten bored looking after 20 printers in my base that give out a minimum amount of cash flow. The economy system is slow and this may end up im new players leaving in search for other servers. If we want more dedicated players I do feel that this would be a great thing to add. I do understand what you mean with the pick up box problem I do often find my self in this situation. I do not feel however that this should be a reason to continue with the current system. I think that we can agree that the current printing systems is bland and outdated.

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Printers, Procs and miners are not the only way to make decent money. I don't see an issue with the current printers they are balanced pretty well and the fact that you only get one means less entities so better FPS. Also the bitminer you listed has already been in the server at one point for awhile and was replaced with a different miner which was then replaced with the current miner.

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